Chapter 4 I, I will try my best to cooperate with you...


Lu Feng watched the excitement with great interest.

After Wang Dawei's girlfriend left angrily.

He said slowly

"Brother, your girlfriend ran away because of you, remember to chase her back."

What Wang Dawei said to him just now, Lu Feng returned it intact.

Wang Dawei wiped his face in embarrassment, and there were still slap marks on it.

"This bitch doesn't follow your script! Why did you beat me up so hard?

Lu Feng asked:"Then you won't coax me?""

Wang Dawei was stunned for a moment.

Then he lowered his hand feebly.

"coax! What should I do if I don’t coax him!"

"What a fuck!

Lu Feng was very kind and handed Wang Dawei a face towel.

Wang Dawei then remembered:"Your partner has also run away. Why don't you go after him?" Lu

Feng was a little confused.

"She didn't run away, she told me to wait here for a while"

"ah?! Why didn't I hear it?"

Wang Dawei's eyes widened.

The brown liquid on his face coupled with his surprised expression was full of joy.

"She said it in my ear."

Lu Feng replied calmly.

The live broadcast room was stunned!

Netizens didn't hear it either. They thought Yue Yixue was angry and left.

【Damn it, damn it, damn it, how could you not only not be angry but also leave a message?】

【Could it be that Yue Yixue went outside to cry by herself?】

【Lu Feng, you deserve to die!】

【Do not believe!】

【Yes, don’t believe it! Lu Feng must be making it up for the sake of face!】

【Woohoo, I don't believe it. If I did this, the grass on the grave would be two meters high. ]

Not only netizens don’t believe it, but Wang Dawei doesn’t believe it either.

"How many years have you known each other?"

With this level of trust, they must have been lovers for many years, right?"

Lu Feng calmly took a sip of coffee and said,"Five days, right?" Or six days? forget."

Wang Dawei:"???!!!" grass!

Wang Dawei’s incredible self-pua:"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"You must be lying to me, you must be teasing me!"

Why did you get beaten up for doing this?

But Lu Feng didn't do anything!

He made it up!

It was definitely made up!

So Wang Dawei persuaded him with serious words.

"Brother, listen to my advice"

"Your girlfriend is definitely angry. Stop being so stubborn and go calm her down quickly."

Lu Feng didn't bother to explain, he just asked

"Why don't you coax your partner?"

"I, I, I will be sulky myself before I go!"

Wang Dawei said stammering.

Being sulky for a while was his last dignity as a man.

Lu Feng smiled and said nothing. As the saying goes, one is light without love.

His feelings for Yue Yixue are not deep, so naturally he will not be afraid of Yue Yixue. Yi Xue.

Seeing Lu Feng's disbelief, Wang Dawei sighed and imparted love experience to Lu Feng.

"Brother, you don’t know, when dealing with women, you have to be groveling."

"They are so delicate now, you have to......"

Ring ring ring.

The wind chimes in the coffee shop rang, interrupting Wang Dawei's words.

Lu Feng and Wang Dawei looked at the door at the same time.

It's Yue Yixue who's back!

She was still wearing the white dress and carrying several paper bags in her hands.

As the hem of the skirt swayed, a fair and slender calf was hidden in it.

Wang Dawei had cold sweat on his head.

"Brother, please leave quickly, your girlfriend is back to beat you!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also felt horrified when they saw Yue Yixue like this.

Let me ask.

An angry girlfriend came back with an unknown paper bag.

Isn't she really planning revenge?!

【Lu Feng, listen to my advice and run away!】

【Don't take out sulfuric acid or anything else from the bag for a second, Lu Feng, leave quickly!】

【Go ahead, I thought Yue Yixue had a good temper, but now she looks like a sickly girl!】

【I fall in love with the yandere in the novel, but I immediately call the police on the yandere in reality!】

【The time has come for Wang Dawei to test you. Hurry and stop Yue Yixue and let Lu Feng run away!】

【Although Yue Yixue is very thin, it is completely different when holding a weapon! 】

Wang Dawei’s nerves became tense.

She was afraid that Yue Yixue would directly blast Lu Feng in the next second.

But it's different from what you imagined.

Yue Yixue walked to Lu Feng's side with brisk steps.

He shook several paper bags in his hand and handed them to Lu Feng.

Wang Dawei:"???"


Didn’t you come here for revenge?!

Lu Feng was also a little confused and opened the paper bag.

Blue and white striped sailor suit, champagne silk suspenders, black silk......

After taking a look at the contents inside, Lu Feng's head immediately shut down!

Yue Yixue lowered her head, a strand of long hair hanging by her ears, sweet and well-behaved

"I didn't know you liked clothes like that, it was my negligence"

"I just went to the store and bought a few pieces"

"I don’t have much experience in love, if you have any preference......"

"I hope you will tell me more."

At the end of the story, Yue Yixue's face turned red.

She stammered:"I, I will try my best to cooperate with you......."


Wang Dawei felt the oncoming mental damage crit!

He was in a trance.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked

【ah? ? ? Have I stayed up too late and become deaf? Why didn't I hear anything just now?】

【Does this kind of girlfriend, who is good, sweet, silly, dumb, frank, sincere and gentle, really exist?】

【pain! It hurts so much!】

【This is even more uncomfortable than killing me!】

【Reported Lu Feng’s live broadcast room, brothers, did I do the right thing (smile) (smile) (smile)】

【Haha, are you showing me a science fiction movie here?】

【Do not believe! Do not believe!! Do not believe!!! 】

Is this real?

My boyfriend watched a sideshow video, but his girlfriend bought the clothes in the video?!

What the hell.

Isn't this a pure science fiction film?

Logically speaking.

It was normal for Lu Feng to get beaten up by someone as big as Wang Dawei.

How come this kid is so lucky!

Wang Dawei wanted to speak but stopped, stopped but wanted to speak.

Yue Yixue raised her head and looked at Lu Feng with bright eyes.

"If you like it, I will wear it for you and only you."

"is it possible......"

Yue Yixue seemed a little hard to say.

He just carefully poked Lu Feng's hand on the table.

Lu Feng subconsciously held Yue Yixue's soft, boneless hand.

Surrounded by a sense of security, Yue Yixue breathed a sigh of relief

"Can you just look at me?"

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