[ This reminds them of the experience of paying for books to boutique bookstores at No. 1 Public Elementary School ! ?

[ The citizens’ opinion of you has declined slightly , and they think you should pay more attention to your image and be a conscientious city lord ]

[ You were quite angry at the reaction of the citizens , and explained the reason to the unscrupulous people ]

[ You said : This is to allow students to learn biology well and become a useful person to society in the future … ]

[ You have said a lot , but the citizens rarely listen to it ]

[ The only thing that the citizens remembered was one of your words : the biology class in the senior high school entrance examination did not pass the test , and they would not be allowed to graduate ]

[ Because of the pressure of graduation , the public’s views on you have changed slightly , and they are no longer resisting paying tickets to the zoo ]

[ But the citizens are still aching for the expensive ticket fees , which has prompted them to have a stronger desire to study , hoping to become a person of status in the future ]

? You feel a little more comfortable and decide to lie down in the luxurious swimming pool …… ?


? December 25th ? _ _

? 7 days until the end of the year ?

[ New high school students and vocational high school students are lining up to enter the zoo . They use their pockets to enrich your financial treasury ]

[ The wealth of the citizens is becoming increasingly poor , and you feel guilty for this , thinking that the price of the tickets is not high enough ]

[ Students of dozens of meters found a white wolf foaming at the mouth when they passed the zoo trail . They were terrified and told the head teacher about this. ]

[ The head teacher thinks this is a biological problem and decides to leave it to the biology teacher to solve it ]

[ The biology teacher seriously thought about the state of the white wolf , thinking that it might have eaten something unclean and caused it to get sick ]

[ He suggested that the physical education teacher take advantage of physical strength and quickly report this matter to the Animal Administration ]

[ Physical education teacher expressionless (mmp): “……..” ]

[ The Animal Administration received a reminder from the physical education teacher , and perfunctory , did not conduct nursing inspections on the white wolf ]

[ The zoo is back to normal ]

[ The first batch of 2,400 middle school students are receiving textbooks in the classroom ]

[ In the afternoon , the teacher is giving the first class ]

[ Fifty students who were in class suddenly felt exhausted , but did not take it to heart ]

…. inch .

Chapter 112 _


[ In the evening , the 45 factory owners who were fined gathered in the Xiaohong Building , and they all complained that they were fined inexplicably this time . They all vomited blood and thought you were poor and crazy ]

[ During the meal , they counted the number and level of all protected animals in the safari park ]

[ And then found out that if wild animals die because of the pollution of the factory ]

[ They will have to bear a fine of more than 20 million yuan ]

[ The bosses of 45 factories vomited blood and gave you the middle finger , thinking that you were too dark-hearted ]

[ For this reason , they decided to secretly provide animals in the zoo with highly nutritious animal food , hoping to enhance the physical fitness of protected wild animals and avoid the end of death due to excessive absorption of industrial pollution ]

[ But they underestimate your obsession with money ]

[ You know their layout in advance , and you predict their pre-judgment ]

[ You instruct the Zoo Authority ]

[ The staff of the zoo administration secretly replaced the highly nutritious animal food that the factory owners gave to wild animals ]

? Change it to rat poison ?


? December 25th ? _ _

? 6 days until the end of the year ?

[ The middle school students took the bus to the front of the safari park , and after paying the ticket fee again , the money in their pockets was clean ]

[ Citizens have decided to use the evening part-time work to earn money to go to school in the future, and study hard to change their destiny ]

[ The five-eighth-seven students from the middle school passed through the animal sanctuary and encountered the white wolf lying on the ground . They screamed and attracted the attention of the animal administration ]

[ Teachers came to the scene one after another and told the animal administration staff that this was not done by their students ]

? Things are sliding towards the edge of getting out of control … ?

[ After the students went to class , three or four people fainted before and after , but no one paid attention , and everyone’s eyes were attracted by another thing ]

[ On the same day, 500 students witnessed the death of protected animals such as tigers , lions , camels , giraffes , and zebras ]

[ It is said that they walked peacefully and the bodies were stiff ]

[ Overnight , almost all the wildlife in the zoo died ! ?

[ TV media and other media reported this incident , which aroused strong attention from the public. The public urgently wanted to know the real culprit who killed the protected animals and exchanged justice for the dead wild protected animals ]

[ Beauty secretary Nangong Xiaoya reported this to you ]

[ You who heard the news , secretly rejoiced for this , thinking that they died properly ]

[ The beautiful secretary, Nangong Xiaoya, conducted a serious and meticulous analysis and record of your expression , thinking that you are worthy of being a handsome and compelling black-hearted city lord , and decided to secretly worship you as a teacher and learn black-hearted secrets ]

[ In the afternoon , you were furious and shouted the classic slogan : ” Losing money ” ]

[ In order to protect animals from death , you ordered the closure of middle schools and vocational middle schools , and ordered Duan Debiao and the head of the Animal Administration to investigate the matter strictly ]

[ Duan Debiao took the dog lover Di Renjie to conduct an autopsy on the lost wild animals ]

[ The autopsy report shows that all animals died of rat poison , and it proves that the factory owners secretly fed some unknown food to wild protected animals last night ]

? You feel very angry ( delighted ) ?

[ Deploy a company of military forces to surround the heavily polluting industrial zone and order the arrest of 45 owners of the heavily polluting factories involved ]

? The media is full of admiration for your resolute performance ?

[ The general public’s opinion of you has increased slightly , and they think that the heavily polluting factories are to blame for themselves ]

? You are proud of this ?


.in the new prison .

.Forty -five suspects (NPCs) suspected of murdering protected wild animals are under centralized custody .

.They are the heads of heavily polluting enterprises such as synthetic ammonia plants , fertilizer plants , soap plants , and caustic soda plants .

.At the moment .

.in the big cell .

.Forty-five factory bosses sat on the ground depressed and talked about their own experiences :

.” God , these wild animals are so fragile . I knew they wouldn’t be fed high-nutrition animal food !”

.Hearing this , the bosses vomited blood , and they all wanted to slap their ears .

.I wanted to help protect wild animals and improve their physical fitness .

.So as not to absorb the burp of heavy industrial pollution and implicate them in fines .

.As a result , Te Meow , not only did not improve the quality of protected wild animals , but actually killed the animals .

.This pot is so embarrassing that I want to vomit blood .

.” What now ? I don’t think it’s possible to go out without paying the fine !”

.There is a factory owner who is now a little confused .

.He was really frightened by today’s battle .

.The boss trembled as he recalled the scene at that time .

.It is said that in order to prevent them from escaping , the city master transferred a company of soldiers .

.run away ?

.Run away !

.He had no idea what was going on at the time .

.As a result , soldiers armed with weapons surrounded the factory and blocked the road .

.When he was arrested , he knew that something had happened to the zoo .

.All the most endangered species protected animals and first-class protected animals are dead .

.The faces of other factory owners were very ugly :

.” Pay the fine obediently , shouldn’t you go to jail ?”

.”I don’t know !”

.” It’s getting bigger now . ”

.” In the past , it was called indirect violation of the law , but now it has become a direct violation of the law , which poisoned protected animals to death .

.” I think , this time, not only will I have to pay a fine , but I will also be squatting in a small dark room !”

.Speaking of this , the expressions of the bosses in the cell changed .

.After all , they were already harboring ghosts .

.Now , things have come to light .

.It’s not shit, it’s shit !

.” Crack !”

.At this time , the prison door opened .

.All the factory owners looked out the door .

.I saw Fangda City Lord, surrounded by the prison administrator , the police department minister , and the person in charge of the wildlife park , walked in .

.As soon as I saw Fangda City Lord .

.As if the saviors they saw , the bosses present rushed over , surrounded Fang Yuan , and then expressed their sincere apologies to the great city lord :

.” Lord City Lord , next time , we will definitely not dare . ”

.” Sir , this time we admit it, you should be fined and fined , we will never deny it !”

.” Lord City Lord , we are willing to be punished , please don’t put us in the small dark room !”


.City Lord Fang Da frowned , his expression very serious , with a hint of doubt in his tone :

.” Everyone , I want to ask : those poor protected wild animals ,

.”I didn’t steal your rice , I didn’t watch your wife take a bath , and I have no grievances with you .

.” How could you do such a depraved thing ?”

.Hear this doubt with a questioning and innocent tone .

.The face of the factory owner at the scene was darkened .

.The heart that was already very hurt felt as if Fang Yuan had stabbed it again , and the thief was sore .

.Why do you still have the face to say ?

.If it wasn’t for you thief putting the safari park in the industrial zone ,

.It also promulgated the Wildlife Protection Law .

.How dare they take such a big risk to feed protected wild animals with highly nutritious animal food ?

.Now , you have the face to question us ?

.Among the factory owners , one is tired , one is suffocated , and one is vomiting blood .

.You are so foolish and so righteous !


.Gas to gas .

.Now people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads .

.A fine of 10 million yuan is nothing for 45 factories .

.Before they were in San Diego and Zaan, the environmental fines they paid in just one year added up to 1.78 billion . �?

.But think of environmental fines .

.Forty-five factory owners suddenly burst into tears .

.They suddenly discovered that Taoyuan City was better .

.There are also tens of millions of fines for poisoning environmental protection animals .

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