Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 77 A beautiful day, the company commander's new trick! (seeking collection, seeking sup

"Revolutionary soldiers, everyone must keep in mind.

Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention”

Under the night, mosquitoes danced around the lights under the street lights on the edge of the playground, and on the lawn of the playground, hundreds of people formed a large circle at this time.

After the news commentary, Quanlian took a five-minute break, and then gathered again and was pulled here.

A happy evening in the mouth of the company commander.

In fact, it is to teach everyone to sing.

The company commander started, each squad leader sang at the top of their voices, and all the recruits followed suit.

After learning it once, start singing directly, sing it twice, and change to the next one.

One after another, at nine o'clock, Wang Ye felt his throat hurt a little.

What a bloody fun party, that's all he wanted to say.

Singing at the top of your voice, regardless of whether you are out of tune or not, just pursue the singing method with the loudest voice, which hurts your throat too much.

Fortunately, after nine o'clock, this party, which was not at all joyous for the recruits, finally came to an end.

"Write all by heart, you can hum while silent, but you are not allowed to whisper!"

In the dormitory, Ye Sanshi sat on the bench.

On the lower bunk, Wang Ye's bed became a desk.

Strictly speaking, except for the squad leader's bed, this is true for all other lower bunks in the fifth squad.

In a group of two, sit on a small bench and write the lyrics silently.

All the songs taught tonight must be silently written.

Everyone thought that the so-called happy party was over, but the pain was actually over.

But everyone never thought that the pain would actually continue.

"Brother Wang, how do you write the seized handwriting? Is that so?"

On the side, Qin Li suddenly spoke quietly.

Wang Ye glanced at the notebook he lifted up with his hand.

Good guy, the payment characters he seized were written in Jiao characters.

"Almost, just use pinyin if you can't!" Wang Ye also gave him a note in a low voice.

This guy, Wang Ye glanced roughly, and saw two or three typos.

For example, the prison to keep in mind is written as labor.

Wang Ye really wondered what this guy was doing when he was studying.

"Okay!" replied in a low voice, Qin Li also bit the bullet and went back to continue writing silently.

The main thing is that he didn't dare to say too much, although he was sitting close and his voice was very soft, but if Ye Sanshi found out, he would scold him at least, and cut him off at worst.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the late roll call began.

After a three-kilometer return, the roars of the squad leaders rang out in the dormitories of each class.

"Are you a pig brain?"

"You bastard, I want to open your brain to see where your brain is going, and what are you silently writing."

"There are a lot of typos and I won't talk about you, and I can bear with the pinyin, but the lyrics are so fucking short for me.

Fuck, get down, a hundred push-ups..."

This kind of sound appeared in all dormitories tonight, and so did Class 5.

Washing time, come on, in the dormitory with the lights off, there are still people lying on the ground doing overtime push-ups.

"Another beautiful day!" On the steps of the dormitory, Wu Jianfeng looked at the many recruits in front of him with a smile.

In the queue, Wang Ye really wanted to ask him, where did he see that it was a good day.

It's only a few minutes past six, it's not even dawn yet.

"You entered the camp on the night of December 4th, and the training started on December 5th. Today is December 14th, not counting the night you entered the camp. Since the training started, today is exactly the tenth day.

The adaptation period for newbies, I think you should have passed.

Next, we're going to speed things up! "


There was a slight murmur behind him.

Wang Ye didn't look back, and it was impossible for him to look back, but he knew that it must have been said by the recruit from Class 6 behind him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to hear the other people muttering.

There was no reply, and it was impossible to say anything, but Wang Ye agreed with his words in his heart.

Wu Jianfeng said so, he must come up with some new tricks.

And his new trick will definitely make everyone uncomfortable.

"Play some new tricks with you today, it can be considered as welcoming a new week!"

With a smile, Wu Jianfeng said so, and after finishing speaking, he pointed in the direction of the training ground.

"Without pressure, there is no motivation.

I have always believed in this, and it is also my motto.

So this morning we continued to do the same three kilometers as the physical fitness assessment last week.

Each runs its own way, and there is no need to form a class system.

But, it's boring just like this, I'm going to arrest a few people! "

Wu Jianfeng laughed like a devil at this moment.

"The whole run is the last five people, and the breakfast is cancelled.

Anyway, I know that many of you did not have the habit of eating breakfast before enlisting in the army, so you might as well save food now. "

Speaking of this, Wu Jianfeng's face became serious.

"Later, the director and I will also participate.

Let's run together, you have the ability to prevent me and the instructor from having breakfast.

If you have no skills, save food.

The army does not raise waste.

Now all are there, turn left"

Wu Jianfeng didn't even use the platoon leader on duty this time, so he gave the command directly, joined the line with the instructor, and took everyone jogging to the training ground.

"It's over, I feel like I'm going to die!" On the runway, when he was sitting on the final preparations, Song Yuejin looked helpless.

On the side, Qin Li also looked at some recruits from other classes who were poor in the assessment last week, looking a little nervous.

In class five, only the two of them were the worst in the three-kilometer run.

"I'm running as hard as I can, and I tell you that the company commander will definitely not joke with you, saying that if you don't have anything to eat, you won't have anything to eat.

Especially Song Yuejin, you were fourth from last last week, this time you don't risk your life, wait until morning to be hungry! "

Ye Sanshi reprimanded in a low voice.

These words made Song Yuejin feel embarrassed.

But in the end, he could only take a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Squad leader, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!"

Wang Ye heard this, but he didn't know what to say.

In this case, I really depend entirely on myself, and no one else can help me if I want to.

"Get ready." At this moment, Wu Jianfeng in front shouted.

In an instant, the more than one hundred people on the runway immediately stopped communicating and got fully prepared.


With an order, Quan Lian screamed and ran.

Wang Ye noticed that the instructor was okay, running in the middle of the main force, but even the long-distance runners were fast and kept ahead, and even Wan Baojiang and others could not surpass him.

However, it may also be because he is the company commander, these guys dare not surpass him

This situation lasted for more than half a circle.

Then Wang Ye seemed to see what the company commander said back.

Immediately, the dozen or so people following him, all of a sudden, one after another, surpassed the company commander.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Ye also started to speed up.

He also wanted to surpass the company commander.

This guy, this time is too hateful.

You can't scold, let alone hit.

Now that we have the opportunity to run together, we can use this method to prove ourselves by trying to overtake him and push him to finish the run first.

Although doing so is a bit inconsistent with Wang Ye's mature heart, he can live a new life, and Wang Ye is now in his youth.

The word youth flows in his blood.

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