Chapter 0103 – Breeding Talent!!

“Lin Jun, why did you suddenly come to the Polar Star Liao as a guest?”

Xue Che Eri Nai asked with some doubt, usually Guan Lin doesn’t like to run to other places, why did he suddenly run to the Polar Star Liao?

“Originally, I planned to come and take a look, after all, it was the dormitory of Joichiro’s senior, and today I happened to meet Tasso-san, so I followed along.”

Guan Lin opened his mouth and said, it can be regarded as a temporary intention, these ten masters came over in a group is a surprise.

“By the way, since everyone is here, there will definitely be a dinner party later, so let’s prepare a dish for everyone!”

Hearing Guan Lin’s words, everyone else cheered up, what is the purpose of the ten masters coming here? Isn’t it just to hug Guan Lin’s thigh? Getting Guan Lin’s guidance must be very important.

Guan Lin was also well aware of this, so he simply gave them this opportunity, of course, his main goal this time was Tian Suohui.

According to the situation of the original book, Tian Suohui’s kitchen heart is somewhat like Liu Pianxing’s, of course, there are some differences, but it is also the kitchen 517 heart that makes Guan Lin very interested.

Now she should already have the prototype of a kitchen heart, so Guan Lin’s target is her, as for the others, just take a look by the way, first understand.

“I’ll have people prepare the ingredients now!”

Saying that, Ruiyama Edatsu also took out his mobile phone again.

“Vegetables are grown in our Polestar Liao, you have seen the vegetables brought back by others just now, the appearance is still very good, as for meat, Polestar Liao also has some, but you need to see it yourself.”

“Of course, if you need other ingredients, you need to prepare them yourself!”

Isshiki opened his mouth to remind him.

“In that case, let’s make it with the ingredients that Polestar Liao can produce, which is considered the range.”

Guan Lin could see that Isshiki Hui was working for the benefit of his junior brothers and sisters, so he pushed it with the trend.

He spoke, and the others naturally didn’t have much to say, and Ruiyama Edatsu also felt a little regretful.

After all, he didn’t have much of this kind of thing, but now that Guan Lin had spoken, he naturally did it directly.

“It’s really interesting that Polar Star Liao actually raised a deer, if I want this deer, there should be no problem!”

After seeing the animals raised by Polar Star Liao, Xiaolin Gentian was very surprised to engage in breeding in the school dormitory, and even raised deer, she really served.

“No, except for the deer is near, everything else is fine, but the deer is near!”

Yoshino Yuki heard Kobayashi’s gentian’s words and suddenly became excited, although other animals are used as ingredients, but this deer is not.

“Well, that’s a pity, but these chickens look good and should be carefully raised!”

Looking at these chickens and ducks in front of her, Xiaolin Gentian was attracted by these chickens, she is a predator, and she has studied these animal meat thoroughly.

Now the quality of this chicken is obviously not low.

“Of course, this is the Polestar chicken that I have been researching, although it is not a finished product, but it has taken a lot of effort from me!”

Hearing Kobayashi Gentian’s praise, Yoshino Yuhime was immediately happy, the polar star chicken is Yoshino Yuhime’s goal all along, and it took a lot of effort to do so.

I have to say that she is indeed talented in breeding, so that the quality of these chickens raised now is good.

“Indeed, the meat quality of these chickens is very good, you can continue to study, and it is really successful, this is a big brand.”

Guan Lin also caught a chicken and checked it, and through his super sense of touch, he could detect that the quality of this chicken was indeed very good.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a food, and the people around this protagonist are indeed not simple goods.

These chickens cultivated by Yoshino Yuhime, compared with the previous Mito ranch, although there is still a little gap from the top, but they are also of higher quality, it can be seen that Yoshino Yuhime has put a lot of effort.

If the research is successful in the end, then Yoshino Yuhime can borrow Polestar Chicken to play a brand, you know, the consumption of poultry meat is quite terrifying, so Yoshino Yuhime’s future can be said to be bright.

“To be praised by Teacher Guan, this chicken looks really good, senior sister, are you interested in cooperating?”

Eizhan Edzu, who has a good business acumen, also smelled the opportunity and immediately came up with the idea of cooperation.

If he waits until Yoshino Yuhime’s research is completed, it will be really difficult for him to seize the opportunity to cooperate at that time, after all, Guan Lin has spoken, which is promising, then it is natural to believe a wave.

Even if it fails, it’s a big deal to lose some money, it’s no big deal.

As a business genius, Ruiyama Edatsu is also very clear, don’t think that you can earn anything, people with this kind of thinking, in the business sector will never think of coming out.

Greed is fundamental to doing business, but if everything in your head is to earn, then greed is too much.

“Huh? Cooperate? What cooperation? ”

Yoshino Yuhime was a little confused, why did it suddenly become to cooperate?

“Of course, it’s the breeding technique in your hands, didn’t Teacher Guan say it? There is a lot of prospects, so we work together, you come up with the technology, and I will take care of the rest. ”

Eizan Edatsu also spoke.

“Alas, alas? Why did you suddenly jump to this kind of topic! ”

Yoshino Yuhime was a little confused, she really didn’t think about this aspect, her original idea was simply to cultivate a polar star chicken, it’s as simple as that, it can be regarded as a pursuit of dreams.

But now suddenly someone is talking directly to her about cooperation, she is a little confused, and she does not understand this matter.

“It’s not completely cultivated yet, so let’s skip this topic for now.”

Guan Lin opened his mouth to help Yoshino Yuhime solve the siege, after all, Yoshino Yuhime really knows nothing in this aspect, although she also chases this kind of rich people’s life, rich people’s enjoyment.

But really let her operate it herself, she doesn’t understand anything.

“Since that’s the case, let’s talk about it later!”

Ruishan Zhijin also felt a pity, after all, what Guan Lin was optimistic about, he felt that it should be promising, but now that everyone has spoken, it is better not to offend others.

A group of people each chose the ingredients they needed, so Yoshino Yuhime can be described as bleeding, after all, she raised alone, and she was still in the experimental stage, so the scale was not very large, and it was about half less than half of the wave of stunned by everyone…

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