Ten case-solving teams, live broadcast room audiences, and on-site staff all buzzed in their brains, and this case was too shocking, which simply refreshed their cognition.

Perfect alibi, as well as murder in the back room.

Any of these can be called impossible crimes.

However, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai used two at the same time.

And there is no preliminary preparation, all operations, in just ten minutes, go to the director’s room, and after coming out, all are ready.

There were no traces left at the scene, and it was seamless.

The only evidence is a short recording inside the film.

But such a small recording is basically difficult to detect.

I feel that this kind of case should appear in “The World’s Top Ten High IQ Crimes”, which makes people a little mentally prepared from the beginning, rather than appearing in a variety show.

The on-site staff are all talking.

“I struggled several times before I could barely get it through, it’s too powerful.”

“I roughly understood how they did it, but I still missed some details myself, which felt too incredible, so blatant but let the case solving team take the initiative to rule out suspicion.”

“Aren’t you their follow-up and completely unaware?”

“We didn’t follow up with the director’s room, God knows in a moment they murdered the director, and it was a near-perfect crime, we simply missed a hundred million.”

Jiang Yingxue thought for a long time, and suddenly asked: “I have a question, your most critical step, let an uncontrollable clerk implement it, don’t worry that he will wait at the door after the director said, ‘I’m waiting for a while to change clothes’, then the director’s words will be very abrupt.” ”

Chen Yi said: “I have long observed that this clerk has a more impatient personality, especially since the show is about to start, he can’t wait at all. Although we didn’t cross paths and he didn’t know me, I already knew him through observation. And the four sentences I selected are straight to the point, even if the clerk says a slight deviation, it will not be too abrupt, the director is the director after all, he does not need to follow the words of his subordinates, he only needs to tell the other party what to do. ”

Jiang Yingxue suddenly realized that even the clerk was specially selected, and these four sentences were carefully pondered, and indeed they could basically be picked up no matter what the clerk said.

They chose to murder the director, apparently as part of the plan, not only because the director had a projector, but also because the director could talk to people without being so polite.

He can get dressed, let people talk to him at the door, he can ignore what people outside say, just talk to himself, change to other people, it will be very abrupt.

Zou Bin also looked at Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, and pointed to “Victory and Peace” that was playing on the old-fashioned projector: “You recorded the recording into this “War and Peace”, it should not be random but specially selected, for seven hours, it was difficult for me to find clues from it. ”

Chen Yi nodded and said, “That’s right, the longest movie we deliberately selected, so that the possibility of being overheard by you and recording is greatly reduced.” ”

Everyone understood that even the selected movies were also particular.

War and Peace, a full seven hours long.

In just four sentences, it is like a drop in the ocean.

Zou Bin did not carefully investigate the projector, but also checked while playing, but unfortunately, in such a short time, he could not carefully watch the seven-hour movie.

Zou Bin said: “Finally, what happened when the window was opened, but the director forgot to close it?” And what is the matter with the table moving, is it really ready to hang itself with the table in the first place? ”

Chen Yi said: “No, the window was originally closed by the director, I opened it on purpose, the chair I used from the beginning of hanging myself, and the table was also deliberately moved by me.” ”

“Smoke bombs.” Zou Bin and Jiang Yingxue instantly understood, and they all smiled bitterly. It turned out that in such a short time, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai even prepared smoke bombs.

Then the other members of the case-solving team also asked one or two detailed questions, and Chen Yi answered them one by one, answering the doubts in their hearts for them, and sorted out all the details.

The program team did not accidentally destroy the clues, and the clues are all here.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that the more they combed, the clearer they were, understanding every step and detail of Chenyi and Zhao Zimai, but at the same time, they also felt that the more they combed, the more terrifying they were.

“It’s scary, they have taken every detail into account.”

“Even the director’s way of speaking, the character of the clerk, the length of the movie, the order of investigation by the case-solving team, etc., etc., are all expected by them.”

“It is precisely because all the details are taken into account that this crime can be successful, otherwise even the slightest omission will be lost.”

“Who said they were lambs before, and do you still think so?”

“I also said that if they don’t grow up as soon as possible, they will have a hard time in the future, and they will be played to death by the old fox, who would have thought that the real old fox was them.”

“Damn, I was deceived by their appearance.”


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