Chapter 0145 – Committing a Crime Again, a Floating Female Corpse by the Sea!!

The first case of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai had just ended for half an hour, and the second case was reported.

And the first time, their live broadcast room started.

That is, directly telling the audience that this is their crime.

Of course, the first time, I cut into the main live broadcast room.

Even if there was originally a case on the air, it has reached the part of revealing the secret, after all, the part of revealing the secret of other cases is not as good as the beginning part of the Chenyi case.

If you want to see the part of the case that has not yet been revealed, you can go to the crime team or the live broadcast room of the crime solving team, but basically no one goes, and most of them stay.

Other people’s cases are just casual looks, and Chenyi’s case is the highlight part.

“Lying groove, it’s less than half an hour since the last case ended.”

“Didn’t I say it before, Chen Yi’s case is already preparing for the next case before it is over.”

“Why is Chen Yi in such a hurry, there is nothing else to do when he has too much time, in fact, it is better to slow down, so that the time for the case solving team to solve the case will not be so long.” It is best to complete the last case at about four o’clock, and the time of the 21 case solving team is only two hours as before. ”

“You think that Chen Yi can’t think of this, he probably just disdained. After all, his previous case, in order to be true and deliberately reveal some clues, he can use this little trick? ”

Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru happened to be free at this time, saw a murder case, hesitated, and saw that no one answered it.

Although Jiang Yingxue is not a professional detective, he is also more pursued, although Song Ru sometimes provokes, but you push him and he dares to go up.

Who knew that after they just took it, they saw Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang also answered, the faces of the two changed, under the new rules, you can see who took the case, but you can not return even if you see it.

“It’s over, I collided with the big guy.”

Song Ru smiled bitterly.

“It’s nothing, just learn from the big guy.”

Jiang Yingxue said helplessly, but she was still a little excited to think that she could learn from the big guy on the spot.

Song Ru hesitated, is it better to give up directly or go to the crime scene?

He didn’t feel that he had the slightest chance to compete with Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang, if the rules before yesterday were okay, after Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang solved the case, they would not add points but would not deduct points. But today’s rules will deduct points.

Knowing that you have to waste this time when you deduct points?

However, thinking of being able to learn from Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang on the spot, Song Ru couldn’t hold back a little, tangled for a moment, and said: “The director will definitely continue to strengthen the case-solving team, sooner or later all professional detectives, if we don’t break through, it’s impossible to stay, go, leave these three points alone.” ”

At the critical time, Song Ru still has courage.

Soon, Song Ru and Jiang Yingxue, Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang came to the place of the crime.

This is an island, and it goes without saying that this model alone makes them all think of Chenyi.

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang were somewhat surprised when they saw Song Ru and Jiang Yingxue, isn’t the current mode able to see who has taken the case, and they don’t give up?

“Teacher Kong, Teacher Zhu, we are here to learn from you.”

Song Ru said respectfully.

“Please also ask the two teachers, give us more advice, if you need anything, you can mention it to us, just let us two be your assistants.”

Jiang Yingxue said.

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang suddenly showed appreciation.

Kong Wangshan said: “Don’t dare to teach, learn from each other.” ”

Zhu Liang said: “This may be Chenyi’s case, let’s cooperate with each other for a while, and after sorting out all the clues, we will compete separately.” ”

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang liked these two people very much, and they also gave face when they spoke.

They took boats and landed on the island.

Although this time is an isolated island like the case of no life, it is relatively close to the land, and it is not difficult to swim over, not strictly an island mode.

Coming to the place of the crime, it was a beach.

I saw a sexy beauty in a bathing suit, lying at the junction of the sea and the beach, and a broken net was wrapped around her body, looking like she drowned and washed up on the shore.

The audience in the live broadcast room, Gu Shi’s eyes lit up.

“Lying groove, this beautiful woman has a good figure.”

“You beasts, don’t you let go of the corpses?”

“The problem is that this is just a simulation, not a corpse.”

“It’s still wheat-colored skin, I like this the most.”

On the body of the beautiful woman’s corpse, a post-mortem report was attached: “Name: Shuiman, age: 28, cause of death: drowning, facial bruising and swelling, eyeballs, eyeballs, palpebral conjunctival bruising spotted hemorrhage, internal organ bruising… Time of death: within two hours Blood type: Type A…”

“Why drown this part, there is so much content?”

Song Ru was puzzled.

Zhu Liang explained: “Drowning is actually divided into drowning and choking, which is the difference between accidental drowning and drowning in water. Drowning, is due to a large amount of liquid into the respiratory tract, affecting the gas exchange caused by death, because the water temperature is lower than the body temperature, skin vasoconstriction, the general corpse surface temperature is low, the skin is pale, in addition, cold water stimulates the contraction of the erector pili muscle, will make the hair follicle bulge, hair roots erect, showing goosebump-like skin, mushroom-like foam on the mouth and nose, skin muscle contraction changes…”

“If you choke to death, it is an object that enters the main respiratory passage or respiratory organ of the human body and 563 is physically suffocated, or chemicals enter the lungs and cause loss of lung function, resulting in the lack of oxygen in the human body and death, the cause of death is suffocation. Common signs are cyanosis, swelling, bruising of the eyeballs, bruising of the eyeballs, bruising of the tarsal conjunctiva, rosy red or pale brown changes in the neck…”

“In short, the difference is still relatively large, as long as you carefully distinguish, it is not difficult to distinguish.” And the corpse in front of him is definitely choking, belonging to homicide. ”

Zhu Liang admired Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru and explained it clearly.

Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru had actually heard similar information before, but it was the first time they heard such a comprehensive information, and they couldn’t help but be overjoyed and felt that they had learned.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt that they had learned.

“I went, it turns out that there is such a big difference between choking and drowning.”

“I thought they were all drowned, and I couldn’t tell the difference.”

“Those who want to drown others and pretend to drown, this method does not work, don’t do bad things, you can see it at a glance in front of detectives.”

“Then this sexy beauty, is it basically certain that he killed it?”

After concluding that it was a homicide, Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang began the next step, that is, to examine the traces of the scene, as well as the relationship of the deceased, and they soon found a very interesting place…

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