Chapter 0147: Who Is Lying?!!

After determining the general situation, Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang sorted out their testimony.

Zhu Liang said: “If what the detective said is true, push the boat out at half past ten, and when the body is found, it is at twelve o’clock, then the time can be further accurate.” ”

Kong Wangshan said: “Often so precise, it is easy to fall into the trap of Chenyi. ”

Zhu Liang said: “Then let’s take a look at the two ends, first of all, the detective I think it is unlikely that he lied, before half past ten, he had an alibi, he was in the hotel lobby, many people saw it, after half past ten, but no, he returned to the hotel and went back to the room.” ”

“When he saw Shui Man, it was just the two of them, and Shui Man died, then he could have been blind at this time, he could say that he didn’t see it, or he could say that he saw it before ten o’clock, which would make Shui Man’s death time more blurred and more beneficial to himself.”

Kong Wangshan nodded: “His motive for killing is not very sufficient, collect money to do things, there is no need to make a murder, if there is a conflict and accidental murder when you want to go back to the diamond ring, it is understandable, but from the situation at the scene, it is obviously a premeditated killing.” ”

“Let’s look at the time of the other end when Shui Man is still alive at half past ten, is she sure she is dead before twelve?” 260。 ”

Zhu Liang opened his testimony and said: “The woman who found her body was the husband of the female painter who was about to have a tryst with her, and the chairman’s wife also wanted to go out to play at that time, so she got on the boat. ”

“As a result, I found that the water vine had been entangled in the fishing net and floating on the beach, and the female painter’s husband said that he would go back to call someone, so that the chairman’s wife looked at it, and the chairman’s wife was afraid to stay, so the female painter’s husband stayed, and the chairman’s wife went to call someone over.”

Zhu Liang suddenly thought of something: “Is it possible, the water man was not dead at that time?” The female painter’s husband waited for the chairman’s wife, and then the water was born. ”

Kong Wangshan shook his head: “According to the testimony of the chairman’s wife, at that time, the water vine was completely entangled in the fishing net, and the head was also soaked in the water, and there was no way to escape, even if he did not die, the female painter’s husband did not need to do anything.” And the chairman’s wife was dragged into the water by being entangled in a fishing net, and that step is the key. ”

Zhu Liang said: “Then the time of death of Shui Man can basically be determined to be before twelve o’clock, but is it possible that the female painter’s husband killed Shui Man in advance, and then pretended to go to the tryst, and specially brought the chairman’s wife to testify, and then eliminated the traces of the scene after the chairman’s wife left.” ”

Kong Wangshan nodded and said: “I also thought so, but he was basking in the sun in front of the hotel before, and many people have seen that at most occasionally go to the toilet, and the disappearance time is no more than five minutes, and to go to the tryst place, drive a yacht less than ten minutes, go back and forth for twenty minutes, the yacht will be seen, if you don’t drive the boat from the cliff to walk around, it will take longer.” ”

Zhu Liang said: “From the first discoverer, the chairman’s wife is also not a small suspect, although she said that she was afraid and did not even contact the deceased, but after all, at the scene, she may have done something to destroy the clues, and proposed to call someone, and the female painter’s husband looked at it, so as to clear the suspicion.” ”

Kong Wangshan shook his head and said: “Judging from the traces at the scene, Shui Man almost had no ability to resist, and was dragged into the sea neatly with a fishing net to choke to death, judging from the dragging marks, she only struggled a few times, the murderer was mostly a strong person, and the chairman’s wife was old and old.” ”

“And the water vine is entangled in the sea by a fishing net, choking alive, if the murderer directly starts, it will not leave any big clues, there are clues that can be erased at that time, there is no need to go back on purpose.”

“And if it is a killing method such as an organ, an organ that can drag people into the sea and choke to death, it is not small, and the chairman’s wife cannot be disposed of without knowing it in the presence of the female painter’s husband, unless she and the female painter’s husband are in a gang.”

Zhu Liang said: “If you are a group, there is no need for two people to go together, it is better to leave one person and make a more adequate alibi.” ”

Kong Wangshan nodded: “Let’s take a look at the others again, and we will not be present to prove whether there are loopholes.” This magnate, he had a conflict with Shui Man, and Shui Man was fine when he left. However, after leaving, is it possible for him to bypass somewhere else and kill Shui Man? ”

Zhu Liang said: “After he left, he came back to the hotel to bask in the sun, many people saw him, and he didn’t have the time to complete the crime.” ”

Kong Wangshan took out a fake diamond and put it on the table and said: “He also has a testimony, it is worth noting, he said that Shui Man returned him a diamond, but the fake one, Shui Man said she didn’t know, and she would talk about it later.” If Shui Man was just fooling him, there was nothing to say. But if Shui Man really doesn’t know it’s a fake diamond, there may be something else. This secret may involve the real murderer. ”

Zhu Liang wrote down the point of the diamond and said: “Look at the others, the female painter and the stepdaughter of Shui Man, painting and swimming in Seagull Bay, the female painter left at eleven fifty-five to play tennis, the stepdaughter continued to swim, and the writer rowed and met the stepdaughter, which is equivalent to an alibi.” ”

Kong Wangshan asked, “Why is the female painter so sure that she left at eleven fifty-five?” ”

Zhu Liang said: “She and Shuiman’s rich husband, the hotel lady, and the chairman of the film company agreed to play tennis at about twelve o’clock, and they had a lot of fun and lost track of time. ”

“By the time they noticed the time, it was already eleven fifty-five, and both of them looked at their phones, and they remembered well because they were late for the time.”

Kong Wangshan asked, “What time did the female painter arrive at the tennis court?” ”

Zhu Liang said: “The chairman is very concerned about the time, saying that she is ten minutes late, that is, 12:10 o’clock, and it is very good to be able to reach this road in fifteen minutes, and it is impossible to turn a corner to kill people.” ”

Kong Wangshan took out the map and looked at it, if you want to go from Seagull Bay to the water man’s tryst point, you have to walk from the top of the cliff, and then pass a path, down to the beach, back and forth in less than twenty minutes, it is impossible to do it, plus rush to the tennis court, it takes thirty-five minutes, fifteen minutes is absolutely impossible.

There is also a very important point, as mentioned before, most of the murderers are strong and strong people, and the female painters are not very suitable like the chairman’s wife.

Zhu Liang said: “There is another person who makes me more suspicious, and it is this writer. He claims that even if Shui Man refuses to authorize the publication of his book, he won’t care too much. ”

“However, I just found out that he actually spent all the prepaid remuneration, and he had to lose money if the book could not be published, and the content of his book damaged the image of Shui Man, and Shui Man had already read it and felt that he was making money by slandering her reputation, and he firmly disagreed, and there was no opportunity for maneuver.”

“The writer’s motive for killing is much greater than he says.”

Kong Wangshan nodded: “However, the problem is that he also has an alibi to prove that before he rowed off, many people saw him, set off after eleven thirty, rowed to Seagull Bay at twelve o’clock, and ran into his stepdaughter, which is normal speed.” If it took him half an hour to row to the tryst site and back to Seagull Bay, then he could become a world rowing champion. ”

They analyzed a few other people, Shuiman’s rich husband spent the whole time in the room video call with colleagues, the alibi is the most sufficient, the chairman is in the garden, the lady sees it, there is also an alibi, the lady is in a meeting with the waiter, many people prove.

After analyzing a circle without a major breakthrough, but it was clearer, Kong Wangshan said: “Either the murderer is an unrelated person outside these ten, or someone in these ten people lied.” ”

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