Chapter 0149 – The Truth Is Scalp-numb!!

“Closed case?”

Zhu Liang asked.

Kong Wangshan seemed to go through his mind again, and said, “Let’s tie it.” ”

Zhu Liang said to the staff: “Our conclusion is that the murderer is a female painter, who set the time of Shui Man’s stepdaughter by 20 minutes, bypassed and killed Shuiman. ”

Lin Hai asked, “Teacher Xia, do you think this conclusion is correct?” ”

Charlotte said: “I have the same opinion as Kong Wangshan, there is no doubt that the female painter has sufficient time to commit crimes, but she is a woman, does she really have that much strength?” There is another suspicious point Kong Wangshan did not say, but I noticed that he should have seen it, that is, the trailing route is a little long, obviously you can go closer to the sea, but it is a long time, but maybe there are too many small pebbles on the beach in that section, worried about scratching your feet and leaving blood stains. This doubt is more irrelevant than the strength, maybe we think too much. ”

Zhou Shuyu said: “If this is not Chenyi’s case, I feel that it is stable, but this is Chenyi’s case, I always feel that there may be a turn.” ”

Liu Qinyi did not speak, listening carefully.

Everyone’s attention was focused on the staff.

The staff seemed to be deliberately selling off, paused for a moment, this time period, the ratings were the highest, and then slowly said: “Your conclusion… is wrong. ”

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang, their pupils contracted suddenly.

Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru, who were about to applaud, froze their hands in midair.

The audience in the live broadcast room was in an uproar.

“Groove, can this still be wrong?”

“The brother was right, and there really was a turning point again.”

“I’ll just say, Chenyi’s case is not so simple.”

“But how can this be wrong, no one else has this crime time, only female painters, who else can she kill?”

“And since the female painter has accelerated her stepdaughter’s time by twenty minutes, she should be going to kill people, she doesn’t kill people, can she deliberately do this to confuse the detective?”

“Hurry up and reveal the secret, what is the truth?”

This time, the staff did not immediately contact Chen Yi to reveal the secret, and said: “Teacher Kong Teacher Zhu, do you stay and wait for the secret to be revealed, or wait for the end of today’s game and then watch the replay.” ”

Everyone reacted to this, there is still a case-solving team that has not closed the case, although Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru are not professional detectives, they can’t help but treat them as a case-solving team.

“That, we give up.”

Song Ru and Jiang Yingxue looked at each other and made a decision together.

Even Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang were wrong, they didn’t think they could detect it.

Since this is the case, it is better to return Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang a favor, so that they can immediately see the revelation, which can be regarded as repaying some of the kindness that they just taught themselves.

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang nodded at Jiang Yingxue and Song Ru in thanks, this case is not revealed, they will really be distracted if they go to take other cases.

The staff then contacted Chenyi, video call, when the result was wrong, they already knew that this case must be Chenyi again, and they were not surprised to see Chenyi.

Chen Yi smiled and said: “This time no joke, you guys really almost detected it, I saw it across the screen, and I pinched a cold sweat.” ”

“Your reasoning is correct, the female painter did increase the time of the deceased’s stepdaughter, an extra twenty minutes, and then took a detour to the tryst point of the water man.”

“But the next point you are mistaken, the female painter did not kill the water man, dragged the water man into the sea and choked to death, she really did not have so much strength, and a careless person may be escaped by the water man.”

“As for what it is, everyone directly watched the secret video to better understand the secret cameraman, and played the video according to the words.”

I saw that in the picture, the female painter and the deceased’s stepdaughter were on the beach, and the female painter took advantage of the effort to take pictures of the deceased’s stepdaughter and secretly adjusted her time by 20 minutes

She looked at the time while drawing, and when it was eleven thirty-five, she pretended to be late, and the deceased’s stepdaughter was surprised that time passed so quickly, so she naturally subconsciously looked at the time.

The female painter quickly packed up her things and pretended to rush to the appointment to play tennis, the deceased’s stepdaughter went swimming again, the female painter secretly turned the time back, and the deceased’s stepdaughter lock screen password she had already secretly seen.

Then the female painter rushed to the water man’s tryst site, but stopped at a no-one place halfway, changed into a swimsuit like the water man, and coated her body with a layer of brown oil, so that her fair skin like milk turned wheat-colored.

Kong Wangshan and Zhu Liang saw this scene, and their pupils suddenly contracted. Zhou Shuyu and Xia Luo were also taken aback.

One of the biggest doubts suddenly cleared.

The audience in the live broadcast room reacted much slower, but they also realized that something was wrong.

“What is the female painter doing, trying to impersonate the water building?”

“I didn’t see it in her clothes, her figure turned out to be so good.”

“At first, I felt that she was dressed corny, but I didn’t expect it to be so sexy.”

“She is about the same height as Shui Man, wearing the same swimsuit, and then painting her skin wheat-colored, if you don’t look at her face, you really can’t tell the difference…”

“But what is she doing pretending to be a water man?”

I saw the female painter along the path, descending from the cliff to the beach, she hid aside, looked at the time waiting, saw that it was almost over, she shouted: “Shuiman, are you here?” ”

She obviously saw the water vine basking in the sun on the beach, and she shouted on purpose.

Shui Man was a thief with a weak heart, after all, he came to this tryst behind his husband’s and lover’s wife, and now he heard the voice of his lover’s wife, and immediately ran to the cave to hide.

Here Chenyi explained, said: “The reason why the female painter has a swimsuit like a water man is because the swimsuit of the water man was given by the husband of the female painter, and the female painter’s husband also deliberately said in front of the water man that his wife is a shrew, and she will do it whenever she is in a hurry, and may even pour sulfuric acid on your face, so if she finds you, quickly hide, that cave, he helped find it.” ”

The audience in the live broadcast room was blinded.

“What do you mean, the female painter is an accomplice with her husband?”

“I felt like I didn’t have enough brains and didn’t understand what was going on.”

“Is this really a little worse, I feel a hundred million points worse.”

I saw that the water man hid in the cave, and the mouth of the cave was facing east.

The female painter ran to the sea, far west away from the cave.

When she reached a distance and the sound should be inaudible, she took out a torn fishing net from her bag and wrapped it around herself, deliberately entangled to the point that she could not break free of 1.0 on her own.

Her timing was right, and just as she was ready, the sound of a yacht sounded, and she lay her head upside down on the sea, her head back buried in the water.

No matter how slow the audience in the live broadcast room was, they also understood one of the problems.

“Groove groove groove crouch, the body is fake.”

“It should be said that when the chairman’s wife and the female painter’s husband found the body, the body was fake, but the body that the detectives saw later must be real.”

“If I go, can I still play like this?”

“This female painter is really a ruthless person, breaking the fishing net and completely entangled in the silk, people lying on the sea like this, in case no one comes to save it, they will really die.”

“Obviously, she has complete trust in her husband, and only in this way can she create the illusion of a corpse, otherwise the chairman’s wife may see the flaw.”

“Although I still don’t understand the whole process, my scalp is starting to feel numb.”

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