The director’s murder quickly spread in the circle.

The major suspense detective forums have all been flooded.

“I thought it was just a variety show, but I didn’t expect that the first crime would be comparable to a classic unsolved case.”

“Murder in the secret room plus a perfect alibi, this modus operandi is simply fantastic.”

“No wonder Teacher Xia is highly respected.”

“Who can solve this case without looking at the results.”

Detective suspense circle people were a little unconvinced at first, isn’t it a variety show, although the publicity is very good and caused a lot of repercussions, but in the eyes of their insiders, it is just entertainment.

While there is Charlotte touting, he may be there to make money.

The capital side asked him to blow, he took the money and there was still a reason to refuse?

With a skeptical attitude, they went to see the case.

Proud in their hearts, they did not look at the results first, but from the beginning.

As a result, their pride soon turned into surprise, then scratched their ears and cheeks, and finally their jaws fell to the ground in shock.

“Awesome, murder in the secret room can be used like this.”

“The scariest thing is that it is also combined with a perfect alibi.”

“Knowing the result doesn’t look complicated, but it’s actually extremely subtle.”

“Often the most bizarre case is the simplest but most subtle step, and it is precisely because of the simplicity that it is difficult to find flaws.”

“This is a variety show contestant, can you make a case?”

“And two teenagers, both only eighteen years old.”

“I just said that Zou Bin and Jiang Yingxue are also there, how can they not solve the case, and even Teacher Xia appreciates this case.”

“Although this case is only a simulated crime, it is worth taking it out to study and analyze.”

“Director’s Murder” was quickly recognized by industry insiders, and even included in the classic cases of major suspense detective forums, and was discussed at the top, even if it was just a variety show simulation crime.

At the same time, the Gusu Police Academy Office.

Professor Zhang suddenly received a message and opened it to see that it was sent by his daughter, saying that a case in the variety show “Simulated Case” was very exciting, and it was very exciting to see if he could solve it.

“This little nizi is also too underestimated me, and the simulated cases of variety shows are also worthy of me to detect? Yesterday, I complained that watching a variety show had no connotation, and today I am not convinced and want to stump me with a case? The professor shook his head and smiled, feeling like he was being looked down upon by his daughter.

He clicked on the video, intending to crack it three times five by two to show his daughter.

At first, he was watching and drinking tea casually, but soon, he was not in the mood to drink tea, and stared at the live broadcast replay.

Since her daughter wanted him to decrypt, she naturally did not cut the result in.

At the end of watching this video, the results were not announced.

Professor Zhang stood up abruptly, pacing left and right and scratching his ears and cheeks, he couldn’t accept that as a professor at the police academy, he couldn’t solve a simulated case of a variety show.

However, he couldn’t see the secret room means if he wanted to break his head, let alone know who the murderer was, and he repeated it again, but there was still no answer.

“Dad, has it been detected? (squint)”

Professor Zhang was not convinced: “This simulation crime is not rigorous, is it sure that it is a normal crime or a joint cooperation show?” Or maybe it’s deliberately hiding key clues. ”

“This is a real simulation, and the clues are all inside, I know that you don’t believe it, and the decryption results are sent to you.” Behind the message, another video.

Professor Zhang naturally didn’t believe it and clicked on the video again.

Then his mouth gradually opened wider, getting bigger and bigger, and never closed until the end. He has been in the company for many years and has been exposed to many cases, but it is the first time he has seen it, so smart.

The daughter did not lie to him, this is indeed a real simulation, except that it is not a real murder, everything else is completely real, and the program team did not deliberately hide clues at all.

Or in addition to the director, the rest of the program group was originally kept in the dark.

“How about Dad, didn’t lie to you, right? This case is powerful enough, and it says that I watch variety shows without connotation? The daughter looked triumphant, as if she could see it across the screen.

Professor Zhang is not hard-mouthed, he is not a person who eats antiquity: “To be honest, I was really shocked, this modus operandi is very worthy of study.” ”

Professor Zhang immediately found other professors and asked them to look at the case, and the other professors were equally surprised, if this case is not simulated in a variety show, but really happens in reality, and lacks other high-tech clues, it is likely to become a classic unsolved case.

“This case is very valuable for research.”

“Include it in the study case study and let students learn to exercise their thinking skills, although they are all high-tech now, they cannot reduce their logical detection ability.”

“Director’s Murder” was thus included in the police academy study case.

It is unheard of for a variety show simulation case to be included in the police academy study case.

After the news spread, this case could not help but become more popular, and everyone was still quite convinced of the level of the police academy, and they all felt that even the variety show that the police academy was included in the study case was too worth watching.

Coupled with the beauty of the handsome men and women of the crime team in this case, it is very eye-catching, and the murder director who came up is also very dramatic, and the blessing of comprehensive factors makes the case quickly out of the circle.


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