Jiang Yingxue and the other four did not know that this case was made by Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai.

The only information they got was that this was a disappearance case, the informant was the wife of the missing person, and the program group of the crime team did not disclose.

It should not be disclosed, otherwise it will be unfair.

Therefore, Jiang Yingxue and others only regarded this as an ordinary disappearance case at this time.

Before, they were hit by the cases of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, but now, they have regained some confidence, because they have solved one or two cases just now.

Jiang Yingxue group, added back two points.

Another group also added back one point.

“Hello Auntie, you said that after your husband received a leaflet, he went out, can the location on the flyer take us there?” As soon as Cheng Ying arrived, he asked the three informants’ aunts.

“Okay, I’ll take you there.” The three aunts were also very excited to see themselves on TV, and the program team had told them that their husbands were not really missing and did not worry.

Led by the three aunts, they came to their place on the flyer.

After looking around, no missing person was found, but Jiang Yingxue keenly smelled an unusual smell, Chenyi stunned people did not use real ether, but the program team used something similar to the smell to pour on the cloth, otherwise, it was unfair to the crime solving team.

Jiang Yingxue said cautiously: “This smell seems to be ether.” ”

Her teammate Song Ru, a mature and stable middle-aged man, nodded and said: “I also smelled it, it should be right, that is to say, this is not a simple disappearance case, but a kidnapping case.” ”

“Then let’s quickly investigate the nearby surveillance.”

They quickly found nearby surveillance, and in order to solve the case as soon as possible, they did not take a closer look, but directly carried out face recognition, looking for the pictures where the three missing people appeared.

This is the outskirts of the city, and surveillance does not cover the whole area.

And some monitoring, if it is broken, no one will fix it.

But after some screening, it was found that all three were in the direction of this location, and then did not appear under surveillance again, and were probably all stunned there.

And most likely, did not leave this area.

Because if you go out, no matter where you go out, there will always be surveillance to shoot.

“Let’s go and search quickly, maybe the perpetrator will not have time to leave.” Jiang Yingxue and others did not stop and quickly began to search, they did not have a search warrant, they could only pretend.

Nearby residents can’t open the door, all depend on the fame of the program group.

Fortunately, the nearby residents are very good at talking, and Jiang Yingxue’s appearance is also particularly likable.

After searching for several people, the victim was not found, and just as they passed an alley, suddenly there was a loud bang around the corner of the alley.

The four were startled and immediately ran over.

But I saw that it was just a group of children playing a cannon fight and blowing up a water tank.

Just as they were about to leave and search quickly, there was movement in a nearby warehouse, as if someone was knocking on the door, and faintly heard shouting.

The door of the warehouse was closed and tightly wrapped with large wire.

“There is a problem with this warehouse, open it quickly.”

Even if you are not a detective, you will feel that there is something wrong with this warehouse.

It looks like it’s perfect for hiding, not to mention the sound inside the locked door.

Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai’s fans were disappointed.

“It’s over, this is the case.”

“This speed of solving the case may set a new record.”

“I just said, this is too arrogant and easy to expose.”

“After the three missing people were identified through surveillance in this small area, it was only a matter of time before this warehouse was found, fortunately, a few bear children appeared and were exposed faster.”

I saw Jiang Yingxue find a tool and cut the wire with iron tongs to open the door.

Here is the alley was originally weakly lit, and the warehouse was even darker, and after opening the door, two people walked out in a daze, and it was two of the victims.

Just when they thought, this case is so simple.

But I didn’t see the third victim come out, and when I looked fixed, I saw a person lying motionless inside.

Walking into the warehouse, turning on the torch, the person lying on the ground had a piece of paper taped to him:

“Name: Duan Yongwei, age: 45, cause of death: hit the head and smashed and flattened, time of death: within one hour, blood type: type A…”

Jiang Yingxue and others were shocked, it turned out to be a homicide case.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

“Lie down, it’s not over yet.”

“It turned out not a kidnapping case, but a homicide case.”

“These two little guys are so fierce, they are killing people again.”

“Now it can be determined that this is definitely a big case of at least three points.”

“Kidnapping two people and murdering one, maybe you can get four points.”

“But if you kill only one person, why not kidnap that one, why kidnap three?” If all three are killed, then the motive can be hidden to a certain extent, leaving two, one more is one more clue, and the two of them may remember what characteristics Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai have. ”

“I don’t understand either, this modus operandi seems a bit strange.”

“It’s inexplicable, isn’t this directly exposed?”


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