Jiang Yingxue and others carefully investigated Zhao and Tang, but there were still no clues, these two people were in exactly the same situation, and it was impossible to distinguish who was the murderer.

They can only turn their target on the kidnappers.

In fact, from beginning to end, they did not give up their suspicions of the kidnappers, but just waited for some test results, and by this time the results had already come out.

What they checked was a leaflet.

However, it was found that the leaflet only contained the victim’s fingerprints, which had been modified, but the kidnappers deliberately wrote so crooked that it was impossible to distinguish the handwriting.

The shock baton and ether were also investigated, but there were no clues.

The identity of the kidnappers could not be confirmed.

Not to mention the short time, even if it is enough time, if the kidnapper is careful enough, these are not easy to leave clues, and it is not easy to find the kidnapper directly.

And their investigation methods are not as high-tech as the police.

“Take a closer look at the nearby surveillance to see if any suspicious people have appeared nearby.” They checked the monitoring before that they directly recognized the three missing people with their faces, and did not carefully look at them frame by frame.

This time is different, according to the time when the three people were kidnapped, they directly locked the nearby monitoring for about two hours and carefully checked. Monitoring is always the easiest and most effective way to solve crimes, which is why many classic mystery novels are set in the era without surveillance.

Once monitored, many reasoning works become meaningless.

They looked at it, and suddenly their eyes lit up, because they saw the appearance of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai from a monitor, although there was no monitoring near the warehouse, but this monitoring distance was not far.

In fact, strictly speaking, they do not have any suspicious behavior, there are many people who appear under surveillance, they are not very suspicious like those people, unlike the director’s murder, they entered the director’s room very suspiciously, according to normal circumstances, this time should not even focus on suspecting them.

However, this is “Simulated Case”, they are the crime team, and they have just suffered a big loss at the hands of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, so they naturally suspect them.

They shortened the time frame further to an hour, which was the time of the death of the deceased, and then their brows furrowed.

Because they were quickly found by surveillance at a nearby café, they entered the café an hour ago, and they are still there.

“Damn, proof of non-presence again?”

“Isn’t it their own hand this time?”

“Is it possible that this time it was not their hands, and there were other crime teams.”

“I don’t believe that other crime teams can have this method, and I have just watched the monitoring, if it is done by other crime teams, they will definitely be able to see it.”

This time, Lian Chenyi and Zhao Zimai’s alibi, they didn’t believe it very much, to be honest, such suspicions were more or less personal grudges.

If it is a real case, it should not be like this, but after all, this is a program, it cannot be exactly the same as reality, of course, it can also be put in another way, every time the crime team makes a case, it is equivalent to having a case record, and the case solving team is naturally more suspicious of people who have a case record.

So they continued to check the movements of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai in this hour by fast forwarding, and they really saw a little doubt from the monitoring.

About fifty minutes ago, Chen Yi went to the toilet, and this time, it was twenty minutes. The crime solving team ran to the café toilet to check and found that it was possible to turn out through the toilet window, and there was a road without monitoring to reach the warehouse.

“Hahaha, finally found the flaw.”

“Call them over immediately, we’re going to ask.”

One of the case-solving teams said excitedly.

Song Ru and Jiang Yingxue knew that Zhao Zimai, who was under supervision the whole time without going to the toilet, had a perfect alibi, and Chen Yi just went to the toilet with her, which can be regarded as a semi-perfect alibi.

Chen Yi is also not suspicious, in fact, strictly speaking, they are not qualified to let them come over, but they didn’t say anything, the show is not rigorous to that point.

Sure enough, the program team staff did not find this problem and went to call Chenyi and Zhao Zimai.

The fans of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai were a little worried.

“Oops, this alibi proved not perfect.”

“Even if it’s perfect, they still doubt it.”

“It’s actually a bit excessive, obviously there is nothing suspicious.”

“There is no way, who let Chen Yi Zhao Zimai let the case-solving team collectively plant a big heel, the case-solving team remembered them deeply, and naturally suspected them first.”

“Now I only hope that Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai don’t leave any evidence.”


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