Jiang Yingxue, Song Ru and another case-solving team circled around, still at the starting point.

I thought that through the monitoring, I found Chenyi’s imperfect alibi, and I thought it might be a breakthrough, but I didn’t expect to find nothing after asking them.

In fact, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai’s suspicions were very low, and the clues on their bodies could not be connected to the scene at all, and they did not show flaws, which did not help the investigation at all.

The two crime-solving teams had no choice but to continue to investigate the warehouse itself, and they now suspected that the kidnappers had killed people, and decided to investigate again whether there was a possibility of unlocking the secret room.

Although this case is different, the wooden bolt is locked by two people inside, and this old-fashioned wooden door, the wooden bolt is difficult to move, it is basically impossible to open and lock the wooden bolt outside, they can’t think of how to do it if they want to break their heads, but they can’t think of it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it, maybe there are clues inside.

They inspected the small warehouse several times inside and out, even the scratches on the walls, the nails on the shelves, the appearance of the shelves before they were removed, and so on.

Jiang Yingxue had doubts about the item shelf: “This item shelf can make the rope stressed, is it possible to use it as a pulley, use the rope to pull the wooden bolt apart, and then close the wooden bolt after going out.” ”

Song Ru shook his head: “But no matter how you look at it, there is no such angle, how to pull the wooden bolt at a right angle?” And this item shelf is not very heavy, so much pull it directly poured. ”

Jiang Yingxue pointed to some nail holes on the wall: “Is it possible that these nail holes on the wall used to nail, and some machinery was made through the nails to open and close the wooden bolts.” ”

Song Ru shook his head: “It’s also unlikely, use them to pull the rope at the same right angle as Mu Shuang, and although these nail holes are not nailed through the wall, they are also nailed quite deep, how to remove them from the outside after use?” ”

“Is it possible that there is some gap, dragging the brick through the rope to kill the victim.”

“But except for a small gap under the door, there is no other gap, and from the autopsy report, the deceased should be lying on the ground, the brick smashed the head flat from top to bottom, dragged the brick with a rope to smash, the angle is not right, if the free fall is pulled by the rope, an impossible head is smashed, if many bricks are tied together, then there should be a lot of bricks full of blood scattered next to the smashed death.”

Jiang Yingxue, Song Ru and another case-solving team opened their brains, combined with clues to think about all the possibilities, and even some imaginative almost impossible ideas.

Unfortunately, however, none of them make sense, and the conclusion concludes that this is a real chamber of secrets, with no possibility of non-violence opening from the outside.

In the end, they had to re-check Tang and Zhao, as well as Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, the basic murderers, and locked them among the four of them.

However, it is a pity that if you lock Tang and Zhao, you can’t tell which one it is, there is no motive for killing, and there is no evidence to lock Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai.

Lin Hai said with emotion: “What do you think of Teacher Xia’s case, I am confused again. ”

Liu Qinyi agreed: “I am also confused, who is the murderer, I think Tang and Zhao are not like murderers, they have no reason to kill, but this is a secret room, and it is impossible for people outside to kill.” ”

Charlotte looked puzzled, shook her head and said: “Judging from the current clues, I can’t make up my mind, there is no doubt that this is another clever crime.” If it were me, I’d investigate further about the nail holes in the wall. Although I can’t relate it to the Chamber of Secrets, I feel that this one is the most abnormal. ”

Zhou Shuyu said: “If the case is really handled, I will examine the monitoring more carefully, the origin of the leaflets, shoe prints, ether electric shock sticks, etc., the criminal investigation can be much more careful than them, but the technology of the show is limited after all, and I can’t reason the results at all according to the current clues.” ”

The case is still in a dead end that cannot be solved, and as time goes by, the fans of Jiang Yingxue and others are becoming more and more anxious, while the fans of Chenyi and Zhao Zimai are getting more and more excited.

“Two hours is almost up, why can’t you crack it?”

“There are no new clues, the feeling of being in place all the time.”

“I think you can give up reasoning and guess directly from the modus operandi of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, they must have used some technique to open the secret room.”

“Jiang Yingxue and others did not consider this possibility, didn’t they have been checking just now, but you have also seen that it is difficult to pull the wooden bolt of this old-fashioned door to open and tie it, which is like the hotel’s anti-theft buckle is buttoned up with a light button, and there is no way to open the wooden bolt from the outside.”

“That’s not basically certain, the murderer is between Tang and Zhao.”

“Isn’t this going around in circles and coming back, is it Tang or Zhao?”

“Is it possible that Duan committed suicide?”

“This good idea upstairs, you seem to have found a blind spot.”

“Stop talking nonsense, who can smash their head from behind with their head against the ground?”

In this anxious atmosphere, the two-hour time limit arrived, and the staff stepped forward and said: “The two-hour time is up, three groups and five groups of solving the case, please give your answers.” ”

Jiang Yingxue, Song Ru, and the five groups that solved the case all had ugly faces.

There is no answer to detect where it came from, and now there is only one answer to be given.


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