One eye on the partition suddenly moved.

The two girls in the eight groups of solving the case, as well as one of the five groups of solving the case, were still easing their emotions and did not see it, but the other person in the five groups of solving the case just caught a glimpse.

Suddenly startled, he stumbled back and sat on the ground.

Everyone else present was frightened by him: “What are you doing?” ”

“Lying in the groove, the eyes move.” The man who sat on the ground exclaimed.

Others suddenly felt creepy and turned their heads to look and did not see their eyes move.

The audience in the live broadcast room also had some sharp-eyed eyes.

“Damn, one eye just moved.”

“I also saw it, and the sweat hair stood up in an instant.”

“Really fake, don’t scare me.”

“It’s weird that the toilet is covered with eyes, and you even say that the eyes move?”

“How is this possible, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai can’t make supernatural even if they are clever in crime, I’m timid, don’t be scared, okay.”

“Why am I scared you, I’m almost scared to pee.”

At this time, the picture here has also cut into the general live broadcast room again, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai have become the most popular players, and their case solving process must be broadcast in the general live broadcast room.

Liu Qinyi saw the moving eyes, screamed in fright and almost threw himself into Zhou Shuyu’s arms, Lin Hai was also frightened, but he was a man and couldn’t pounce.

Zhou Shuyu and Charlotte showed surprise, as if one eye had indeed moved. However, they naturally did not be afraid, but thought that there might be someone behind their moving eyes.

“I didn’t lie to you, just now an eye moved here.” The member of the five groups of solving the case who was paralyzed on the ground, named Liu Dong, was instantly covered in cold sweat and almost peed.

Seeing that the direction Liu Dong pointed to was the position of the baffle next door, one of the eight groups that solved the case suddenly looked at him, suddenly squatted in the toilet next door, and shouted: “What kind of person, come out.” ”

Unexpectedly, the next moment, there was humanity: “Come out, come out, roar something.” ”

I saw the squat toilet next door, that is, the innermost squat toilet, opened, and out of it came one, two, three, four, three men and one woman, looking sixteen or seventeen years old.

Liu Dong was stunned for a moment, got up from the ground, walked into the squatting toilet to check carefully, only to find that there was an eye, the pupil position was a hole, if the eye looked closely, it was integrated with the painting, and it should have been one of the four people just now, using this hole to peek.

What he saw was the eyes of one of the four.

The rest of the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

“So that’s the case, these four people are scared to death.”

“A false alarm, I thought I was going to enter the supernatural case solving link.”

“There are no ghosts in this world, but people can scare people to death.”

Liu Dong was a little angry and demoralized, just now he was really frightened, and he was also embarrassed to sit on the ground, and scolded: “What are you three doing here, scared to death, you know.” ”

The three men and one woman swept Liu Dong, their eyes were a little contemptuous, as if to say, this adult is really timid enough, and he has no apologetic look.

The tallest boy said: “We come first, you later, do you understand the principle of coming first and coming first?” You yourselves are frightened, it is you who are too timid. ”

Liu Dongzheng couldn’t help but reprimand these little children, teammate Xu Yang stopped him, he knew that this kind of rebellious children can’t even be helped, and they can’t help.

Arguing with them is a pure waste of time.

Xu Yang said gently: “It is true that we came from behind, disturbing you, are you here to explore, have you done anything to make a disturbance?” ”

The movement heard downstairs just now should be them, maybe the so-called strange sound was made by them, so that the case was directly solved.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, coming to this kind of place to explore is simply a brain hole, but many rebellious teenagers are idle and energetic, and it is not surprising that they come here to seek excitement.

Just as the so-called reach out not to hit the smiling person, not to mention facing the camera, these students converged a little, the girl said: “I know what you want to ask, but the strange sound is not made by us, we saw someone on the forum today said that there were strange sounds here recently, and I just wanted to take a risk during the holiday.” As soon as I arrived at the school gate, I heard a strange knocking sound, but when I came in, the sound disappeared. ”

The two crime-solving teams raised their eyebrows, and they heard voices when they came? This is first-hand information, if they heard it when they came, they might have been much easier to judge, but they were preempted by these bear children.

However, they saw the news from the forum, it should be sent by the crime team, and the crime team deliberately attracted bear children to come over and interfere with their solving of the case?

“What direction did you hear?”

“If we heard correctly, in this building, we came in to check, and before we checked for a while, you came, you suddenly rushed up, we subconsciously hid, and then we looked at you through this eye, and you all know what happened later.”

The eyes of the two crime-solving teams lit up, just in this building?

Then it is very likely that the person who made the voice has not left, they have not ruled out the suspicion of these four people for the time being, but these four people are not very suspicious, their appearance they have already known and photographed, and they can still check when they look back, and the priority is to ensure that the others in the building will not escape.

The two crime-solving teams immediately divided their work, two blocked the stairs on both sides of the building, and the other two searched the building. After searching the first floor, block the stairs and continue to search, so that the floor is searched up, and there is no way to escape if someone hides here.


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