The faces of the two case-solving teams became extremely solemn.

I thought it was a small case of disturbing the people, but I didn’t expect that someone died, and I didn’t expect that three people died in a row, which already looks like a serial murder case.

This is a good case, worth more than four points.

Su Yilin suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up: “She just screamed, the blood is still hot, if it is a homicide, the murderer should still be nearby.” ”

Su Ruoxia, Xu Yang, and Liu Dong also suddenly came to their senses.

If it is a suicide, it is not too late to go back and investigate the scene.

But if it is homicide, now is the best time to catch the murderer.

It only took two seconds for the four of them to agree on a strategy, Liu Dong stayed here and watched the scene, while looking at the tall boy, and never let the tall boy leave his side for a second.

The other three investigated separately, looking up and down and left and right in the room where Zhang Mei died.

However, after some searching, no figure was found.

Maybe the murderer acted too fast and had already slipped away.

It may also be that this is either homicide or suicide.

They had no choice but to return to investigate the office where Zhang Mei died.

“No one found.” Xu Yang shook his head.

“I’ve also checked this office, it’s a secret room again.” Liu Dong’s face was ugly.

They investigate the office more closely.

First check the door, find that the lock is confirmed to be locked from the inside, there is no abnormality around the perimeter, and there is no sign that it may be unlocked from the outside.

And they only took a few seconds from hearing Zhang Mei screaming to running over, if there was really a murderer, the other party should not have time to lock it from the outside.

In addition to the door, only the window remains at the entrance, and this office, just two middle hanging windows, are tightly closed and locked at this time, and there is no breach in the glass.

Among them, the window on the left is the window against which Zhang Mei was leaning when she died, and a small amount of Zhang Mei’s blood (ketchup) was sprinkled on the inner walls and walls of the window.

They naturally wondered if it was the murderer who came in from the outside with a throwing knife to kill Zhang Mei, but Zhang Mei was facing away from the window and the dagger was pierced into the throat head-on.

And judging from the situation of blood stains, it is also at this angle, blood sprays out from Zhang Mei’s neck, some of which are blocked by her neck body, dripping on the window wall, and most of the others, sprayed to the front, if the throwing knife kills from outside, most of the blood should be spilled on the window wall.

After carefully examining the window, it was also determined that it was closed and locked, and not a drop of blood was spilled outside the window, and there was no trace of breaking and gluing it on the top of the window.

As for the inside of the office, it is even more obvious, there are only a few desks and a bookcase, not even a slightly larger cabinet, there is no hiding at all.

“It can be determined, it is another secret room.” Su Ruoxia said.

“From the clues, the first person committed suicide, the second person committed suicide, the third person committed suicide, if it is all homicide, it is impossible to commit a crime.” Xu Yang said with emotion, his face was very solemn.

“I just wanted a small case of nuisance, how did it become a serial murder case? This does not mean that three impossible crimes are too embarrassing, right? Liu Dong said with a sad face.

“The time to solve the serial murder case is calculated from the time when the last deceased died, and the girl has just died, which means that we still have nearly two hours. And it is likely that whether it is homicide or suicide, it is closely related to the murderer, as long as one of the murder methods is cracked, you can solve three cases along the vine and directly score four points. Su Yilin said.

Su Ruoxia, Liu Dong, and Xu Yang think that it is indeed the same, at least the time to solve the case is equivalent to an increase. And serial murder cases, sometimes the more people killed, the better to solve.

Because the more people kill, the more clues left, if it is really the same murderer, then any murder scene to find a breakthrough, it is possible to detect a series of homicides.

Liu Dong plucked up his courage: “No matter which crime team, three consecutive cases in front of us, it is too arrogant, we act separately, solve the case as soon as possible and earn him four points.” ”

They are ready to act separately and investigate the scene again, there is an old saying in the suspense detective circle, it is not too much to investigate the scene 10,000 times, because even if you investigate many times, you may miss some key information, especially the canteen, and you haven’t even seen the autopsy report.

At this moment, a fire suddenly burst into the sky in the distance.

The two crime-solving teams turned their heads and saw that it was the direction of the canteen.

I saw a fire burning in front of the canteen, and at the same time the staff handed them a reminder: the canteen was on fire. Apparently this means that the simulated state canteen is on fire.

It’s just that the program team can’t really set fire to the canteen, even if it is an abandoned school, otherwise, it may cause trouble, even the fire, they have someone to guard and quickly extinguish.

“It’s not good, the murderer wants to destroy the corpse, and the sound made by the murderer’s remote control really wants to lead us away, and there are likely to be clues left there.” Liu Dong was shocked.

The two case-solving teams quickly took the tall boy and ran to the cafeteria.


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