The audience in the live broadcast room gasped when they saw the simulated corpse on the cross.

“This modus operandi is so cruel.”

“Looking at this, is it performing some kind of religious ceremony?”

“Not necessarily, some people deliberately disguise themselves as religious ceremonies after vendettas.”

“I don’t know if this case was made by Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai.”

“I don’t feel like his style, another cellar death is more like a secret room.”

Cao Jiazhe, Shui Yunyue, Zou Bin and their teammates immediately examine the simulated corpse, and the professional detectives quickly show that unlike amateur detectives, they do not rely entirely on autopsy reports.

It’s about being methodical and gathering clues quickly.

The deceased was about to be burned into char, the skin was burned out, fingerprints could not be collected, and his face was unrecognizable, and the autopsy could not confirm the identity, and the priority was to collect clues and confirm the identity.

Cao Jiazhe, a middle-aged man with a beard, said while carefully observing the simulated corpse: “Although his skin is burned, he should still be able to extract cell tissue, right?” Especially the parts on the top of the head that are relatively unburned, you can even extract hair follicles, right? ”

According to the simulated situation, the program group provided them with DNA tested by cell tissues and hair follicles, which were prepared in advance, but the case-solving team could not think of giving them.

Shui Yunyue is a beautiful woman in her thirties, she scanned the surroundings, looking for clues, and soon found a broken finger by the lake, immediately applied for police salvage, did not salvage the other two fingers, but salvaged a folding knife, from the remaining blood stains basically confirmed that it was the murder weapon.

Zou Bin noticed that there were traces of trampling on the grass not far away.

Turning over the thick reeds, I saw a motorcycle hidden inside.

Take a look at it, it’s a brand-name motorcycle.

Although there are many new scratches, it is generally new.

Zou Bin analyzed: “I have a general understanding of this brand of motorcycle, worth at least tens of thousands, it should not be thrown by someone at will, there is a high probability of death.” ”

Teammate Yan Zhen nodded: “Only if you are afraid of something on the stall, you can abandon it.” ”

Motorcycles have license plates, and finding a motorcycle owner is much easier.

Just in case something goes wrong, they also extracted fingerprints from the motorcycle.

Then the license plate was issued to the police, and the results were soon found out, and the owner of the motorcycle was a young man named Liu Jun, twenty-four years old this year, with a privileged family and arrogance.

After the two case-solving teams collected information about the scene and let people guard the scene, they immediately went to Liu Jun’s residence, while investigating Liu Jun’s recent itinerary and interpersonal relationships on the way.

When Liu Jun was twenty-two years old, he talked about a girlfriend, and in the name of marriage, let his parents buy a suite, although he broke up with his girlfriend not long after, but he still moved out and lived alone.

Girlfriends changed one after another, but never thought about getting married.

Now in a short window, he is alone in the room.

They collected Liu Jun’s fingerprint lock fingerprint and fingerprints and DNA from the home, compared with the fingerprints and DNA collected by the lake, and confirmed that the deceased was Liu Jun.

In fact, if the real verification fingerprint and DNA, it is not so fast, but after all, it is a simulated crime, you will directly give the result after the program group, otherwise for two hours, nothing will be done.

“This Liu Jun is arrogant and domineering, and there are really many enemies with motives for committing crimes, interestingly, including Chen Yi, a member of the crime team, and his sister Chennan. Liu Jun has repeatedly upset their two siblings, and has a lot of grievances. Cao Jiazhe just found a piece of information and smiled.

“I looked at the first three cases of Chenyi Zhao Zimai, with their level of crime clues should not be so simple, this may be the crime of other crime teams, deliberately blurring the public?” Shui Yunyue said that she suspected that other crime teams deliberately involved Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai.

“It’s hard to say now, but whether it’s a case committed by Chenyi’s crime team or not, Chenyi and Chennan are important suspects, this is a fact.” Yan Zhen said.

Zou Bin said: “Investigate their sisters and brothers immediately, of course, in order to avoid the crime team deliberately confusing the public, we cannot relax the investigation of other suspects and investigate according to normal cases.” ”

They were methodical and immediately split up.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed.

“It’s worthy of being a professional detective, it’s so methodical.”

“Although I don’t see a particularly powerful place at present, but it’s really too professional, and the general case-solving team sees the body that can’t be verified, I’m afraid it will be busy for half a day, but they not only confirmed the identity of the deceased in half an hour, but also locked the suspect and planned a follow-up investigation.”

“Chen Yi and his sister turned out to be suspects, is this their case?”

“I think it shouldn’t be, if Chen Yi’s case would leave such an obvious clue.”

“It’s hard to say, for example, the first director’s murder, they were directly filmed by surveillance, the clues are not obvious? Sometimes he likes to stand in front of you, but you can’t condemn. ”

“In other words, someone dares to bully Chen Yi, is he really not afraid of death?”

“That was before, look at him now as a mock victim.”


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