Chapter 0085 – The Devil Coach in Alice’s Mouth!!

Like Si Yingshi, the other ten masters also made invitations and exchanged contact information, and Guan Lin also accepted them all, anyway, these contact information he got was indeed terrifying.

Over the years, there are enough contact information obtained from Huaxia, but many of them are politely held and have never been contacted.

After leaving, everyone came to the accommodation place that Yuanyue had prepared for Guan Lin, which was a villa.

That’s right, Yuanyue’s dormitory is also divided into different grades, and the students of the Shijie level live in villas, not ordinary dormitories.

The same is true of Guan Lin, and according to Erina, this place has just been built this year.

The various arrangements inside are also readily available, and there are all the things that should be there, which belongs to the kind of direct bag check-in.

“Erina, contact Mito and let her come.”

Guan Lin said that now he still needs to teach Mito Yumei to get started, and then he will train slowly.

As long as she is not lazy and cooperates with her talent, her achievements are destined to be low, and as for another potion that enhances the sense of touch, that thing also needs to wait for a while.

Although the other party can be said to be her own little fan, let’s talk about it after a while, now these are enough for her to learn.

After hearing Guan Lin’s words, without waiting for Erina, Shinto Scarlet directly contacted Mito Yumei, after all, this kind of thing has always been done by her.

Mito Yumei, who received the call, did not delay in the slightest, and immediately left the matter at hand and went to school.

There is no nonsense in her family, although this ranch will be taken over by Mito Yumei in the future, but compared to managing the ranch, there is no doubt that holding Guan Lin’s lap is the most important thing now.

In this way, Mito Yumei also came all the way to Guanlin’s villa.

After that, Guan Lin handed over the prepared things to Mito Yumei, and explained the basic things of the explanation, and then it was time for the water mill.

This is not something that can be said clearly in a few words, and Guan Lin also needs to guide the other party’s movements after that.

These actions cannot be deformed, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced, and the work will be doubled.

“This kind of training is really enough… Terrifying! ”

Mito Yumei was also shocked after getting the class schedule that Guan Lin made, is such training really normal?

And those training things, it doesn’t look like normal training.

“Don’t worry, I’ve experienced these trainings with Alice and Crimson all of them, so there won’t be a problem.”

Erina, who was also aware of what Mito Yumei was thinking, after all, they were all from the past and had experienced the teachings of Guan Lin, the devil coach, so they naturally knew what the situation was.

“I… Find out, I’ll work hard! ”

Hearing that everyone here has experienced, Mito Yumei no longer thinks about other things, since everyone can do it, why can’t she do it, she knows that her cooking skills are not as good as others, but she does not feel that she will lose to others in terms of hard work.

But the training did not start today, after all, it was already late, and the training began the next morning.

“Mito, be mentally prepared, Lin Jun will become a devil coach when teaching others!”

After dinner, Alice tapped Mito on the shoulder as she left, throwing out something that made Mito Yumei a little frightened.

“This… Probably not, Lord Guan Lin is still very easygoing! ”

Mito Yumei felt that it should be unlikely, after all, Guan Lin gave people a feeling of being quite easygoing, there was no shelf at all, and staying with Guan Lin would not be restrained.

“Usually Lin Jun is indeed like this, but once you enter the teaching mode, you will become a super devil trainer, believe me, after all, I have experienced it.”

Alice said matter-of-factly.

“I can also prove that once he enters the role of teaching students, Lin Jun will become meticulous, and it is really no problem to call him a devil coach.”

Recalling the time when she studied with Guan Lin, Shinto Crimson also had a cold war, and if it weren’t for the subsequent medicinal bath attraction, she felt that she should not be able to survive.

That kind of training intensity is terrifying, and Guan Lin will definitely not release water, just like a robot, will only execute this procedure.

“Really… It’s true? ”

Under the bombardment of the two, Mito’s heart began to waver, she knew the character of Shinto Scarlet, if Alice would also prank and deceive her, then Shinto Scarlet would definitely not…

“Lin Jun is more strict when teaching others, but don’t worry, you will definitely survive, as for the reason, you will know after tomorrow’s training.”

Erina, who ends up playing a dumb riddle, is a riddler’s behavior that makes Mito uncomfortable.

But several people here have a higher status than herself, and she really can’t ask, so she can only hold her worries and questions and leave.

Seeing this scene, Alice couldn’t help but smile, although she said the truth, but she really said it with a mischievous mentality, not surprisingly, Mito Yumei should have a hard time falling asleep tonight.

After that, everyone also went back to their respective homes, Erina, and Shinto Rina had their own residence, as did Alice, who was the residence of Sekibayashi and Saki.

So naturally they can’t stay here.

In this way, the time came the next morning, and the training place was placed in the cooking building of Erina, which was previously only used by Erina, Erina and Shinto.

But now there are more Guan Lin and others.

Guan Lin didn’t bother to look for other places, anyway, this place is big enough, so he naturally came here too.

When everyone saw Mito Yumei 0.8, they couldn’t help but smile, at this moment Mito Yumei had two big dark circles, it was obvious that he didn’t sleep well last night.

Who called this one to either scare people or be riddlers? This eventually led to such a result.

However, the training will not be stopped, but it is just that I did not sleep well, and it did not hinder the training at all.

Soon, Mito Yumei finally saw what a devil coach is.

“It’s worthy of Lin Jun, every time I enter this form, it makes people feel a little scared.”

Although he was not the object of teaching, seeing Guan Lin like this, everyone couldn’t help but remember the scene when Guan Lin taught him.

Including Shaqi couldn’t help but nodded, after all, she had been following Guan Lin at that time, so she had also seen the skills of the devil coach, and she had a deep understanding of this…

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