Ten case-solving teams, their heads were a little confused.

Three points were deducted as soon as they came, and three points were deducted from ten crime solving teams together.

This is something they never expected before the game.

Originally thought that they were professional, but the crime team was randomly selected, and solving the case was estimated to be easy for them, but I didn’t expect that the first case would let ten case-solving teams plant a big heel fight together.

Host Lin Hai exclaimed: “Unexpectedly, the crime team came up to murder the director, and ten case-solving teams investigated together, but they couldn’t solve the case.” ”

Liu Qinyi was extremely curious: “Which crime team did it and how did it happen?” I am still confused in my head, and I don’t understand the situation at all. ”

Zhou Shuyu shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Don’t say it’s you, I’m also a little confused.” ”

Charlotte was still pondering and did not speak.

Jiang Yingxue couldn’t wait to ask: “We need to know the answer, who is the real murderer, if the explanation does not make sense or the photographer accidentally destroys the scene and leads to the lack of clues, then we are not convinced.” ”

Some case-solving teams said unwillingly: “It’s the director’s suicide, what is the motive for suicide?” If the motive for suicide is far-fetched, then we don’t admit it. ”

Obviously, now, they are still not convinced, Jiang Yingxue suspects that the cameraman who followed the camera accidentally destroyed the scene, resulting in a lack of clues, otherwise it would not make sense.

The case-solving team that thinks it is suicide is suspicious, perhaps the motive given by the crime team for the director’s suicide is very far-fetched and unreasonable, so they can’t find it.

At this time, the “dead” director Xie Kui finally took the scarf around his neck and walked to the front of the camera, and the crime solving team and the audience in the live broadcast room were staring at him.

Director Xie Kui touched his neck, seemed to be slightly uncomfortable, coughed lightly twice, and said: “Let me announce the answer, first of all, I am the suicide solving team, no need to be excited or unwilling, let alone worry that we will give a very far-fetched suicide motive that makes you unconvinced, because you are wrong, I am not suicide but homicide.” ”

The eight case-solving teams who determined that the director was suicidal shrank their pupils one after another.

Jiang Yingxue and Zou Bin’s group, as well as Charlotte and Zhou Shuyu, couldn’t help but narrow their eyes, they were more inclined to the director was homicide, but they couldn’t help but be shocked when they really heard this result, because he killed means that it was really a secret room murder, and the means were so clever that they couldn’t detect it at all.

The audience in the live broadcast room was in an uproar again.

“Lying groove, is it really homicide?”

“If he kills, it is really a murder in the secret room, how did he do it?”

“If it is suicide, then this case is purely using the psychology that the case-solving team feels that it is impossible to be so simple, but if it is homicide, it is really awesome.”

“If he really kills, then the crime-solving team will not complain.”

Jiang Yingxue was about to ask who the murderer was, but he was preempted by Zou Bin, and he was also very excited, and couldn’t wait to ask: “Director, who is the real murderer.” ”

Everyone at the scene stared directly at the director, and the audience in the live broadcast room also pricked up their ears, and their curiosity was about to explode.

Xie Kui did not sell the pass, and said with a smile: “It is estimated that no one guessed that they were murderers, because you have perfectly eliminated them as suspects, and far away in front of you, it is Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai.” ”

Chen Yi on the side looked calm, but finally showed a hint of a smile, and Zhao Zimai finally couldn’t suppress it, and excitedly clenched his fists.

The ten case-solving teams only felt that their brains boomed, and their brains were blank.

Xia Luo and Zhou Shuyu in the commentary table in the live broadcast room suddenly stood up.

All eyes brushed to look at Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, and their faces were as if they had seen a ghost.

How could it be them, they have a perfect alibi, ten crime solving teams want to break their heads, they can’t think of what is going on, and even wonder if the director said something wrong.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked by this result.

First ten case-solving teams failed, then learned that it was homicide, and then learned that Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai were the real murderers, this wave of three consecutive times, so that everyone could not accept it for a while.

There was silence for a full three seconds before it suddenly boiled.

“I heard right, Chen Yi Zhao Zimai is the murderer?”

“Our initial suspicion turned out to be right?”

“How is it possible, don’t they have a perfect alibi?”

“When they left, wasn’t the director still alive, the surveillance captured, they didn’t approach the director’s room again, and it was a secret room, how to lock it after killing?”


“I’m afraid ten seconds won’t work, I can’t understand it.”

“I can’t believe it, did the director make a mistake?”

“The director is a victim, how can he be wrong?”

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