Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 2, The Doubts From The Bear King, Support Ron's Election!

"Then let's make a movie too..."

"What to shoot?"

"The Years I Was President"

Isn't it just marketing your own image, just like anyone else.

"I understand. I will immediately contact the screenwriter and the team, and strive to start filming tomorrow, and it will be released in half a month at most."

Ron owns Ermao's largest film and television company and theater chain.

Make a movie by yourself, that minute thing.

"Well, you go and prepare."

Eva bit her red lips gracefully, and suddenly blushed and whispered, "Sir, tonight..."

She waited for a certain moment, has waited too long.

If Ron nods now, she'll strip herself naked in no time and put it in Ron's mouth for him to taste.

"Cough... Eva, the revolution has not yet succeeded, we still need to work hard."

"Next time, next time..."

Hearing this incident again, Ron was embarrassed, had a headache and felt helpless.

Being rejected by him, Eva's eyes were full of disappointment. She couldn't figure out why Ron wasn't interested in her because she was such a beautiful woman and could have whatever she wanted.

"Sir, don't you have a problem there?"

Eva is definitely a stunner in the world, compared to those most sexy and beautiful female stars in Hollywood, she is not inferior at all.

But how many times she hinted at it, and today she even made it clear, Ron didn't even open her mouth.

If you don't move, I can move by myself, you don't even want to.

Eva seriously doubts that there is something wrong with Ron.

"It's nonsense, it's just that the time has not come yet, wait a little longer, I will eat you sooner or later!"

The most taboo thing for a man is to be told no by a woman.

Ron stood up and pushed Eva against the table, making Eva's face rosy and her eyes watery.

"I'm waiting for you."

Eva ran away in a panic.

Ron sighed.

"Just wait for twenty days, that's all."

Two years ago, Ron turned on a system, but the condition for the system to turn on was that he had to abstain from sex for two years.

This made Ron very angry, but considering the system, he endured it.

Looking at the picture in front of me, there are only 20 days left.

As long as the time is up, it can be completely relaxed.

"I hope you can surprise me."


Big hair.

The capital is Moscow.


The bear's great emperor has been in a bad mood recently.

Because he sent Ermao to support the presidential candidates, the whole army was wiped out.

these years,

Under the instigation of Eagle Sauce and John Bull and other countries, Er Mao, who was originally the younger brother of the big brother, became more and more dissatisfied with the big brother.

He even made a lot of moves that made the emperor very dissatisfied.

The emperor knew that if he left it alone, Ermao would one day become a serious problem for his confidantes.

So in order to solve this serious problem, the emperor decided to support the bear-loving person to become the president.


He secretly supported several people to run for office.

As a result, these people were all dismissed.

"What's the situation over there now, has the advisory team analyzed it, and who has a better chance of winning?"

The majestic and terrifying emperor questioned the head of the KGB under him.

The person in charge was very nervous in the face of the emperor's calm and prestige.

"Your Excellency, now Ermao's side, there are three people who have entered the final voting process."

"One is the former President Shenke, he is a family of political figures in the Ermao tradition. You should know that he has quite a few criticisms about your targeting in recent years. If..."

"I know all of these, let's talk about the next one."

The emperor interrupted him with a wave of his hand, he was too familiar with Shenke, this is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

After giving him so many benefits, he was still fooled by Eagle Sauce and John Bull to fight against him.

The emperor said to himself: "Shenko is a stupid person. This time he has a small chance of winning, so he should not be elected."

A short-sighted person who only cares about immediate benefits to enrich his own pockets, and the people of Ermao are not fools, so it would be strange to choose him.

"You are right. Now our advisory group believes that the person with the greatest chance of winning is Sky."

"Sky?" The emperor frowned. This person got up suddenly, and the KGB had investigated his background.

Jewish, gargoyle grew up.

With these two points alone, it goes without saying that he must be a puppet supported by Ying Jiang.

"Yes, it's Sky, who was investigated by the KGB. He was originally just an ordinary comedian, but later made a comedy called "The Servant of Life", which is very popular among Ermao folks."

"This time, participating in the presidential election seems to be an accident, but in fact, the result of our investigation is that the Jews and the eagle sauce are behind all this manipulation."

"We think that the probability of Ski's winning this time is 70%. If there is no accident, it will be him."

The person in charge will report the results of the investigation and the final analysis results.

"It's not a good thing for us."

With Ski's election, the emperor could have imagined that in the next few years, under his leadership, Ermao, the little brother, would definitely provoke him constantly.

A puppet supported by Jews and Ying Jiang, if you expect him to treat Da Mao well, that would be too funny.

"Is there not one more person?"

All the people he supported were defeated, so the emperor had other ideas.

"There is another person. After analysis by our advisory team, we think his chance of winning is less than 10%."

"Oh? Is it so low?"

It was a surprise.

"Yes, because this person is from the Dragon Kingdom, and he was originally a businessman, and he was only twenty-six years old."


This surprised the emperor.

A native of Longguo, twenty-six years old.

He went so far as to participate in Ermao's presidential election, and even entered the final voting stage.

"Give me his information."

The relationship between Longguo and Damao has entered a honeymoon period under the efforts of the emperor in recent years.

For many years in the past, the great emperor wanted to join the West Treaty Organization, to become one with these European countries, to become a brother country, and to revive Da Mao. ,

So he chose to stay away from Longguo.

Later, the emperor found out that he had been tricked, and these Western countries had no intention of accepting him at all.

Just like guarding against thieves, he only knows how to extract benefits from Da Mao and spend the least amount of money to buy Da Mao's natural gas and oil.

In a rage, the emperor stopped playing with these people, so he turned around and began to repair relations with Longguo.

And in the past few years, under the situation of Yingjiang's coquettish operation and sanctions on Longguo, the relationship between Longguo and Yingjiang has fallen into a freezing point.

The relationship between Da Mao and Long Kingdom has developed unprecedentedly, and it has directly entered the honeymoon period, the country of brothers.

A native of Longguo, participated in Ermao's presidential campaign.

It just happened that I didn't notice this person before.

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