Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 24, The Latest Poll, The Support Rate Has Soared!

So Fia was a smart woman, and she knew very well that after today, starting tomorrow morning, Ron's approval ratings would begin to climb at a frightening rate.

At first, everyone was not optimistic about his election as president, but now with the influence of this movie.

Things are starting to change.

She clearly knew that Ron hated the oligarchs.

Once he is elected president, he will definitely wipe out all the oligarchs in the country immediately.

Including her grandpa.

So she was scared, if that time came, then she and Ron would be enemies.

There will never be any possibility of two people being together in their lifetime.

She doesn't want this to happen, so she wants a promise from Ron.

But Ron didn't give her this promise, because after he was elected, the first thing he wanted to eliminate were the domestic oligarchs who were above the law.

Even in itself, Ron himself is an oligarch.

That's what politics is all about, it's always about self-interest.

The party that fails must be purged.

"Sorry, Miss Sofia, it's not something I can decide, it's up to your grandfather, Mr. Peter Via, what to do."

After watching the movie, Ron drove Sofia home by himself.

When she got to her door, Sofia got out of the car and watched Ron drive away, her lips were pursed, her heart was very complicated.

Back home, looking at the room next door, grandfather and those Jewish oligarchs were still talking happily.

So Fia shook her head, afraid that they wouldn't be able to laugh when they got up tomorrow.

In fact, there is no need to wait until tomorrow.

The Ivanka Group invites all people in the country to watch movies for free. Peter Via and the Jewish oligarchs have long known about such a big event.

But they didn't take it seriously.

They thought that it was just a movie, and that Ron just had money and no place to spend it, and they wanted to use this method to win over the public's support.

It's just fantastic.


When the results of the polls came out the next day.

Peter Via and the Jewish oligarchs, as well as Shenko and the Russian oligarchs behind him, couldn't sit still.

Because the latest poll results show that.

Shenke: 4% approval rate

Ski: 45% support

Ron: 50% approval rate


Peter Via slammed the result on the table, he couldn't believe it, just one night passed.

Why did the results change so much.


That Ron, whose approval rating was only in the 20s yesterday, has reached 50% today.


Ski's approval rating of 70% will drop by 25 points overnight.

all of these,

Why exactly.

In the study, Peter Via's face was terribly serious. Those who are familiar with him know that it is the endless anger accumulated in his heart: "Gentlemen, who can tell me what happened?"

Sky frowned, and he couldn't believe why his approval rating dropped so much this night.

"Could it have something to do with that movie?"

Starting last night, Ron invited people across the country to watch movies.

When they learned about it yesterday, they didn't care much.

Now it seems that the reason for such a big change is entirely related to that movie.

Peter Via thought it made sense.


He immediately asked people to think of a way to bring the movie over. They had to take a good look at the content of the movie, which could change the minds of the people in one night.

As an oligarch, there are naturally many ways to get the original film.

Just two hours later, the original film showed up at Peter Via's home.

After Peter Via and the oligarchs watched it, they all fell silent.

"It seems that our previous imaginary enemy has always been wrong. This Ron is simply too scary."

Peter Via had never regarded Ron as a competitor before.

Because in his heart, he always believed in one truth.


No matter how Ermao's president is elected, he must be a white-skinned race.

Not an Asian.

He believes that the people will never elect an Asian to be president.

But now,

He found that he was a little wrong.

He couldn't figure out why Ron's approval rating was so high now.

Do these people have shit in their minds, knowing that Ron is an Asian, and they still support him as president.

In fact, there is a problem that Peter Via did not think clearly.

If the people's lives are good, they will never elect an Asian president, no matter how good the Asian is.


When the lives of the people have entered extreme poverty.

At this time, they don't care who will be president at all.

What they care about is who is the president and can make their lives better.


The public supported Ski, after all, his speeches and public performances all the time showed a very first look, and his slogans were resounding.

His acting skills are good, and he has made various promises, so the people support him and want him to give it a try.


Since the film shot by Ron was released, people have learned about the hypocrisy of politicians from the film.


The slogans promised by those politicians before the election are even more hypocritical.

They found out inwardly that Sky was just like the former president in Ron's movie, full of hypocritical lies, and in the end it was only for his own benefit.

Instead of supporting such a politician, it would be better to support someone like Ron who has great ability to be president.

After all, in Ermao, Ron's name is a household name.

In six years, they have created a huge business empire.

If he becomes president, he will definitely be more reliable than Sky. This is the trust brought by ability.

This is something that Sky will never be able to achieve.

After watching the movie, Peter Via sat alone in the room thinking for several days before he finally figured out the problem.

But by the time he figured it out, it was too late.

Seven days later, there are only seven days left before the presidential vote.

Seven days later, the three presidential candidates will give public speeches on the Ermao state channel NTA.

After the speeches, the citizens began to vote.

And on this day, Ron's system was officially activated.

[Ding, it was detected that the host is participating in the presidential election, and the system has been modified to a presidential dictatorship system. 】

[Release the first mission, please win the presidential election, be elected President Ermao, and reward the design blueprint of the new sixth-generation su-45 fighter. 】

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