Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 36, Why Don't You Fight First To Prove Who Is The Best!

"What should you do? Mr. Ron? Haha..."

Seeing that Ron was going to give a speech, Ski, who felt that he had the chance to win, started his own taunting again.

For today's speech, he has done countless homework.

In order to guess the content of Ron's speech, Ski and the Jewish think tanks fought for many days and nights just to guess the content of his speech.

Thereby sniping him in advance.


Looking at Ron's indifferent face, Sky knew that he had guessed right.

The content of the speech prepared by Ron was almost the same as what he had guessed.

"If you admit defeat now, I will even generously invite you to my wedding with Sofia, how about it?"

He felt that, judging from today's speech and the on-site feedback, his approval rate would crush Ron in the voting session starting at 12 o'clock.

Because the content of Ron's speech was guessed by him in advance.

Faced with Ski's provocation, Ron was also very angry, but he knew that this was all a scheme by the other party to make him angry.

"Well, wish I could see that day."

To this, Ron just responded with a sneer.

Do you think you can beat me by guessing the content of my speech in advance?

Suo Fia was very worried about Ron, she saw Ron's face was not good, she wanted to come and talk to him.

But he was blocked by his grandfather.

"Suo Fia, now you, you can't say a word to him."

Peter Via was determined.

So Fia wanted to say something, but seeing her grandfather's eyes, she finally sighed.

"Ron, I trust you, you will definitely be prepared."

She believed in Ron in her heart, and she would never be defeated just because the content of the speech was guessed.

In the previous business wars, she had planned for a long time in advance more than once, but was easily resolved by Ron in the end.

This is his ability, what fascinates Sofia most about him. 1

It seemed that there was no problem that he could not solve.

"Mr. Ron, according to the support rate on the Internet, Ski's support rate has reached 75%!"

"You have to be mentally prepared."

Natasha came from nowhere, holding a tablet computer, and showed Ron the real-time support rate displayed on the Internet.

Although it means nothing.

But at least it can be said that Ski's speech was very successful and won the affirmation of the public.

If Ron's speech couldn't move people more than Ski, then he would fall into a passive position.


Ron nodded, and his think tanks, after urgent discussions, decided to use the second plan.

"Sir, the first speech plan is no longer available."

"We suggest that you choose the second plan, start with the development of industry and heavy industry, and focus on national infrastructure construction."

Speeches that focus on people's livelihood have the best effect.

Of course, if the content of your speech is guessed by your opponent, you can only take another route.

It is to focus on industrial development, and then apply the method of developing people's livelihood from here.

"It's useless. If you use this set of speeches, you will lose."

Ron shook his head.

"Are you still insisting on using the first set of speeches?"

The think tank is a little anxious.

"No, I have a brand new speech."

Now if there is not a more demagogic speech, Ron's chances of winning are definitely not high.

The brain trusters are curious as to what Ron is going to speak.

But the time has come, the director has urged Ron several times, he must go to the studio and start speaking.

Just like that, in the lounge, under the eyes of all the oligarchs, Ron left the lounge and came to the studio.

As soon as he appeared in the studio, all the shots were focused on him.

"God, it's Mr. Ron, he's so handsome!"

"Mr. Ron came out, and this is the first time I've seen him up close."

"It's your first time, and it's my second time. I heard Mr. Ron's speech last time at Ivanka's door."

"God, Mr. Ron is really too elegant. If he is not a president but a star, he is definitely better than that Sky."

"Haha... I feel that what you said sounds like a curse."

After waiting for a long time, seeing Ron come out, his supporters were all excited.

There are even wicked people who criticize Sang Huai and insinuate that Ski is just an actor.

The words are high-sounding, but in fact, like Shenke and others, they are all duplicity bastards.

Such words naturally reached the ears of Sky's supporters.


There was a situation, when Ron hadn't started his speech, the supporters of both sides started to scold each other again.

"That bastard, I think you are very arrogant. Did you feel uncomfortable because you were not beaten?"

"That bastard, just now the director saved your life, and you still dare to speak?"

"Fuck, do you bastard want to fight with me?"

"Come on, whoever doesn't fight is a dog!"

It was the two big brothers from just now again, they seemed to be born to be restrained, and neither of them would obey the other.

Just to fight.

The director of the federal TV station gritted his teeth angrily. This fucking live broadcast of a presidential candidate's speech, you guys are making a fuss.

In a warning tone, he yelled at the two of them: "If you make trouble again, get out of here immediately!"

Being reprimanded by the head of the station, the two big brothers were also a little scared.

With such a loud voice between the two, Ron naturally heard the movement.

For this,

The first sentence in his eyes turned out to be teasing.

"I like the temper of these two brothers very much. Do you know that the Slavs must be brave and go forward bravely. No matter when they should fight, they will fight without admitting cowardice at all."

"Do you know that people abroad say that Da Mao, our neighbor next door, is a fighting nation, but I am not convinced. Our Er Mao people are also descendants of the Ross people, and they have the same ancestor as Da Mao."

"Why are they a fighting nation and we are not?"

"So, do you want to have a fight first to see whether the brother who supports me is stronger or the person who supports Mr. Ski is stronger?"

"Also prove to the citizens whether we are a fighting nation or not."


Ron's words made everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

They never expected that Ron would still be in the mood to tease the two big brothers on such a serious occasion.

But the two people he teased didn't show any embarrassment. Instead, they held their heads up high and were very proud.

Even the big brother who supported Sky, through such a joke, actually had a good impression of Ron.

As he said, the blood of the Slavs is full of enthusiasm, and they will fight when they need to, and they will never be cowardly.

The term "fighting nation" is not a derogatory term.

It is the recognition of a nation.

"Hey...we are definitely a fighting nation!"

"Two big brothers, fight quickly and prove it to Mr. Ron."

"That's right, let's fight!"

The people at the scene booed one after another, and the two big brothers were also a little eager to try.

"You guys are really going to fight. Forget it. If you guys start fighting, see, those guys in the lounge at the back will definitely attack me with conspiracy."

"Say I'm instigating the people to fight, two big brothers, give me face and sit down."

However, just when the two had an idea, Ron's words made the people present laugh even more.

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