Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 38, Shocking Speech, Excited Ermao People!

Old John did not answer the children's questions.

Because at this time, on TV, Ron had already answered their questions.

on TV,

In Ron's voice, with helplessness and sighs, in front of the entire Ermao people, he uncovered the scars in their hearts.

"I think many people have already thought about how rich the family property that Ermao got when the Federation disintegrated."

"2,700 nuclear bombs, 37 proud White Swan T-160s, tens of thousands of tanks, and tens of thousands of armored vehicles."

"We still have the most precious thing in the world, and the only one left in the world...An-225 strategic transport aircraft."

"Originally, if the people in power at that time could consider for the people, they could use these powerful weapons and equipment to make this country a top country in the world."

"Let this country not be bullied by anyone."

"But what happened next?"

"Shenko, who was still the prime minister at the time, actually joined forces with the then president to destroy all of the 2,700 nuclear bombs for personal gain."

"The precious T-160 will also be treated as scrap iron, and all will be destroyed, and there will be no one left."

"And their purpose of doing this is only because of the dollars and dirty money promised to them by those Western countries!"

"For money, they would rather turn their backs on more than 40 million 20-cent people!"

"Since then, Ermao, who has lost her strong deterrent power, has become a target that everyone can bully."

"Foreign capital is looting domestic wealth, and Western countries regard you, yes...you, as a tool for them to create wealth."

"Look, are there many young and beautiful women around you who have to DY to people from Western countries in order to make a living?"

"Those dirty Westerners have trampled under their feet the last dignity of women in our country!"

Every time Ron said something, the mood of the people at the scene and in front of the TV became worse.


When he exposed Ermao, which was jokingly called the European womb, the people were completely blown away.

Because of Ron's words, the scars on their bodies were completely uncovered.

The women who had done this kind of thing buried their heads in tears.

No one knows better than them how much humiliation they have suffered in order to make money.

at the same time,

All the people in Ermao gradually became clear.

It turns out that our country once had the opportunity to stand on top of the world.

We used to be able to live better than those people in Western Europe next door.


It was because the government officials at that time personally destroyed everyone's hope for personal gain.

Just when all the people fell into extreme anger.

However, Ron suddenly changed direction, and did not continue to expose those historical facts that the public could not accept.

"Although poverty has become synonymous with the country in Ermao, it is not impossible to change."

"Do you know that the place where I was born is in the east next door to us, and that place is called Dragon Kingdom."

"Dragon Kingdom has been in the midst of war and aggression since a hundred years ago. We used to suffer from the pain of war. Our nation can't even eat."

"More than 80 years ago, an unprecedented disaster broke out in the Dragon Kingdom. The invaders destroyed our homeland, and the natural disaster caused countless people to starve to death, starving to death everywhere."

"In those few years alone, tens of millions of people died in Long Kingdom."

"But we didn't give up, because in our bones, we knew deeply that where there is oppression, there is resistance."

"We started to resist, started to drive out the invaders, and finally we won."

"We drove out the invaders and we created a whole new country."

"Although this new Gu family is very poor, we have hope in our hearts."

"The hard-working people of the Dragon Kingdom, after decades of development, have finally made the country stronger by relying on the ruthlessness in their hearts."

"We have made it possible for more than one billion people in the Dragon Kingdom to afford food and live the life that our ancestors longed for."

"And Ermao's situation is much better than that of Longguo back then."

"More than a billion people, such a huge number, can now live a good life. As the Slavs who are descendants of the Rus, you can too."

"I have a dream that one day this country will stand up and be truly wealthy, free, and democratic."

"I have a dream. One day, each of you can realize the greatest ideal in your heart and realize the life you yearn for."

"I have a dream that one day the valleys will rise, the mountains will descend, the rough and tortuous roads will become smooth, and the holy light will shine on the world."

"My brothers and sisters, tell me loudly, will this dream come true one day?"


Deep shock.

The audience at the scene, whether they supported Sky or Ron, were all excited by his speech.

Hearing Ron's words, the people in the studio roared angrily.



"must be able to!"

"God, can that day really come true!"

"Mr. Ron, if you can realize this dream, I support you for president."

It is the first time for many Ermao people to know that there is such a past in the Dragon Kingdom next door.

After all, most of the people in Ermao accept the influence of the West.

In their eyes, Dragon Kingdom is a mysterious, stubborn, ancient, and out-of-group country.

But with the Internet age, the people have gradually come into contact with the affairs of the Dragon Kingdom, and in the current global situation, the Dragon Kingdom is a powerful country that Yingjiang has been targeting.

Even the Dragon Kingdom, which was once so miserable, can grow into an existence that is even feared by Yingjiang today.

The people of Ermao have reason to believe that their country can become so powerful.

Ron smiled and said, "I am Ron. These are my ideas for running for the presidential election, and they are also the direction I will govern in the future after I am elected."

Although there was still a lot of time, Ron did not continue his speech.

He waved directly at everyone, and then calmly left the podium.

"God, Mr. Ron is so charming."

"I don't feel like Skye, and I long for the kind of life Mr. Ron described."

"Me too."

"Then how about we?"

The people who originally supported Ski were a little shaken.

And those who originally supported Ron wanted to shout excitedly.

In the background, Ski and the entire Jewish oligarchs looked terribly gloomy.

In the audience, watching Ron leave calmly, Natasha's husband, Ivan, was very upset. He felt that Ron was not a politician, but a demagogue.

However, Ivan didn't notice that his wife Natasha's body was trembling slightly, and her eyes were full of strange light as she watched Ron leave.

After Ron's speech, there was still half an hour before 12 o'clock.

The host of Federal TV station reminded the public.

"Dear people, the speeches of the two presidential candidates have come to an end."

"In another half an hour, starting at 12 o'clock, the voting will start immediately. Please go to the nearest polling place and vote for the presidential candidate you support!"

New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: December 31st to January 2nd)

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