Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 41, Disgusting Bcc Reporter, Distorting The Facts!

After the voting began, all the media in the country focused their attention on each polling place.

This is the biggest news of the year.

Around each polling place, there are reporters from more than a dozen media outlets visiting those who voted.

There are more than 300 polling places in Auxiliary City.

After the speeches of the two presidential candidates, before 12 o'clock, reporters from various media began to squat near the polling places.

Among these reporters, there are domestic media in Ermao, and naturally there are also foreign ones.

Such as BCC, CNN, ABC and other media in Western countries.

Among them, the reporters of BCC and CNN are very angry now.

Because they saw with their own eyes many students and young people vote for that Ron during the 2 hours since the voting started.

"God, Johnny, these students are crazy, why are you voting for a devil?"

The BCC reporter is a woman named Sarah from the Department of Journalism at John Bull Cambridge University.

He is also a well-known reporter in John Bull's country.

Sarah couldn't understand, what is the charm of that Asian Ron, that he can make these Ermao students support him so much.

In order to clarify the doubts in her heart, Sarah began to interview these students.

She quickly stopped a young male student.

"Student, we are from BCC TV station. May I ask why you support Ron? Don't you know that he is a devil?"

Sarah's intentions are very sinister.

And he came up with a questioning tone, which made the male student a little confused.

But he was not annoyed, and replied with a certified answer: "I don't think Mr. Ron is a devil. He is a capable, responsible, and dreamy president. I am willing to support him and let him change this country."

This answer was obviously not what Sarah wanted to hear.

So she continued to question: "How can you be sure that he will change the country? How can you be sure that once he is elected, he will not sell the interests of the entire country to gain wealth for himself?"

Sarah's aggressive posture made the young male student feel a little uncomfortable.

As long as her attitude is very arrogant, she will interrogate the student in a posture of looking down.

The temper of Ermao people is also quite violent.

He didn't get used to Sarah either. Facing her questioning, he rolled his eyes: "I'm willing, can you care?"

finished speaking,

The male classmate left directly.

"Crazy... this idiot was brainwashed by that Ron, what an idiot.",

The attitude of the male classmate made Sarah very unhappy. She is a reporter of BCC, and this person's attitude is so arrogant.

"Cut it out, it's good material, send it back to the country, let the citizens see how stupid these people who were brainwashed by Ron are."

But the material of this interview is very good.


Sarah interviewed several more people who voted for Ron.

And without exception, in the face of her superior questioning, everyone who was asked felt a little uncomfortable.

Amidst Sarah's questioning of Ron, the devil, and the vampire, the students who supported Ron were all angry at her.

Even a little brother with a bad temper couldn't help but want to hit her.

"Crazy, all crazy, these stupid Ermao people, all crazy."

During the interview, Sarah faced the camera very sadly.

At the end of the interview, she sneered at the corner of her mouth, and today's material is available.

"It is definitely good news to edit these interviews and send them back to China."

So Sarah asked her photographer to edit the interview video and send it back to the domestic BCC main station.

And put a headline on the news.

[A group of stupid people, poor people bewitched by the devil. 】

The news was sent back to John Bull's country, and BCC soon released the news and made it the headline.

And this news caused an uproar in the entire Western countries.

People in the West who don't know the truth saw the maliciously edited content of the interview.

Those two-haired young men who were deliberately provoked by Sarah and spoke viciously to her, under the malicious explanation of the narration, seem to be a group of bewitched people.

They are irritable and easily irritated.

In the edited video, there is no such aggressive questioning scene from Sarah at all.

It was only during the post-production that the interview content was added with text.

This kind of malicious interview video, once released, quickly let people in Western countries know about it.

"God, look at these poor ermaids, being tricked into this by that Ron."

"It's just a simple interview. It's stupid for these young men with two hairs to speak ill at each other."

"It's better for us in Western Europe, living in such a democratic and free country."

"I figured out why Ermao is the poorest in European countries. These stupid people are poor for a reason."

"Hehe...the idiot Ermao, just like the big hair next door, they are a group of guys with no brains."

"I think the West should take action to save these poor Ermao people."

"Yes, although our politicians are not good people, but these Ermao people need to be saved."

"That Ron must not be elected president."

"I, John Bull, want to save Ermao. I will call the Prime Minister's Office now."

"I, France, also want to save Ermao. I will also call the presidential palace."

"As Ermao's neighbor, we in Lithuania also want to save him."

"Sad Ermao, only we, Bolan, can save them."

Under the huge influence of BCC, people in western countries have seen clearly the foolishness of the Ermao people being bewitched, and they think they are superior to others.

Many people are overwhelmed with the heart of the Virgin Mary and feel that they want to save the Ermao people.

So they started calling the heads of state departments of their respective countries one after another, asking the heads of state to help Ski get elected.

That Ron must not be allowed to get his way.

And this result,

It is the result that the heads of Western European countries want most.

They didn't want Ron elected in the first place, they just never had a good excuse to get involved.

Previously, he could only accept interviews and verbally express his support for Ski.

Now in line with public opinion, these heads of state can have an excuse to launch means against the Ermao to directly influence the Ermao people and get them to support Ski.

Instead of indirect influence as before.

The first thing to move is John Bull's little yellow fur.

But Xiao Huangmao is a chicken thief, he always pays attention to the voting situation in Ermao's country.

Finding out that Ron's votes have been pressing down on Ski, it is proceeding in a crushing manner.

"It's only the first day, don't worry, don't worry!"

"When the fifth day begins, it will be Ski and the Jews who are anxious. Only then can we get the most benefit."

New Year's Day and beyond will be even better, read a book to relax! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: December 31st to January 2nd)

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