Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 49, Responses From Various Countries, Sky!

"The Dragon Kingdom's reaction this time is a bit fierce, how should we respond?"

"Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to further stimulate the other side? Think tanks, give me an analysis of why the Dragon Kingdom reacted so violently this time."

"Also, if we continue to target, what are the chances of them liquidating Yingjiang's Longguo enterprise?"

To be honest, Bo Deng was actually a little excited.

Since the last Chuan Jianguo came to power, Yingjiang's strategy has been to shape the Dragon Kingdom into a hostile relationship, so as to take the opportunity to use its own slogan of human rights and freedom to make troubles all over the world.


Eagle Sauce often uses various unfounded excuses to impose sanctions on Longguo.

The most classic is that in order to prevent Longguo from mastering high-end chip technology, Yingjiang joined forces with other countries around the world to prohibit the sale of high-end lithography machines to Longguo.

Other countries are not allowed to supply high-end chips to Longguo.


Yingjiang's own chip company took the opportunity to sell chips to Longguo at a very high price.

This is typical, only I can sell it, you can't sell it.

Money can only be earned by me.

But all along, in the face of Ying Jiang's aggressiveness, the reaction there has always been to not respond.

This made Bodden very disappointed.

But this time, he was a little confused why there was such a big reaction there.

"Is it just because the Ermao candidate is from Longguo?"


The only thing that can't be done is the team, and began to analyze this matter.

The final conclusion is that there is such a big reaction over there, there is definitely a conspiracy, and the conspiracy is not small.

"About Ron's identity information, has the investigation been found?"

Lu Deng had sent someone to investigate Ron's identity information long ago.

"The FBI has investigated, but there is no information about Ron in Longguo. We guess that his identity is definitely not simple."

An identity that even the FBI can't find.

That must have been deliberately concealed by Longguo.

"Your Excellency, after analysis, the think tank thinks that the Long Kingdom this time is likely to be real. If we continue to intervene in this matter, then the other party will definitely attack us."

"That's interesting..."

Bo Deng was wondering if he should take advantage of this opportunity to do something.

But then he thought again, no, we can't over-stimulate Longguo at this time.

after all,

Ermao's election is something that people from the Xiang Party are doing, and has nothing to do with the Donkey Party he represents.

"This matter should be a headache for the elephant party, and it has something to do with our donkey party."


Bo Deng decided that at this time, Ying Jiang would pretend to be dead.

He would not express any opinion anyway.

After all, everyone knows that if the rabbit is irritated, the consequences will be very serious, and a war between the two superpowers may even break out at any time.

Although Eagle Sauce has been making troubles, if he fights with rabbits now, Congress will definitely not agree.

If he doesn't handle it well, he, the president, will probably be pulled out to block the gun.


After careful analysis, Bodden will do absolutely nothing.

Just pretend you don't know, and keep your ears out of the window.

As for whether the elephant party is in a hurry, it's none of his business.

At this time, Yingjiang's Xiangdang consortium got the news, but they were very anxious.

The entire Xiangdang consortium gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"Tell me, is Dragon Kingdom going to play for real this time?"

"I think it's a bluff. If it's true, we can propose in Congress to start a war. This is a good excuse to drag Dragon Kingdom into it."

"What do you think, do you think the donkey party will agree?"

"We like the party to make money from resources and finance. Those who engage in arms in the donkey party didn't say anything. They definitely don't want to stimulate rabbits at this time."

"Then what should we do? Now that the rabbit is so strong, if we don't react, there will be no hope for Ermao."

"Now that the rabbit has stood up, I guess the heads of state of John Bull will definitely apologize next time. These guys are nothing but fools."

"The rabbit's trick is too ruthless. It directly chokes the lifeblood of all of us. We must either give up the Longguo market or give up Ermao."

Rabbit's move today is tantamount to completely choking the lifeline of the consortium all over the world.

Two options.

A huge market to abandon the Dragon Kingdom.

The other is to give up Ermao.

Give up the Dragon Kingdom market, and the annual loss of benefits will be unbearable for everyone.

And if they give up Ermao, their previous efforts will be completely wasted.

Although the world's oldest superpower did not expressly support that Ron, anyone who is not a fool can know.

Long Guo is using his own strength to support Ron.

It is clear to tell the Ermao people that if you choose Ron, you will get our unlimited support.

As long as Ermao people are not stupid, they will know who to choose.

"Let me tell you something, we Morgan will never give up on the Longguo market."

"The Rothschild family will never give up on the Dragon Kingdom market."

"The Wilhelm family doesn't give up either."

"The DuPont family didn't give up either."

"So are we……"

"So are we……"

In the end, everyone is unwilling to give up the market of Longguo, so there is only one way.

Give up Ermao.

The current head of the Morgan family, Pompeii JP Morgan, is in charge of presiding over this meeting.

Pompey said: "Since we have made a decision, let's do it this way."

Although Ermao gave up, they didn't have much loss.

After all, these shrewd and cunning consortiums did not spend much money on the initial investment.

Most of the money came from Ermao's Jewish consortium, and they only gave some symbolic political support.

"Gentlemen, Sky has called and asked us to put pressure on Longguo to withdraw their decision."

With such heavy news, Ski, who was in Ermao, also received the news immediately.

He was very panicked.

Facing the pressure from Longguo, if Yingjiang does not respond, then Sky will face a complete failure.


So he was in a hurry.

Immediately ask people to contact Pompeii and others, hoping that they can pass the congress of the eagle sauce, prompting the Deng Deng government to respond and put pressure on the rabbit.

Let them reverse today's decision.

"stupid people."

Pompey, who was in his seventies, felt disapproving when he heard Ski's request.

This Sky is really self-righteous, is Yingjiang's Congress run by your family, you can do whatever you want?

"Mr. Pompey, do you want to reply to him?"

"No, he's no longer useful."

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