Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 54, Congratulations To Mr. Ron, Elected President! 【Subscribe】

It would have taken ten days for the presidential vote to end.

But on the seventh day, the voting had already ended early.


Almost all the people have cast their votes, and Ron finally won the final victory with over 20 million votes and an absolute advantage.

Especially on the seventh day, 12 million people voted, and more than 11 million people all gave their votes to Ron.

The dust settled.

All hope.

At 12 o'clock that night, after the voting ended.

The Ermao Presidential Election Administration announced directly on the TV station.

"After seven days of voting, our beloved Mr. Ron won the presidential election with 23.87 million votes."

"From now on, Ron will be the fifth president of Ermao."

"Congratulations President Ron."

Even though it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the people of Ermao did not rest today, and everyone was waiting for the final result.

And when the result came out.

The people cheered.

"It's great that Mr. Ron is finally elected president.

"The thing I was most looking forward to happened."

"President Ron, I hope you can make our country completely prosperous and strong."

"Mom, did you see, did you see, Ron is president."

"Woooo...I'm very excited now, really excited, no, I can't sleep at night, I'm going to dance."

"Dude, Ron is president, and that's what everyone's looking forward to."

The old people are very relieved, because they expect that Ron, who comes from the Dragon Country, can bring changes to this country.

The middle-aged people hope that Ron can increase their income and give their family a better life.

And the young man, out of sheer excitement, adores Ron.

To say that the people who most support Ron as president in the country are young people under the age of 30, accounting for the vast majority.

Perhaps because of their similar age, these young people regard Ron as a guiding lighthouse in life, guiding and illuminating the direction of their lives.

late at night,

When the Presidential Election Administration announced Ron's victory.

The young people are completely crazy.

They were too excited to sleep.

And this night, the major bars, KTVs, and entertainment venues in Auxiliary City exploded in business.

Because the excited young people all took to the streets to dance disco, to celebrate, and to be happy that the idol they supported had won the election.

The owners of those entertainment venues also understand that their desire to survive has allowed them to customize various portraits of Ron in the first place, and put banners at the entrance of the bar.


There are also many owners of entertainment venues, in the name of celebrating Ron, holding a celebration night.

And this kind of carnival night has attracted countless young men and women

But at this time, Ron didn't celebrate. 403 "System, fulfill your promise quickly."

As soon as Ron learned that he had won, he began to trouble the system with all his heart.

He has been talking about the sixth-generation fighter Su-45 for a long time.

Now the most advanced fighter jets in the world, that is, the F-35 of the eagle sauce and the X-20 of the rabbit, and the hairless su-35.

The first two are standard fifth-generation fighters.

And Da Mao's is four and a half generations.

But although it is four and a half generations, the various performances are not much worse than the previous two.

Although Da Mao is a high-tech enterprise, it lags behind the former two.

But in terms of military industry, Yin Ke is not behind at all.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully being elected president and obtaining the manufacturing drawings of the sixth-generation fighter su-35. 】

"Is that the end?"

Ron was very dissatisfied. Anyway, we were elected president after such a difficult time.

"You don't have any compensation for me?"

[Ding, in view of the host's request, the system decided to give the host a chance to draw a lottery. 】

It may be that the system also felt that it was a bit ashamed of Ron, so it gave a chance to draw a lottery.

"That's about the same, let's start the lottery."

【The lottery draw begins......】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: an ace pilot training instructor. 】

"Ace pilot training instructor?"

Ron froze for a moment, then ecstatically.

Good guy, ace pilot.

There is not a single ace pilot in Ermao.

How difficult it is to train a good ace pilot, Ron knows all too well.

In fact, the most difficult thing for a pilot is not to become an ace.

The most difficult thing is that there are no professional talents to train you ace pilots.

A good pilot instructor can be worth hundreds of ace pilots.

After all, the selection criteria for pilots is already very high. Out of tens of thousands of people, only 100 can meet the selection requirements.

In the later training, there may be only 10 of these 100 people who can become pilots.

Among these 10 people, the chance of becoming an ace pilot is pitifully small.


It would be different with an experienced ace pilot instructor.

Among the 10 people who become pilots, if they are trained by experienced ace pilot instructors, the chances of being born ace pilots will be greatly increased.

After a flash of light.

In front of Ron, there appeared a Chinese with a height of about 1.85 meters, a burly figure and a cold face.

This middle-aged man has a standard Ermao face.

"Your Excellency the President."

Immediately after the middle-aged man appeared (adef), he knelt down on one knee facing Ron, with his right hand across his chest.

Ron could look over his head and see loyalty.

"Akon: Ace pilot instructor, 100% loyalty (eternally elected to be loyal to the host)"

His name is Akon.

Ron was very excited: "Akon, wake up, I will arrange for you to serve in the Air Force in a few days.

"During this time, you will stay at home and protect me with the guards."

"Yes, President!"

Aken nodded, and Ron asked him to find Wang Hao, the leader of the guard group.

Then he began to study the function of the system.

"The system mall is indeed open."

The system is divided into two sections.

One is the system mall. In this system mall, there are no bells and whistles as Ron imagined. As long as he wants, he can buy anything.

There are only three types of gift packages for the items sold in the mall.

Junior gift pack 100 points. (Any reward will be drawn immediately.)

Intermediate gift pack 1000 points. (You can specify a range to draw rewards, it is better to specify military industry, aviation, ore veins, etc.)

10,000 points for the premium gift pack. (You can specify a range of draws in detail, such as specifying fighter jets, long-range missiles, nuclear bombs, etc.)

When each gift bag is opened, a reward will be obtained immediately.

"Isn't this just a lottery?"

It's just that the rewards for each kind of lottery are different.

The primary is completely random.

Intermediate packs specify a large range.

The advanced gift package is in a large area, and then specifies a small area.

"Good guy, only 500 points?"

Ron looked at his points, and there were only 500 points.

After inquiring, I learned that this is the 500-point reward he received for successfully being elected president.

The system also briefly explained how to obtain points.

[In exercising the power of the president, gaining the prestige of the people, improving the happiness of the people, enhancing the loyalty of the army, improving the combat effectiveness of the army, developing high-tech weapons, and gaining global prestige. 】

In all aspects, you can get points for eliminating diseases.

Another part of the system is talent recruitment.

But now for talent recruitment, there is only one ace pilot instructor.

The recruitment price is: 1 million points.

"Day, 1 million points, I earned it with blood."

Unexpectedly, my system drew a lottery for the first time, and I got an ugly pilot instructor worth 1 million points.

This is really cool.

"Sir, why do you look unhappy? Starting tomorrow, you will be the president of this country."

Eva was wearing a lace pajamas, which set off her wild figure, making people excited.

She wanted to celebrate Ron.

And the best gift to celebrate is naturally yourself.


Ron took a deep breath, sighing with emotion at Eva's progress, and kneading her delicate earlobes admiringly.

Eva was encouraged and smiled.

"It's too early to be happy. This country is full of holes. Now I'm starting to worry about how to change this country step by step.

"By the way, there is one more important thing now."

The election is over, and Ron has not yet become president.

But he can already take over the most important department of the president.

National Security Agency.

As long as he wants, he can remove the previous director of the Security Bureau at any time, and immediately arrange someone he trusts to take charge of the Security Bureau.


Ron picked up the phone and called the NSA.

And at this time,

In Ermao State Security Bureau.

The current director sits in the director's office with nostalgia and reluctance.

Even though it was more than 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, he still didn't leave.

He is waiting for a call.

As expected, the call will come to him soon.


When it was almost one o'clock, the phone on the director's desk rang.

He picked it up to answer: "I'm Rada, Chief of the Security Bureau, Mr. Ron, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

"Mr. Radha, I am sorry to inform you that in the name of the president, I am revoking your status as the director. Now Natasha, the former head of the seventh department of the National Security Agency, will take over as the director.

"Okay, Mr. President."

Rada did not refuse, because no matter how reluctant he was, he still had to accept it.

The National Security Agency is directly subordinate to the president and is only responsible to the president.

Whoever becomes the president is the right one.

Rada is Shenko's confidant, and now that Shenke is completely finished, Ron will naturally not trust Rada.

"Mr. Ron, I would like to resign from all jobs in the Security Service and go abroad to reunite with my children. Please allow me to go.

Now Rada's biggest wish is to leave this country and spend the rest of his life abroad with his children.


Ron sneered, because his idea was so naive.

"Sorry Mr. Radha, you once held too many state secrets in your hands, you can't leave."

"No matter what, I can give you a guarantee, as long as you are loyal to me in the future, I will guarantee the safety of you and your family.

After helping Shenke to do so many things, I wanted to run away.

There are no doors.

But Ron didn't push him too hard, but gave him a way out.

As long as he chooses to be loyal to himself, the safety of him and his family is guaranteed.


The assassination method of Er Mao's national security must not be underestimated in the whole world.

"I...... Can you let me think about it?"

"I'll give you three days to think about it, now you go and call Natasha.

Ron's attitude was very indifferent, and Rada couldn't hear his emotions, which made him feel very uncertain.

Lada called and called Natasha over.

When Natasha came here and saw Rada's dejected face, something instantly came to mind in her mind.

"When I become president, I will appoint you as the director of the Security Bureau."

That day, when she escorted Ron to the TV station, what Ron said, Natasha thought it was a joke.

After all, the two hadn't known each other for a long time, and Natasha didn't believe that Ron would trust her so much.

When the president, give her the responsibility of the president's most important security bureau.

but now,

Natasha panicked.

"Natasha, congratulations."

Lada's words made her understand even more.


Natasha picked up the phone: "This is Natasha, Mr. President."

"Natasha, in the name of the president, I officially accept you as the director of the Security Bureau."

Hearing Ron's acceptance of fate with her own ears, Natasha's calm eyes were filled with strong emotional fluctuations.

But her long-term career as an agent allowed her to hide it well.

"Thank you for your trust, Mr. President, and Natasha will live up to your expectations.

She didn't say anything extra.

At this time, Natasha already had her own answer in her heart.

In this life, she will live for this man.

She seems to have found the true meaning of life.

The feeling of being inexplicably trusted and reused is so good.

"Natasha, you are now taking over the entire National Security Agency immediately, and arresting Ski and his think tanks on charges of treason as quickly as possible.

"As well as the Jewish consortium that supported Ski, they were also arrested together."

This is Ron's first order after being elected president.

For treason, only the National Security Bureau can try and deal with it.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President!"

Natasha stood up straight, saluted the army and promised to complete the task.

"Also, look at Rada, don't let him out of your sight these days, let alone let him get in touch with Shenko, understand?"


Natasha turned her eyes to Radha beside her.

Radha was shocked for a moment, he didn't know what Ron said to Natasha.

But it's definitely about me.

After hanging up the phone, Natasha suddenly smiled at Rada: "Mr. Rada, for your safety, in the next few days, my seventh department will be in charge of protecting your itinerary."

Rada, who is familiar with the work of the Security Bureau, still doesn't understand.

Natasha just told him clearly that you are under surveillance now.

What to do and what not to do, you should know in your heart.

"I understand..………"

Lada seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant, he sighed.

Natasha soon took over the entire NSA.

And when Natasha took over the National Security Agency, the entire Natalia family became excited.

Natasha’s grandfather, Samarafo, the former speaker of the Rada Parliament, was in his 80s when he got the news, but he couldn’t resist opening a bottle of vodka.

He was very grateful for his decision to send Natasha to the National Security Agency.

It is even more fortunate that Natasha was able to gain the trust of the new President Ron.

"The glory of our Natalia family has not dissipated, Nata is doing well."

As a political family, the most fearful thing is that the people in the family will have a vacancy in the country's political rights and have no successors.

Originally, the Natalia family was supported by Samaranfu.

Several of my sons are not up to date, and they do not hold high positions in the government.

Although the sons are all members of the Rada Parliament, the members have no real power and have the right to vote afterwards.

Now Natasha is in charge of the National Security Agency and has become the real authority.

This is a very important booster for the family. Natasha's parents, Uncle and her brothers and sisters are naturally very excited.

But only one person is not happy.

That is Natasha's husband, Ivan.

He himself is on the side of Skye. Originally, Skye's failure made him very hostile to Ron.

Now his wife was actually appointed by Ron as the director of the National Security Agency.

This is something he can't accept. He thinks his wife has betrayed him and turned to Ron.

"Stupid woman!"

Even in Ivan's mind, he couldn't help but wonder if his wife had climbed into Ron's bed in exchange for this position.

As long as he thought of this possibility, Ivan felt a surge of anger in his heart.

He felt that there was a green prairie on his head.

Ermao time is late at night.

midnight 2 O clock.

One incident caused a sensation in the entire Ermao political arena. .

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