Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 66, Five Seconds Man, Your Man Is As Useless As Your Bastard!

Avakov is a chicken thief, just now Shenko called to mock himself.

He was already simmering with anger.

Now that his own safety is guaranteed, it must make the other party uncomfortable.


He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number just now.

At the same time, in a certain manor in Germany, You Ke and Peter Ke Tian are proudly tasting red wine.

Ever since Ron kicked him out of the presidential palace that day, Shenko was very afraid that Ron would immediately liquidate himself.

So he left Ermao overnight and went to Germany.

Most of his personal property is in Germany.

And the wealth of many Ermao traditional oligarchs is also here, and even these oligarchs live in Germany on weekdays.

Rarely return home.

Mainly in the Ermao country, there is nothing that makes them nostalgic except money.

"Mr. Shenke, just wait quietly. I have already ordered Jess, the head of the opposition armed forces. He is a special forces commander who was born in Eagle Sauce."

"It's not a problem at all to wipe out just one Avakov."

These opposition armed forces in Ermao were raised by all the oligarchs together.

The purpose of their existence is to ensure the interests of the oligarchs.

By the way, sometimes it is also used as a political weapon to overthrow some people's regime.

Back then, Kovic was armed by these opposition groups, under the guise of eradicating harm for the people and establishing a new government, and forced him to step down.

Kovic didn't even bother to transfer his own property, even Ye Yuan escaped from Da Mao.

Still dare not go back home.

Later, Shenke succeeded.

We can see the means of these oligarchs.

Now Avakov, Peter Cove felt, it was only a matter of time before he was killed.

"I don't care about an Avakov, I care about a Ron."

Shenko snorted coldly, Avakov is a fart.

He didn't care about the other party's life or death at all.

The one he wanted to kill the most was that Ron.

"Now let the "June 43" be proud for a while, and when we find an opportunity, we can launch a coup.

Peter Cove smiled slightly, and said: "Don't forget, Mars' 13th Army will maintain a front line with us, and it will be a matter of time before that Ron is driven out of power.

"That's right."

Shenko also nodded.

Mars is their most important military ally.

Moreover, when Shenko was president, military expenditures for other armies have been reduced.

But for Mars, he has always taken good care of him and made a lot of money with him.

If this person has some brains, he will never betray him.

At this moment, Yuko's phone rang.

"Look, this Avakov, dare to call?"

Seeing the phone, Shenko smiled.

Peter Cove had playfulness in his eyes: "Look at what he's going to say."

"What do you say? It should be ready to beg for mercy from my humble, let me spare his life, haha."

Shenko thought he knew Avakov well.

This is one of his dogs.

He answered the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and sneered in a mocking tone: "What's the matter, Minister Avakov, are you going to ask me to forgive you?"

"Oh, let me guess, you must be completely surrounded now, and you can only wait for a slow death, so you're scared, aren't you?"

"Haha, as long as you bark three times like a dog and beg me, I will spare your life, how about it?"

Shenko thought that Avakov came here to beg for mercy.

But unexpectedly, Avakov yelled at him when he heard his words.

"Fuck your mother Shenko, you are an idiot, your brain is as small and stupid as that caterpillar in your crotch.

"Do you still remember the female celebrity I helped you find last time? After she came out, she told me that your stuff is not only not good-looking, but also useless at all."

"A five-second man, shit!"

As the saying goes, don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don't expose your weaknesses when you curse someone.

Avakov exposed Shenko's most private side.


Shenke also turned on the hands-free, and after Peter Cove next to him heard it, he subconsciously looked at somewhere in Shenke with strange eyes.

Shen Ke's face darkened instantly.

"Avakov, you are damned!!"

His biggest secret was revealed by Avakov, and he was filled with endless anger.

"Haha, you don't need to worry about whether I will die or not, Five Seconds Man, I just came to inform you of some news, do you want to know?"

"Oh, you may be very angry now, but no matter how angry you are, you can't hide the fact that you are a five-second man."

"Ha ha......"

A mouthful of a five-second man made Shenke's complexion as black as the bottom of a pot.

The murderous intent and resentment in his eyes made Peter Cove shudder.

Shenko was irritated by Avakov.

He gritted his teeth and swore in a cold tone: "Avakov, just wait, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

"Bah, you deserve it?"

Avakov sneered, angering Shenko, who was very happy.

"Let me tell you some news to make you happy too. Just now, Mars has contacted me."

"Do you know, haha, your military partner betrayed you a few hours ago and turned to the President, and now he wants to show his loyalty to the President."

"Mars has already brought the Thirteenth Army to Mariupol. If there is no accident, your opposition forces will be wiped out in a few hours!"

"Haha... Shenke, I really feel sorry for you."

"People around you will betray you and leave you one by one, and in the end, your fate will be the worst.

"That's it, I'm very happy now, and I opened a bottle of vodka to celebrate."

finished speaking,

Avakov hung up the phone.

And Shenko here, as well as Peter Cove, have lost their composure.

"Impossible, Els will never betray us."

Peter Cove didn't believe it, and Mars wasn't an idiot, so he didn't know what the consequences of offending these oligarchs would be.

Is he really willing to offend the oligarchs for that Ron?

"I don't believe it either, I just ask now."

"That's right, I suspect that Avakov did it on purpose. He just wanted to make us doubt Mars and mess ourselves up."

Peter Cove contacted Mars immediately.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off.

Mars was not available on his personal phone.

So Peter Cove immediately contacted his troops.

But the army's phone was connected, but no one answered it.


Peter Cove began to have a bad feeling in his heart.


He immediately contacted his people in the government.

"Check for me, is Mars in the presidential palace?"

"Yes, sir.

The people over there immediately started to check the news, and it took only ten minutes to find out.

"Sir, a few hours ago, Mars went to the presidential palace, and he never came out.


Hearing this next time, Peter Kov and Shenko still don't know where.

This Mars, who lost the president, didn't come out for hours.

How many hours.

What did he talk to that Ron about?

What deal was struck?

"Bastard, Mars dared to betray us!"

Shenko was furious.

But the news that made him even more angry came half an hour later.

After about 48 minutes or so.

Peter Cove suddenly received a call from the armed generals of the Ermao domestic opposition.

"Mr. Peter Cove, it's not good, the army is dispatched, and the people of these troops are crazy, and the weapons of mass destruction are bombarding us indiscriminately.

"Our people have lost a lot."

"It is necessary to retreat urgently, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out."

Jess is an excellent commander and a general in the rebel forces under Peter Cove.

In charge of the opposition armed forces of 20,000 people.

"Do you know which army group the opponent belongs to?"

Peter Cove asked hurriedly.

Jess over there immediately replied: "It's the Thirteenth Army, I saw their flag!"

Thirteenth Army!

It's really the Thirteenth Army!

"Damn Mars, you really betrayed us!"

"Stupid idiot, I want you to die!"

Peter Cove gritted his teeth. The 20,000 rebels are his lifeblood in the country. Facing the mighty 13th Army, they are no opponents at all.

"You retreat immediately."

Peter Cove couldn't afford it if they were all wiped out.

The Mariupol Iron and Steel Plant may not be needed, and the ore lode may not be needed.

As long as he still has troops in his hand, these things will be snatched back sooner or later.



"I want you to die!!"

"And Avakov!"

Both Shenko and Peter Cove have vicious and cruel eyes.

"Immediately contact other oligarchs to discuss countermeasures."

Maodong area.

The battle became more intense.

This time, in order to end the fighting in the shortest possible time, the rebel opposition forces will be completely wiped out.

Laife was cruel.

Directly dispatch armed helicopters, fighter jets, and long-range artillery.

His technique is to take out all his family assets, just to fight this battle beautifully and make Ron full of justice.

And the soldiers of the Sixth Army were screaming fiercely one by one.

With hatred for the oligarchs, the fighters fought against the armed opposition, but they were not merciless at all.

Even for these people, many of them are their compatriots.

But when they choose to serve the oligarchs, they are not compatriots.

"Call me!! If you let go of a member of the armed opposition today, you fucking will be locked up for me!"

Lai Fu roared in the command post, putting pressure on all frontline officers.

Hearing the general's words, these officers were all terrified.

So they put pressure on the soldiers one after another.

"Brothers, the general said that if one rebel fighter is released today, all of our squad will be locked up!"

Upon hearing this.

The soldiers on the front line were even more desperate to fight.

They don't want to be locked up.

In an instant, the soldiers of the Sixth Army Corps seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

Wave after wave launched an assault on the steel plant.

The reactionary armed forces inside the iron and steel plant were retreating steadily, and they were beaten into a daze.

Jess wanted to run. .

But he sadly found that he was completely surrounded...

Can't run away at all.

"Enter the interior of the steel factory."

Immediately, Jess made a command to let all the armed reactionaries enter the underground bunker in the steel plant.


Lai Fu had already guessed that they would enter the bunker.

"Close all bunker exits, and throw smoke bombs inside me desperately,

Gas bombs, damn, you wanna hide and be rats?"

"I fought in this steel factory back then!"

In terms of familiarity with the Mariupol Iron and Steel Works, Leffe is one of them.

Before the disintegration of the Federation, he had fought here and knew the layout very well.

He is very familiar with where there is an exit, where people can hide, and where is the exhaust vent.

Jess thought that he would be safe if he led his people into the bunker under the steel plant.

But he was wrong.

After they entered the bunker, they found themselves and others trapped somewhere.

All entrances and exits are closed.

Access to other bunkers was also closed.

They are confined to one place.


Smoke bombs and gas bombs were thrown in desperately from outside.


"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

Jess had no choice. In order to save his life, he could only surrender and negotiate with people outside.

"Surrender? I don't accept it."

However, Lai Fu is determined to wipe out these people.

Because the military order Ron gave him was to completely eliminate these people.

None of them are spared.

There is no difficulty in the follow-up battle.

An hour later, when Raife's soldiers entered the underground bunker, they saw densely packed corpses.

Everyone, including the opposition armed general Jess, was killed by gas bombs.

"Sweep all nearby areas immediately and don't let anyone get away."


The soldiers of the Sixth Army began to clean up the fish that slipped through the net nearby.

As for Lai Fu, it was a phone call to the President's Office.

late at night

Ron sat in the office, waiting quietly.

He can't sleep now, and he's not in the mood to go home from get off work.

"Jingle Bell!"

The president's red phone rang, and Ron knew it must be Raffles.


"Your Excellency, the Sixth Army General Leffe reports to you that he has successfully completed the mission and wiped out 20,000 rebels."

The good news made the corners of Ron's lips curl up.

"Well done Raffle, you didn't disappoint me."

"Now, you have soldiers stationed near the steel plant, and you send other people to assist Avakov to recover all the minerals, coal, natural gas and oil field resources in the Maodong region."

"Yes! Your Excellency!"

"When you come back, I will personally congratulate you!"

"Thank you, Your Excellency the President."

With Ron's affirmation, Leif grinned.

Now, Ron completely accepted him and became his own.


Successfully wiped out the rebel forces in Mariupol, recovered all the nearby mine veins, and a steel factory with a long history.

Ron was in a good mood.

"It is estimated that some of the domestic politicians will be overwhelmed when they hear the news.

Ron was sure that by tomorrow, the politicians in the country would get the news.

Then 2.2 someone will definitely jump out and blame themselves.

Some people will even attack themselves, because these people are all in the interest chain of the oligarchs.

Ermao's officialdom was corrupted, but it went deep into his bones.

If this situation is not rectified in the shortest possible time, there will be no hope for this country.

Ron wants to realize the idea in his heart, this is a step that must be taken.

"In this case, then I will be an iron-blooded president, use blood and white bones to celebrate my future, and become the supreme head of the Soviet Union!"

A little Ermao president, Ron will not be satisfied.

His gaze is on a greater distance.

Restore the federation of the year and be a dictatorial emperor.

This...is his biggest goal.

Using iron and blood methods to eradicate these oligarchs in Ermao is a step that Ron must complete.

The president is not off work, and the staff of the entire presidential palace will definitely not be off work.

Secretary Allie knocked on the door and came in. 1

"Your Excellency, someone outside wants to see you."


It's so late, who wants to see me.

"Uh, it's Peter Via."

Peter Via.

Ron was having a headache.

This stubborn old man, he didn't need to think about it, must have come to intercede for those Jewish oligarchs.

If it was anyone else, Ron would never have met.

But Peter Via is Sofia's grandfather.

His marriage to Sofia, no matter what, had to be approved by the old man.

Otherwise, without the blessing of his family, even if the two get married in the future, Suo Fia will feel regretful.

And most importantly, Ron didn't actually want to completely wipe out the Jewish oligarchs.

Because although these Jewish oligarchs are rich, they are different from traditional oligarchs like Shenko and Peter Kov.

The money of the Jewish oligarchs was earned through legal means.

Finally, Ron thought for a while, and said:

"Let him in."

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