Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 7, My Son Entered Mao Xiong's Most Mysterious Air Force Academy?

Someone was asking Mao Xiong for his whereabouts.

"It's broken, it must be my parents..."

Ron almost forgot that he was sent by the old man to study at Andre's Air Force Academy.

It's just that he was rebellious at the time, so he turned around and went to Ermao next door.

Now that six years have passed, his parents must have thought that he had graduated, so they were going to urge him to return to China.

"Sir, why don't you want to contact your family?"

Eva is curious.

It stands to reason that Ron's achievements in Ermao's side, if his parents knew about it, they would definitely be proud of him.

But what puzzled Eva was that Ron never called home, but asked her to send some souvenirs from Damao to Longguo every year.

"You don't understand. I don't know how to tell my family. Also, if my mother knows about my situation here, she will definitely come to me immediately."

Ron shook his head, the character of his mother Xu Ziwei, if he knew that Ron did not go to the Air Force Academy, but did business in Ermao.

It is estimated that they will fly to Ermao immediately, give him a beating, and then carry him back to the country.

"Forget it, let's call Mom."

It's not a problem to procrastinate like this. If my mother knows that she is running for president on Ermao's side, she will probably make him stop this crazy idea immediately.

So this thing,

Ron wasn't going to tell her now.

Including family members.

If he wins that day, the family will definitely know.

But now, it is still necessary to temporarily appease the parents.

So, Ron made a phone call directly to his mother.

Xu Ziwei, who was far away in Forty-Nine City, was in a meeting at this time.

"Mr. Xu, our company has recently cooperated with a company called Ivanka in Ermao to import special steel. This company has a good reputation and the quality of special steel is very high."

"In the next step, we plan to continue to expand business with them and gradually import rare minerals."

Ermao's mining reserves are very rich.

Especially various rare minerals such as manganese, nickel, titanium, mercury, graphite, refractory soil and other mineral resources.

Longguo is a big importer of mining industry. Xu Ziwei's company owns a specialized mining company.

"Didn't we all cooperate with Bit Force before?"

Xu Ziwei frowned. Her group covers a variety of industries, and mining is just one branch of it.

Today's memory is the reporting of the financial situation of the companies under the group.

The previous partner of the mining company was BitTel, a company affiliated to Krivich, the richest man in Ermao. It is a company specializing in the development and export of minerals and coal.

The strength is strong, and the quality of the minerals is decent.

Why did they suddenly change people?

"Mr. Xu, you don't know. Just last year, for some reason, BitTel suddenly stopped cooperating with us, and it ended very quickly."

"We were very passive at the time and could only choose another partner, and finally found this Ivanka company."

Xu Ziwei nodded after hearing what the person in charge of the mining company said.

"Understood, other companies continue to report."


Xu Ziwei's cell phone rang, she took a look and found that it was a foreign number.

At first Xu Ziwei didn't want to pick it up, but the next moment she had a feeling in her heart, this number couldn't be called by her little bastard, right?

With this in mind, Xu Ziwei signaled for the suspension of the meeting, and then connected the phone.

"Mom, your dear son misses you, haha!"

As soon as the phone was connected, the voice from over there made Xu Ziwei's emotions instantly excited.

six years.

This brat finally knew how to call his mother.

For six years, every day Xu Ziwei thought about how her son was doing abroad, whether the food was good, and whether the clothes were good.

But this brat, it's as if he disappeared.

It made her feel angry and held back for so long.

She was about to scold him to calm herself down, but what she said turned into: "Son, Mom misses you too."

Xu Ziwei's voice choked up, her eyes were moist.

Those in charge of the companies in the group also whispered to each other.

"It's our young master."

"I heard that Shaodong's family went to Maoxiong, and he didn't come back for six years."

"Our young master was well-known as early as Sijiucheng."

"Yeah, a famous dandy!"

They are all people who hang around in Sijiu City, who doesn't know how much nonsense that young master of Luo's family was back then.

Moreover, he brought his gang of buddies to roam the Forty-Nine City.

"Stinky boy, wait for a while, I will call you later."

"it is good."

Xu Ziwei resisted missing her son, hung up the phone, and finished the meeting first.

Ron also knew that his mother must be working and probably very busy, otherwise he would never have hung up the phone.

He didn't wait long, less than half an hour.

Mom's phone call came.

"Little bastard, when are you going home?"

"Uh, Mom, my studies here haven't finished yet, so it might take some time."

Ron was afraid that his mother would rush him home, and he couldn't go anywhere now.

Xu Ziwei questioned her son: "Let me ask you, a few days ago your father sent someone to look for you in Da Mao, how did you hear that you are not at the Andre Air Force Academy?"

Ron had already figured out how to phrase this question, and answered calmly: "Mom, you don't know, I'm no longer at the Andre Academy, and now I'm at the Gagarin Academy."

"Gagarin? The air force academy with the most mysterious hairy bear?"

"Yes, all the information here is confidential, of course Dad can't find it."

Gagarin Academy is the academy where Damao trains top ace pilots and design talents.

It enjoys a high reputation all over the world.

This academy is under the direct management of the Kremlin, and all identity information of the academy is kept confidential.

When Xu Ziwei heard that her son had entered the Gagarin Institute, she felt that her brain was not enough.

"Son, how did you get in?"

"Your son's talent, this talent, I didn't brag about it, Mom. At that time, the dean of Gagarin begged me to come, otherwise I wouldn't come."

Ron started talking nonsense, trying to make his mother happy, which he had no choice but to do.

You can't tell your mother that your son is not in Damao at all, but in Ermao, so he has to run for president.


Xu Ziwei felt so proud when she heard her son's words, my son is excellent.

"Good son, mom is proud of you!"

Xu Ziwei is happy with how many honors her son has won, but what she cares most about is when Ron will be able to return home.

"Son, when can you go home?"

"Hurry up, if there are no accidents, if you don't go back this year, you will definitely go back next year."

PS: Thank you readers for your rewards. I have nothing to repay. I can only try my best to code and write every plot well. If you have any suggestions and ideas, you must tell me in the comment area.

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