Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 70, Iron-Blooded Wrist, Political Turmoil!

in the morning.

An earthquake occurred in the political arena throughout Ermao.

120 MPs jointly submitted to the Rada Parliament to demand the impeachment of Ron.


Not long after they jointly submitted the materials, nearly 20 senior government officials were arrested one after another.

And these high-ranking government officials who were arrested were all real power factions of the 16 departments of the cabinet.

There are 16 departments in Ermao's cabinet.

Ministry of the Interior.

Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Land and Resources Bureau.

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry.

Ministry of Infrastructure.

Ministry of Defense.

Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports.

Department of Social Policy.


Ministry of Justice.

Ministry of Culture.

Ministry of Regional Development, Works Construction and Housing.

Ministry of Emergencies.

In just two hours, 20 senior officials from 16 departments of the entire cabinet were arrested.

And these people, without exception, are all officials of the Yuke party.

"Too ruthless! This Ron is too ruthless!"

There was a big riot in Ermao's political arena.

20 high-ranking government officials were arrested, and all government officials were silent.

They never imagined that Ron would be so ruthless that he would grab him whenever he wanted, without any hesitation.

And those congressmen who jointly submitted materials and called for the impeachment of Ron were dumbfounded.

Here they have just submitted materials, requesting the impeachment of Ron, and requesting the Rada Parliament to amend the constitution and limit the power of the president.

As a result, within two hours, those high-ranking and powerful people among them were all arrested.

for a while,

These congressmen were very panicked, for fear that they would be the next one to be arrested.


Someone suggested not to provoke Ron at this time.

Otherwise, if he is determined, he may have to clean up the political arena.

At that time, they will lose more than they gain.

And Shenke, who was far away in Germany, also got the news.

When he learned that the congressmen who followed him had jointly impeached Ron at this time, they also asked the Rada Parliament to amend the constitution to limit the power of the president.

Shen Ke angrily scolded his mother directly.

"Fools, a bunch of stupid things!"

"Ron has just become president at this time, and he needs to establish his own prestige, so you will send him to seek death."

He couldn't figure out why these people were so stupid.

President Ron had just taken office, and it was time for him to establish his majesty.

A large part of the reason why he liquidated the oligarchs was to establish his own dignity in the country.

Let the people support him more.


The bigger reason is the irreconcilable conflict between Ron and the traditional oligarchs.

The two sides have long been at each other's throats, and it's only normal for Ron to liquidate them.

But these MPs are stupid.

When Pa Ron liquidated the oligarchs, he liquidated them together.

It turned out that no one knew who came up with this stupid suggestion.

Now Ron found an excuse and started cleaning the cabinet directly.

20 powerful cabinet officials.

All caught by Ron in just two hours.

These people will definitely be sent to prison, and Ron will immediately arrange for his own people to fill the empty seats.

And Ron has quite a lot of power in the cabinet.

So Shenke was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Originally these were his people, if they didn't show up at this time, Ron would have absolutely no excuse to liquidate them.

By the time,

Shenke can use the power of these people to make a comeback.

Plotting to oust Ron, he and the oligarchs elect a puppet president.

but now,

Things were beyond his capacity.

"Your Excellency, are you being too ruthless?"

In the presidential palace, Finance Minister Joseph heard the secretary's report from beginning to end.

In just two hours, the National Security Agency arrested 20 senior officials.

These people are all powerful factions of the 16 departments of the cabinet.

So many people have been arrested, which will cause panic in the political arena and cause everyone to feel insecure.

He felt that Ron's behavior was a bit too radical.

"Aren't you afraid that the arrest of so many people will cause panic among other officials and lead to political riots, all against you?"

Joseph reminded Ron.

Ron shook his head and explained calmly: "Joseph, this is the best time. When the extreme corruption has eroded to the bone, it needs to be cut quickly."

"Cut the mess with a quick knife?"

"Next, will you continue to arrest people?"

If Ron continues to arrest people in the future, Ermao's political arena will be completely over.

When everyone is in danger, what extreme reactions those people will make can be expected.

"We've already caught almost all of them."

Ron smiled slightly, no one knew the consequences better than him.

But this is the most opportune moment.

These people, all of whom are left behind by Shenko, must be removed from the cabinet.

As for the other small shrimps, there is no need to move them for the time being.

Hit a stick and give a sweet date.

Now the sticks are being beaten hard enough that these officials can't stand the pain.

It's time for a sweet date.


"Your Excellency the President."

"In the name of the presidential palace, an internal government letter was issued to inform all officials that in today's operation, the people arrested are those who harm the national interests and unite with traditional oligarchs to betray the country.

"The operation has been successfully completed. People in other departments don't need to panic. What to do."

"By the way, tell them that I don't blame the past, and allow them to launder the dirty money, but within 30 days, and the money can be spent in the country, and they will work hard and enjoy life in the future."

Ron was telling all the panicking officials.

I know what you did before, but I only catch these leaders.

I don't care about your things.

I will not pursue the black-hearted money you earned.

Work hard for me, and nothing will happen to me.

If you have other thoughts, you can think about it yourself.

"Yes, President!"

"No, Your Excellency, it's fine if you don't hold these people accountable. Why do you allow them to launder their money?"

"I really can't figure it out, aren't you afraid that other officials will launder money unscrupulously in the future?"

Joseph was in a hurry.

These officials have embezzled money for so many years, you don't need to pursue it.

Now they are allowed to launder money publicly. If they start this way, they will not launder money more brazenly in the future.

Ron glanced at him, and said lightly: "Didn't you hear what I said, there are only 30 days to launder the money. 17

"Even if this is not the case, the impact is too bad."

Joseph couldn't take it.

Ron looked at him and asked a question: "Joseph, you are the most clear about our current domestic economic level. You also know how low the consumption level of the people is every year."

"But have you ever thought about what is the root cause of this?"

The level of national consumption is low, and the economy cannot grow at all.

The reason for all this is very simple.

As the Minister of Finance, Joseph certainly knew: "All this is caused by the outflow of property.

The wealth of the country is flowing abroad on a huge scale every year.

What kind of consumption can there be in the country?


Joseph understood what was going on, he looked at Ron in shock: "Your Excellency, do you want to get all the officials to transfer the outflow of property through this matter?"

Ron nodded and praised: "I'm very pleased that you can think of it."

A large amount of wealth has flowed out, causing domestic consumption levels to remain stagnant.

Without consumer demand, there is no market.

Only when the domestic consumer demand goes up, can the market environment get better.

This is the basis of economics.

And those officials, the wealth hidden abroad is an astronomical sum.

When they can legally launder the wealth and bring it back to the country.

Spend their money.

Have to spend it.

And the amount of capital entering the domestic market will improve the supply and demand relationship in the market, thereby improving the national economy.

In fact, there was another reason, Ron didn't tell Joseph.

That's the art of raising pigs!

This is a high-end pig raising technology that our ancestors have honed over thousands of years.

If Joseph knew, he would definitely be scared to death.

Besides, even if Ron said it, he wouldn't understand it.

"Gao, Your Excellency, your move is really high!"

Joseph looked at the current young president, and he couldn't calm down.

A young man in his twenties has such sophisticated methods.

He seems to be a born politician, a born leader.

The wrist is iron and blood, and the work is done quickly without the slightest sloppiness.

But he can restrain himself, and what he does can be stopped in time, which has enough deterrent effect.

"There is hope for the country, we have finally ushered in a good president!"

Joseph felt himself agitated.


The government officials who were originally panicked, after the letters from the government of the presidential palace were sent out.

Those officials checked immediately.

When they saw the content, they were all relieved.

It can be said that in the Ermao government, 80% of the officials have more or less participated in the interest chain of the oligarchs.

None of these people are clean.

Ron's arrest of 20 powerful cabinet members made them panic, fearing that they would also be liquidated.

Now that they have received the guarantee from the president, these people are completely relieved.

After all, this is an internal open letter from the president.

He will never be duplicity.

And Ron's character, when he was an oligarch, the officials who dealt with him knew it very well.

He is a man who keeps his promises.

If it is not settled, it will never be settled.

After seeing the president's internal letter, many officials were nervous.

"It looks like the president is determined to kill these oligarchs!"

"No, we must get rid of those oligarchs in the shortest possible time."

"Nowadays the president has won the hearts of the people, and his methods are still so ruthless, if he doesn't clean up his ties with the oligarchs at this time, it will be bad luck in the future.

"Although the biggest source of benefits has been lost, the position has been kept at least, but it is still not safe, and it must be thoroughly cleared.

0…ask for flowers………

Many officials, in these years, have really made a lot of money by relying on the oligarchs.

This money is enough for them to enjoy life.

Now Ron doesn't hold back, and most of all.

Ron allowed them to launder the money, tantamount to allowing them to enjoy the life that the money brought

this one.

It is these officials who choose to completely distance themselves from the oligarchs.

after all,

The money they embezzled can only be hidden in the dark.

And now the president allows them to launder the money and spend it domestically.

This is the most important.

No one wants to leave their hometown.

If it is possible, I would like to spend the money I earn openly and legally in my own country.

The money of those officials is all overseas.

They don't go abroad, and they don't dare to spend flowers.

I've been very aggrieved for a long time.

Now Ron allows them to legally transfer the money to the country.

Of course they would.

So Ron's decision immediately received the support of almost all government officials.

Ron only gave them 30 days.

So they acted immediately, preparing to transfer their wealth abroad to China in the shortest possible time.

Under this kind of stimulation, the officials feel full of energy.

The originally boring government work is very exciting to do.

And those who are going to use this name to launder their wealth are not just those officials.

Many wealthy people who were tied up with the officials, after hearing the news, also went into jail one after another.

Because they also have a lot of money that cannot be laundered and can only be hidden in the dark.



During this morning, the domestic officials and those rich and powerful people got busy one after another, making arrangements for each other.

I want to launder my wealth through legal means.

Unexpectedly, Foreign Minister Eva became a favorite.

Many officials and rich people know the relationship between Eva and Ron.

This beautiful foreign minister has an extremely close relationship with Mr. President.

Besides, Eva was the head of the Ivanka Group before.

And she comes from a political family.

For things like money laundering, the institutions responsible for money laundering can earn amazing profits.

These benefits are not given to anyone.

Naturally, they want to please the President, but they dare not seek the President.

Then I can only find Eva, whom the president trusts the most.

So at noon, Eva, who was preparing to welcome Long Guo and Da Mao in the afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as visiting heads of state from the Middle East, found that the threshold of her office was about to be broken

Hundreds of officials, as well as those domestic rich people she knew before, contacted Eva through various channels.

I want her to come forward and help launder the black money.

"What happened? Did these people get their shit out of their heads and openly asked me to launder money for them?"

Eva was dumbfounded.

What's happening here.

She felt that if these people had shit in their heads, or they were arrogant to the point of lawlessness.

She is very busy today, so she has no time to read the open letter from the presidential palace.

Wait until Eva's assistant tells her what happened.

Eva understood the ins and outs.


She called Ron's personal cell phone directly.

"Sir.....I miss you!"

I haven't seen Ron for two days, and Eva's voice is full of charm.

"Speak the truth."

Ron couldn't laugh or cry, what a goblin.

"Hee hee...Mr., we are going to get rich, you know, a lot of people are looking for me, asking me to come forward to help them launder money, and give me 20% handling fee.

"I roughly calculated that the laundered money will be at least hundreds of billions of dollars, 20%, we can easily earn more than 10 billion after excluding costs.

This is only the funds disclosed by the person who asked Eva to launder money during this time period.

This has already reached the scale of hundreds of billions of dollars.

One can imagine

How many unknown assets will emerge in 10 days.

"Hey, then I want to congratulate you, little rich woman, you can make money boldly, and I will take care of things for you."

Ron laughed. He really didn't expect that these people would find Eva in the end.

But if you think about it carefully, you will know.

These people are using this method, and they are not good with themselves.

It's also a signal to be soft on yourself.

After all, whoever earns this money is not earning it.

"Really? Then I will start taking orders. If he is arrested by the audit department, Mr. President, you have to save me."

Eva's delicate voice made Ron very disrespectful.

This little goblin, after waiting for these few days, she must be cured.

Ron talked about the business: "How is the preparation for the reception of foreign guests? Long Guo and Da Mao, when will they arrive?"

When it comes to business, Eva is also serious.

"Sir, Longguo takes off at 3:00 p.m. and is expected to arrive at the auxiliary airport at 5:30.

"Da Mao, the special plane is expected to arrive at the auxiliary plane at 8 o'clock in the evening."

"People from Middle Eastern countries can't arrive until tomorrow morning."

"You have to pick up the plane in the afternoon, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already arranged for it.

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