Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter 72, The Elders Of Longguo Are Here, The Highest Standard Welcome Ceremony!

Su Linna seemed very excited. The reason why she agreed to work in Madasic was because she wanted to use her skills to serve the country.

As a top student majoring in aerodynamics, Su Linna knows very well what it means to have such a world-leading aeroengine company in her own country.

This means that as long as Ermao is willing, he will be able to become the fourth country in the world capable of manufacturing fifth-generation fighters.

Although Ermao is very poor, there is currently no money to develop fifth-generation fighters.

But as long as President Ron is willing, the fifth-generation aircraft project can be launched at any time when the country becomes rich.

Before Ron's meeting, these aerodynamic experts must sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Does this mean that he is going to start the research and development of the latest technology aero-engine now?

Noel Foss and other aerodynamic experts also thought of this possibility.

for a while,

All the technical backbones present were all excited.

Without any hesitation, they directly signed the non-disclosure agreement.

Those who engage in technology are not afraid of pressure from above, but are afraid that they will ignore them.

As long as there is a request from above, these technical experts are willing to serve the country and develop scientific and technological achievements, even if they are working day and night.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, everyone looked at Ron expectantly.

They are waiting for what kind of powerful weapon the new president will let them develop.

Is it directly engaged in the vector turbofan engine of the fifth generation fighter?

With the technology currently reserved by Madasic, as long as the money is given, it can still be produced, and they guarantee that the power of the engine produced will definitely exceed ten times that of the big hand next door.

Seeing that they all signed the non-disclosure agreement, Ron smiled with satisfaction.

"Congratulations, you have joined this great and honorable battle."

"I won't go around in circles anymore, this is a design drawing of an aero-engine, I want you to manufacture what is on the drawing in the shortest possible time.

"You don't have to worry about the money issue. In the early stage, I will ask the Ministry of Finance to allocate 1 billion US dollars to Madasic for research and development."

1 billion US dollars is completely enough.

After all, the pulse detonation engine of the sixth-generation aircraft Su-45 has the design drawings. The next technical problem that these people need to solve in 03 is how to build this engine.

Ron took out the engine drawings of the sixth-generation Su-45 and handed them over to Noel Foss.

"Let's take a look first..."

All the aerodynamic experts gathered together and looked at the engine design drawings that Ron took out.

"Pulse detonation engine?"

"Based on the detonation wave generated by the detonation combustion in the combustion chamber to compress the gas, and then generate power."

"The maximum thrust-to-weight ratio can reach 20."

Mach number range up to: 0~10. (The Mach number of turbofan and jet engine is 0~5)”

"The flight altitude can reach up to 50km?"

"The maximum thrust can reach 50,000 kg?"

"The fuel consumption rate is less than 1kg/kgom?"

The more I look at the data, the expressions on the faces of Erfus and all the aerodynamic experts are more like hell.

Because these data represent what, they are too clear.

It can be said that if this pulse detonation engine can be made, it will be the world's top aero engine.

The engine xa100 of Yingjiang's fifth-generation aircraft F-35 is currently the top aero engine in the world.

But its thrust is only 20.8 tons.

The thrust of this pulse detonation engine has reached 50,000 kg, and the thrust has reached 50 tons.

Hanging Eagle Sauce!

Da Mao's aero engine has a thrust of 23 tons, but the level of technology is far behind that of Eagle Sauce.

The engine of Longguo's fifth-generation aircraft has a thrust of only 18 tons, which is much worse than the previous two.

"Not to mention, the design drawing of this engine is very detailed. Although there are many technical problems in it, as long as we have money and time, we can definitely figure it out.

"And, after I checked, theoretically, this engine is completely manufactured."

What shocked the technicians like Noel Foss the most was that.

Judging from the design drawings, the logic of such an excellent aero-engine is very smooth, giving them a feeling that it can be manufactured completely.


"God, if this engine is built, how powerful is the performance of the fighter jet?"

"Such a powerful thrust means that it is possible to design a fighter jet that takes off straight from sleep?"

"Don't even mention that if the thrust is so strong, it can really be designed as a fighter jet that takes off and lands vertically."

Once thought spreads out, it is infinite.

The brains of technicians are quite awesome.

They quickly thought of countless possibilities based on this engine.


The premise is that this engine can really be built.

"Your Excellency, give us a month, and after a month, all of us in Madacic will give you a surprise.

It will take him a month to verify whether the various theories on this design drawing are feasible.

But what shocked Noel Foss and others was the source of this design drawing.

"Well, Your Excellency, I'm sorry to ask, did you design this blueprint yourself?"

It is no exaggeration to say that Noel Foss, the world's top aerodynamic engine powerhouse, knows them all.

But he has never heard anyone mention the theory about pulse detonation.

Because turbofan and jet engines are the mainstream of aero engines now.

is the focus of all national studies.

This engine has completely subverted all existing aero engines.

"Oh, it was designed by a friend of mine."

The blueprints produced by the system must have an excuse. Anyway, when someone asked, Ron said that it was designed by his friend.

As for who this friend is, that ghost knows.


Noel Foss and these technical experts looked at Ron suspiciously.


To be able to design such a top-level idea and unconstrained aero-engine, this person is definitely the talent that every country desires most.

Moreover, if this kind of engine appears in other countries, how can you get it.

This engine will definitely be classified as top secret.

No one believed Ron's friend's words.

"Vori, I have a terrible thought."

Suddenly, a terrible idea emerged in everyone's heart.

That is,

This engine is not designed by their president, Ron himself, is it?

Once this idea appeared, it immediately occupied everyone's minds, and the more they thought about it, the more correct it became.

If it was designed by his friend, no matter which country his friend is from, this kind of engine design drawing is definitely the top secret of the country.

It is absolutely impossible to spread any news.

Not to mention the engine drawings.

"Okay, the confidentiality agreement has been signed, and I have to rush back to the auxiliary machine city to receive foreign guests. Noel Foss, now set up a top-secret aviation research and development team."

"I appoint you as the team leader and Su Linna as the deputy team leader to coordinate the research and development of the pulse detonation engine."

"This is Wang Hao, the new chairman of Motor Sich. Next, if you need any equipment or instruments, you can find Wang Hao, and he will get them for you.

"For a research and development fund of 1 billion US dollars, I will immediately let the Ministry of Finance call the company."

Ron's original escort leader, Wang Hao, was promoted by him to be the chairman of Motor Sich.

Such an important company must be run by his own people, so he can rest assured.

And Wang Hao's loyalty to himself is 100.

Don't worry about betrayal at all.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President!"

Su Linna didn't expect that Ron would accept her as the deputy team leader. She was a little apprehensive, but seeing Ron's encouraging eyes, Su Linna's eyes burst out with determination.

"Your Excellency, we will not let you down."

Ron left, and in two more hours, the elders of Longguo came.

He needs to take a special plane back to the auxiliary plane immediately.

Motor Sich is located in Zaporozhye, a city in western Ermao, where the famous Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is located.

After Ron left, Noel Foss and others immediately began to study the drawings.

"Look, there's a name here."

Suddenly, sharp-eyed researchers found a person's name at the bottom of the countless data.


"It's Mr. President's name."

"This... generally only the blueprint designer will write his name at the bottom of the blueprint. This is the habit of every designer."

When they found this name, everyone's eyes became terrified.

"My God, this engine was actually designed by His Excellency the President."

"This... Your Excellency the President, he... he... is simply appalling."

"Our President, His Excellency, is simply not human."

A president, a well-known oligarch in a country, and a ruthless president have designed an unprecedentedly powerful aero-engine.

This shock made all the technicians feel their brains were bewildered.

"Comrades, what we need to do now is to build this engine in the shortest possible time!"

Noel Foss was shaking with excitement, his guess was right.

Taking the special plane, Ron returned to the auxiliary plane international airport after an hour and a half.

When his special plane arrived at the airport, it stopped on the runway.

Immediately there were agents from the Security Bureau waiting under the plane.

Eva was among them.

Ron got off the plane and looked at Natasha below, his face was as indifferent as ever, and he watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Eva, on the other hand, was wearing a black lady's suit, with her long hair coiled up, and a silk scarf around her neck.


If it weren't for the crowds around now, Eva would have jumped into Ron's arms.

"How long will it take for the people from the Dragon Kingdom to arrive?"

Ron smiled at her, and greeted Natasha beside him.

Natasha nodded.

Eva replied: "There are still 24 minutes, when the special plane from Halong Kingdom lands next door, the guard of honor is ready.

"Sir, your itinerary for a while is that after the airport pick-up, our guard of honor from the three armed forces will hold a welcome ceremony. After the ceremony is over, let the Dragon Kingdom Mission take a rest at the hotel.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, you are going to greet the one in Da Mao. The ceremony process is the same as that in Long Kingdom."

"After Da Mao arrives, you will invite the two heads of state to dinner at the State Hotel."

"The scale of our customized dinner is the highest standard in the world. According to your requirements, Chinese food and Slavic food are the main dishes."

"Tomorrow's presidential inauguration ceremony will start at 10 am, and before 10 am, those heads of state in the Middle East will arrive one after another.

"However, the heads of state of the Middle East do not need you to greet them in person. In principle, the prime minister will receive them, but you have not accepted the prime minister yet, so I will receive them."

This is the difference between a big country and a small country.

When a delegation from a major power came to visit, the president personally picked him up.

The missions of small countries are not used.

"I see.………"

"Is the escort plane arranged?"

When the head of state of a major country visits, a special plane must be specially arranged for escort.

"It's been arranged. According to your instructions, the navy will escort you this time!"

Ron nodded. Being the president is actually the same as being the chairman of a large group. Most of the daily affairs are diplomatic.

The president is responsible for making good relations with foreign countries and reaching cooperation with those countries.

As for the prime minister, he is mainly responsible for the domestic economy.

Ron has no suitable prime minister right now, so the second hand is now in a state of no prime minister.

Look at the time, in less than 20 minutes, it will be 370 to see the elders from home.

Let's talk about anxiety, not much, but there is tension.

After all, the person who came here has a very good relationship with his father.

And Shen Feiyu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is also a very good friend of Ron's father.

They are all family members.

"I don't know if the words of the elders count, but they said before that they would give Ermao 100 billion US dollars in resource support.

"There is also the matter of researching and developing sixth-generation fighters together. Unfortunately, if Ermao doesn't have top-level technology now, he can build it himself."

As the old saying goes, it is only natural to take advantage of one's own elders.

Ron would have no shame.

The guard of honor of the Second, Mao and Three Armies has arrived, the red carpet is spread out, and the gift packages are ready.

Just wait for the special plane of the Dragon Kingdom Mission to arrive.

And at the same time.

An Airbus A380 special plane has flown into the airspace of Ermao.

Just as the passenger plane entered Ermao's airspace, two Su-27 fighter jets flew from the side.

Fighter pilots contact the pilot of the special plane by radio.

"We are Ermao Navy, gentlemen, welcome to Ermao, and we will escort you to the airport next."

The driver of the special plane responded immediately.

"Received, thank Ermao's brother!"

"You're welcome."

"Leader, we've reached Ermao's airspace!"

Inside the private plane, the person from Linyuan Pavilion nodded with a smile on his face.

"The last time I came to Ermao was when the Federation disintegrated, and I went shopping with the elders."

"At that time, I felt that second-hand stocks were not good at all.

"But this time entering Ermao's airspace, it actually made me feel very kind."

Foreign Minister Shen Feiyu, who was sitting next to the leader, laughed when he heard this: "Are you being kind to Ermao? Are you being kind to your own people?"

When Shen Feiyu learned who the president of Ermao is now.

His eyeballs were about to pop out.

Even if he beat him to death, he would never have imagined that the bastard he beat up by him back then would become President Ermao.

He couldn't even imagine that if Luo Zhen knew that his son had become President Ermao, that guy would be scared to death directly.

"That's right, haha."

The leader nodded, this should be the reason.

The words of the two were heard by the accompanying personnel.

Song Ziqian, who was the first translator, felt a little strange when listening to the words of the leader and the minister.

Today's leaders and ministers are very strange.

Not only Song Ziqian felt strange, but the rest of the entourage also felt this way.

It just feels like the smiles on the faces of the leaders and ministers have never stopped since they got on the plane today.

And they kept chatting again, how to teach that guy a lesson when they got to the place.

who is that guy

they do not know.

At this time, the flight attendant came to remind: "Leader, minister, please sit down, the plane is ready to land...".

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