Let You Study Abroad, And You Become The Bear President

Chapter Nine, Before The Vote, Black Materials From All Parties Are Flying In The Sky!

"Sir, this is today's news. It's very interesting. Take a look."

Ron's office is large and luxurious.

There is an indoor golf in the office, and on the floor of his office, there is also a suspended sky swimming pool with his special lounge.

Every day Ron's life is playing golf indoors, but the daily news, Ron is a must-see.

Accident wearing a red suit, stepping on high heels, and wearing black stockings on his sky-defying long legs.

Because Ron said, he likes black silk.

So since then, Eva will wear black silk every day.

"The candy factory of the Shenke family, because of deducting workers' wages, caused many workers to commit suicide?"

Today's news is very explosive, someone actually broke the news about the scandal of the Shenke family.

As Ermao's largest confectionery business, the Shenke family controls all of Ermao's confectionery industry, with assets worth more than one billion US dollars.


Candy is only Shenko's wealth on the surface. Behind the scenes, he used his time as president to control 20.60% of the mine resources.

It even controls 20% of 80% of natural gas and oil resources.


These resources have made him a lot of money, but as long as he is not the president, these resources have nothing to do with him.

It will be immediately snatched back from him and the oligarchs behind him by the next president.

This is why Shenke and the oligarchs behind him must be re-elected.

They were reluctant to give up such a huge cake.

Ron grinned: "This should be the news from Sky's team. It seems that they have already made a move."

During the election period, all kinds of black materials were flying in the sky.

The dark history of politicians is not seen on weekdays, and at this time they will appear in front of the domestic people with various gossip.

The purpose, of course, is to hit the opponent's support rate.

After all, it is a democratic country, and the president and cabinet are elected by elections.

"Sir, this is the latest poll result. Your support rate is not very optimistic."

Eva was not in a hurry, because she knew that the man in front of her hadn't made a move yet.

My husband once said that until the last moment, no one knows what the result will be.

Now is the time for Shenko and Ski team to fight.

Joining the battle group rashly, if it attracts the attention of both parties and turns the gun to Ron, it will not be worth the candle.

Ron looked at the poll results in his hand.

This was the latest yesterday.

Shenke: 25% approval rate

Ski: Approval rate 36%

Ron: 10% approval rate

"Uh, Sky's approval rating has dropped...what's going on?"

Ron remembered that seven days ago, he saw that Sky's approval rating was still 42%, how could it drop to 36% now?

Eva explained: "Sir, you have been filming these days, so I didn't tell you these things."

"A week ago, Shenke's team began to release all kinds of negative news about Ski, and even pointed out that he is a comedian and his Cambridge degree is fake."

"Sky also immediately counterattacked, but the effect didn't seem to be very good. The two sides exchanged rumors, which pulled down Ski's approval rating, but Shenko's approval rating increased a lot."

The two teams, Shenke and Ski, fought fiercely behind the scenes.

The two sides exchanged fierce information and began to deceive the public. All kinds of true news and false news made the people of Ermao eat melons and eat their stomachs to death.

But it is undeniable that in the end, the wily Shenke took advantage of this kind of mutual explosion of black materials.

The support rate of Ski was down.

As for Ron, neither side paid much attention to him at all.

Because of his approval rating, he is no threat to them.

"Got it." Ron nodded.

"Sir, when do we start? There are only 22 days left until the polling day."

Eva doesn't know when Ron is going to make an effort, and the voting will start in the last 22 days.

"No rush...let them fight for a few more days."

Don't worry about making efforts. Now Shenko and the oligarchs behind Sky are fighting happily. He is quietly a spectator. Isn't it good to watch the excitement every day?

As for running for president, Ron didn't expect to be successful either.

The purpose of his election is to disgust Shenko and cause trouble for him. It is best to make him pay a huge price, and he may not be elected.

"Well, would you like some coffee, sir?"

"it is good."

It happened to be thirsty too, and Eva was very good at making coffee.

Ron just likes to drink her coffee.

"I'll make you a cup."

Eva twisted her graceful waist, deliberately turned around in front of Ron, and showed Ron her most beautiful figure.

"This goblin."

Ron couldn't be more clear about Eva's thoughts.


He can't break the precept now.

"Come on, 13 more days."

The system panel in front of him was still 13 days away from being unlocked. As long as it was unlocked, he could continue to enjoy the beauty of life.

Drinking coffee, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the entire auxiliary machine city, I feel very good.

But the good mood didn't last long.

Wang Hao, the person in charge of the guard group, came to the office and knocked on the door. Eva went to answer the door, and Wang Hao said the first thing when he came in.

"Boss, downstairs in our company, there are people coming to make trouble. There are a lot of people, at least tens of thousands."

Ron frowned, turned and looked downstairs through the floor-to-ceiling windows.


Below the dozens of storey buildings, people like ants can be seen gathering together, densely packed with many people.

"What are these people doing here?"

All right, some people came to the company to make trouble. If it says that no one is bewitching, even if Ron is killed, he will not believe it.

"These people are all young people in Auxiliary City. It is said that someone launched a protest on the Internet, saying that they want you to withdraw from the presidential election, saying that Ermao people don't need an Asian to be president."

When Wang Hao saw the troublemakers, he immediately arrested several of them secretly and asked why.

In the end, I found out that someone was bewitching young people in Auxiliary City to protest against the Ivanka Group on the Internet, and asked Ron to get out of the presidential election.

"Bring it to me and have a look."

As for the young men downstairs, Ron didn't care.

Wang Hao used his laptop to open a forum, which turned out to be an internal forum of the National University of Auxiliary City.

[Regard the Ermao people, you may not have noticed that Ron, who is running for the presidency, is a capitalist through and through, a moth that sucks blood on our Ermao people. 】

[Since he came to Ermao, our Commonwealth Bank has been acquired, and 60% of our national deposits are in his bank. Since he came to Ermao, our Gelia Mining Company has closed down, our Scholl Z Energy Company closed down, our...]

[This Asian from the East is gradually eroding our country and destroying our country step by step. As students of the country, we must protest. 】

【We want to drive this vampire, this moth out of our country...】

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