According to the original plan.

Li Mo was planning to camp here.

The sudden appearance of a prehistoric little girl disrupts all this.

In order not to have too much contact with hominids.

After a short break.

He started the airship and left.

By the time he finished his two-day aimless tour.

Once again, he put all his energy into building a photonic chip production line.

Large quantities of workpieces are manufactured.

Because the scientific and technological content of this production line has exceeded the current level of human science and technology.

Therefore, when manufacturing some key components, Li Mo will enable the privacy function of the system.

Avoid learning related technologies.

Although other countries learn to make photonic chip production lines, he can also gain proficiency when producing products.

But before there is an absolute generational difference.

He will only leave this machine and technology to Daxia.

Spring goes, summer comes, autumn leaves yellow.

In the blink of an eye.

It has been two years since Li Mo came to this world.

Two identical sets of parts have been carefully placed in five warehouses.

The purified ones of various raw materials are also purified.

The processed ones were also processed.

The preliminary preparations for the production line for manufacturing photonic chips were all completed.

Then comes the assembly process.


“Today is the second anniversary of the arrival of prehistoric survival live broadcast in this world, taking this opportunity, I also want to ask experts, in terms of Li Mo’s preparations this year, is it possible to manufacture his lithography machine?”

Host Sha Beining asked the many experts in the studio.

This year.

They witnessed Li Mo’s busyness almost all year round.

All kinds of alloy parts are constantly manufactured and processed on top of his skillful hands.

In the past, there may be some people in the audience in the live broadcast room who knew more about what Li Mo did.

For example, seeing him rubbing a stick against a piece of wood tells you that he is going to drill wood for fire.

But now the audience can’t understand it.

What those parts do, and what they should be used for, is completely out of the scope of understanding.

Lithography machines are such a thing.

It is too strange and novel for the general public.

And the experts in the studio have also been updated several batches.

From the very beginning of wild survival, to the power experts behind, and then to the current batch of experts and professors in the field of lithography machines.

The so-called art industry has a specialty.

Only these professionals can answer the audience’s confusion in the first place.

“More than three hundred days ago, Li Mo wrote on that piece of paper for the first time when he wanted to rub the lithography machine by hand.”

“Many experts, including me, don’t believe it.”

“This pearl of human industrial civilization cannot be taken off by one person alone.”

“Now he makes so many parts!”

“I admit I was dumbfounded!”

An expert said with a complicated expression on his face.

As a top scholar in the field of lithography machines.

He understood better than anyone the difficulty of building a lithography machine.

Even if it was something he never dared to dream of.

In prehistory, a person relied on the tools he made and built his own power station, and successfully made a large number of parts for lithography machines.

This is beyond the knowledge of everyone in their field

“You mean he’ll succeed?”

Sha Beining was very excited.

This is the first time that experts in related fields think that Li Mo can succeed in this matter.

After all, these experts trust their knowledge more.

Unlike many viewers, they trust Li Mo unconditionally.

Unconditionally felt that Li Mo could create a miracle again.

“Yes, but judging from the parts prepared by Li Mo, the lithography machine he wants to manufacture seems to be different from our mainstream lithography machine.”

The expert said again.

In fact, during this period of time, they watched Li Mo’s creation of things, which was also in the clouds.

Many parts.

It seems to be able to be used on lithography machines.

It seems that other machinery is needed.

Many times, the viewing angle also switches.

They wanted to study the role of these parts through video playback, but they couldn’t.

“I just said that Brother Mo can, and now the experts have admitted it!”

“That gringo named Peter is probably already regretting that he said too much!”

“If I were the reporter before, after Brother Mo’s lithography machine was assembled, he would run to interview Peter as soon as possible to get the greatest popularity!”

“Mo Shen is really able to rub the lithography machine by hand, then don’t you want to build something and make something in the future, and play with two Tsar Big Ivan?”

Experts said that Li Mo’s lithography machine may succeed.

The news quickly made headlines.

These two years.

Prehistoric survival live streaming gradually faded out of human vision.

Except that the Ark base stumbled and perfected a little.

There is almost no news.

The lives of players from many countries are not even concerned about their own people.

“It’s been two years, I haven’t watched the live broadcast for a long time, I didn’t expect that Brother Mo could really make a lithography machine!”

“Ye Qing back, I’ll go see it!”

“Is what the experts say reliable? How do I feel unbelievable! ”

More and more people poured into the live broadcast room of Daxia.

The Prehistoric Survival Daxia Channel also has many more foreigners.

Some are specially watching the lively, and some are Li Mo’s fans.

There is also a group that is the most special, that is, a sect that believes in Li Mo.

In this sectarian view, Li Mo is the embodiment of God, and believing in Li Mo’s future life can be liberated.

The requirements to join this denomination are also simple.

Watching Li Mo’s live broadcast content for three hours in a row, he is a member of the sect.

The level of fooling around is comparable to the Flying Pasta Sect.

Under the gaze of countless people.

Li Mo began the assembly and construction of the photonic chip production line.

The location is inside the laboratory he built.

It is said that it is a production line.

In fact, the area is not large.

The production line contains all the processes of a photonic chip from raw material to finished chip.

Compared with the chip industry chain of later generations.

It’s too much simplicity.

It took a week.

His production line was completely assembled.

This process.

He also often enables privacy mode.


Whether it is the Daxia live broadcast room or the Daxia channel, it is already overcrowded.

Barrage after barrage rolls fast.

It is almost impossible to see what is on it.

Whether he believes or doubts Li Mo, tolerates or ridicules.

Everyone knows that Li Mo not only made a mini version of the lithography machine, but even made a production line from raw materials to finished products.

Whether it really succeeds depends on the last word.

It’s worth seeing for yourself.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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