The fire gradually died down.

The Suiren tribe, which had been reveling until midnight, gradually quieted down.

Feng Hao returned to his hut again and started the high-level item lottery.

[Congratulations on winning a piece of high-level material Shoushan copper: Hidden (Shoushan copper is quite magical and can be used to cast weapons, tools and other utensils. When the tool is completed, it will automatically stimulate mysterious power.)]

It turned out to be this thing!

Feng Hao showed a look of surprise.

If we only talk about Shoushan copper, many people may not know what it is, but everyone should know it when it comes to Xuanyuan Sword.

It is rumored that Xuanyuan Sword was made by the gods and immortals who collected Shoushan copper and tailored for Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi.

This copper from Shoushan has its own magical powers. Whether it is used to make weapons or other tools, it will have some mysterious power.

However, the piece that Feng Hao extracted was not big, only slightly larger than his fist, but the weight was extremely amazing.

He felt that this piece should be much heavier than the same volume of gold.

"With such a small amount, what can I make?"

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes and made a choice after pondering for a moment.

This copper from Shoushan is far from enough to make weapons. At most, it can be used to make a gun head, but it should not be a problem to use it to make a hammer.

A hammer for forging iron!

The Suiren tribe currently has more than a dozen hunting teams of various sizes, and each hunting member is a veteran.

Although they have no extraordinary power, they can easily capture ordinary beasts and monsters with their strong physique and skilled combat skills.

But their equipment is extremely simple.

The bows and arrows were just ordinary wooden bows and arrows without arrowheads. The melee weapons were all made of a special stone flake, which was quite sharp but relatively fragile and lacked toughness.

There were also weapons made of teeth and claws of fierce beasts, but these weapons were relatively rare and their actual lethality was not satisfactory.

If they could get the right weapons, the combat effectiveness of the hunting team of the Suiren tribe would at least soar by several levels.

"Ironmaking! Must be ironmaking!"

Feng Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air, put the copper of Shoushan into the pottery jar, and slowly closed his eyes.

He slept very soundly that night.

After dawn.

He began to teach the women and the elderly who stayed behind in the Suiren tribe to make stoves together, and then told Suiren to pay attention to yellow stones when hunting.

In addition to using the stoves for their own use, they could also be exchanged for food from other tribes of the human race, making the Suiren tribe even stronger.

Although the primitive tribes were a little immature, they did whatever they were told to do because he was a small leader with a high enough status.

He selected a few of the most capable people from among them, and separated the process of making a furnace into parts so that each of them could learn one step at a time.

In this way, the first assembly line craftsman group in the prehistoric world was born.

The afternoon task was to train the people of the Suiren tribe to learn how to make pottery, which was also an assembly line operation.

Some people mixed mud, some made clay, and some made pottery.

In order to make the pottery they made more beautiful, Feng Hao also made some pottery turntables, which could further increase the speed of making pottery clay.

For several days in a row.

He was teaching the techniques of making pottery and furnaces.

Until one day, Suiren found Feng Hao with a piece of iron ore.

"Feng Hao! Do you think this is what you are looking for?"

Looking at this piece of pyrite, Feng Hao showed a look of surprise and nodded repeatedly: "Yes! This is what I am looking for!"

"Where was this found? Are there a lot of ore reserves?"

Sui Renshi exhaled a breath of turbid air and asked with a hint of doubt: "The hardness of this stone is not high. I tried it myself, and the things polished are far less sharp than the azurite we use."

Azurite is the stone used by the human tribe to polish stone tools today. It is a kind of stone that exists beside the mountain stream and has been eroded by the stream for a long time and presents a green color.

Feng Hao is not a geologist and does not know the composition of this stone. It just looks a bit like pebbles, but it is harder than pebbles.

It is also relatively brittle.

These days, he tried to melt this azurite with the merit furnace. After the fist-sized azurite was finally melted and cooled, part of it would become ordinary slag and the other part would become a green structure.


Feng Hao guessed that the secret of its hardness should be this crystal that occasionally flashes green light.

He thought that he could try to add the crystal to the molten iron, maybe it would produce some wonderful reactions.

"Leader, although the azurite is sharp, it is too brittle and can only be used to make some small stone tools."

"In addition, this ore cannot be used directly to make weapons. I know a magical way to melt this ore and azurite together, which has a chance to become a sharper and more resilient material."

Suirenshi nodded at him as if he had realized something, and sent a message: "So that's it, this stone was discovered by the team of the beast binding team. There is a very strong beast entrenched there, so they only brought back one piece secretly."

Feng Hao frowned slightly, but was not surprised.

"A fierce beast? If the leader goes with me, can we kill the fierce beast?"

Suirenshi smiled proudly: "That's no problem."

Feng Hao smiled: "Then let's go and have a look!"

He and Suirenshi traveled together, and took the hunting team that found the ore with the beast binding team out of the tribe and headed straight to the southwest.


Blue Star.

The Honghuang Forum is now more lively, and many people have even regarded it as the second Internet.

However, only topics related to the Honghuang world are allowed to be posted in the forum, so the content still looks very clean.

There is also a hot topic ranking list inside the forum.

#Tuvalu survivors are in life and death crisis, with a 98% chance of death#

#Eagle sauce survivor Bruce suppresses the void#

#Tianzhu internal test player Kameler goes one step further#

Then there is the news that the survivors of Xiaguo have discovered iron ore and are preparing to develop iron civilization in the human race.

"It's my father Feng. Now that we have discovered iron ore, we should develop human civilization."

"The young patriarch is not a joke. The atmosphere of the Suiren tribe has really changed every day these days."

"Not only have they started firing pottery and making stoves, but they have also built toilets and set rules for going to the toilet. It's really well done."

"Hehe, fighting is what real men should do. Your Xia country is useless."

"The prehistoric world is cruel. If you don't know how to fight, you can't survive."

"What's the use of inventing more? What's the use of having a high prestige among the human race? Any big monster in the Suiren tribe can slaughter the tribe. It's meaningless no matter how well he does."

"Yes, yes, you idiots are right."


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