The water was pouring into the hole, and the rats were squeaking.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~~~"

As a large amount of water poured into the hole, the sturdy rats finally couldn't hold it anymore and screamed, and got out of the holes wet.

The hunters who had been prepared outside immediately used various weapons to easily kill them one by one.

It felt like playing whack-a-mole.


Blue Star.

A group of prospective players couldn't help but marvel at the rats that were bigger than their own cats.

"If my cat encounters this thing, it might jump up in fright."

"Fuck! Look carefully, some seeds have been washed out by the water!"

"This looks like wheat, this looks a bit like rice, this looks like soybeans, what is this?"

"Feng Dad is really awesome, and he is also lucky. He found the rat hole right away."

"The key is that his brain is flexible enough. When he saw the rat, he immediately thought of their habit of storing food, and directly took away the rat's treasure house."

"Thanks to the gift of nature."


Although Feng Hao's bamboo bucket is only the lowest level of acquired merit spiritual treasure, it can be called a goalkeeper.

But a spiritual treasure is a spiritual treasure. Although it cannot hold the water of the five lakes, it can hold almost tens of millions of cubic meters of water.

As hundreds of rats were killed one after another, Feng Hao increased the speed of delivery.

The water was continuously poured into the rat hole at a very fast speed, and it emerged from more than a dozen holes to form fountains over one meter.

The water flow not only brought out all the food stored in the rat hole, but also some strange collections of rats.

After the water in the bamboo barrel was almost consumed, Feng Hao stopped.

"Mu Sheng, take people to collect all the seeds and rats on the ground!"

"Also collect some strange collections that rushed out of the rat hole."

With his order.

All the sturdy warriors went out and began to collect seeds and rat corpses with excitement.

These rats are huge, each weighing about ten or twenty pounds, and hundreds of rats weighing about ten thousand pounds. It is definitely a hearty harvest for the hunting team.

And there are quite a few small seeds on the ground. Feng Hao estimated that it should be no less than three thousand pounds, all of which are various seeds.

In addition.

In the end, he also got some strange stones and strange vine roots, which seemed to be not ordinary things and should contain some spiritual charm.

"Gather all the things and prepare to go back!"

Feng Hao put all the harvest into the merit bamboo bucket and turned to lead the team back.

As a result, just when they set out, Gun Gun suddenly sent a strange message.

"Master, we seem to be targeted."

"There are many of them, no less than dozens, and their aura is very fierce."

Gun Gun was a little anxious, his eyes were rolling around, and he kept looking around.

Feng Hao's face changed slightly.

He asked with his mind: "Are we surrounded?"

Gun Gun shook his big head and responded with his mind: "We are not completely surrounded. They are in three directions around us, and there is no blockage over there."

Gun Gun raised his big head and indicated that there was no problem in front of Feng Hao's right.

But Feng Hao narrowed his eyes and felt that there was a big problem.

This is clearly the "encircle three and leave one" in the art of war. Are they going to drive me and others in that direction?

But I won't!

"Everyone! Prepare for battle!"

"Return along the original route!"

At Feng Hao's command, all the warriors grasped their weapons tightly and their eyes became sharp.

Mu Sheng quickly made a few gestures, and all the hunters began to shrink their formation, quickly moving together with Feng Hao as the center, and surrounding him to return along the original route.

The grass taller than a person blocked the view, and it was impossible to see what was around.

A fierce light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he activated the merit furnace with his backhand, and surging flames gushed out of it.

Then the merit bellows emerged, causing the wind to push the flames, burning in the three directions that blocked him.

This action obviously disrupted the enemy's plan.

There was a commotion in the grass not far away from the three directions that Gungun identified, and at the same time, a fierce wolf howl sounded in the forest not far away.


Mu Sheng, who was holding the compound bow with both hands, changed his face greatly, and the others from

The same was true for the warriors of Beishan tribe.

"Leader! It's the Silver Moon Demon Wolf! It was it that rushed into our Beishan tribe with a group of Silver Moon Wolves!"

"It was he who destroyed our homeland and killed many of our people!"

Feng Hao's mouth twitched, and he immediately asked the most critical question: "How many acquired merit spiritual treasures did your Beishan tribe have at that time? What grade were they?"

Mu Sheng quickly responded: "At that time, the Beishan tribe was not as good as our Suiren tribe. Only the leader had two spiritual treasures, and the grade was far lower than that of the Suiren leader's spiritual treasure!

After the Silver Moon Demon Wolf appeared with the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, the leader resisted for a while and gave us a chance to escape."

Only two spiritual treasures?

They are probably acquired merit spiritual treasures of low grade, and the human race does not have any cultivation system now, so it is impossible to fully exert the power of spiritual treasures.

So the actual combat effectiveness of this Silver Moon Demon Wolf should not be very high.

I have several low-grade acquired merit treasures, and one that has reached the middle grade. If I add Gungun, I should be able to win.

At worst, I can let Gungun take me away.


The advantage is mine.

Kill him!

"Want revenge?"

"Yes? Then hold your weapons tightly and kill them with me!"

Feng Hao's words immediately ignited the emotions of these warriors from the Beishan tribe.

They remembered the sudden appearance of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan and the scene of the leader trying his best to help them hold back the Silver Moon Demon Wolf, and the other tribesmen fighting hard to help them stop the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

A surge of hot blood rushed to their heads, making their breathing become heavy.


Another wolf howl.

The Silver Moon Wolf Clan hidden in the bushes seemed to have received an order, drooling at the corners of their mouths, roaring and opening their bloody mouths, passing through the flames spreading around, and pounced on Feng Hao and his group.


The warriors, with Feng Hao at the center, were completely ignited and showed no fear at all. Some raised their spears and prepared for battle, while others raised their compound bows and stared at the surroundings with sharp eyes.

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