In the darkness, the body of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf, which was as big as a hill, also quickly emerged.

However, it did not charge, but strolled leisurely.

A pair of eyes flashing green light looked at Feng Hao and the merit furnace beside him with interest.

As it approached, the frost on the ground gathered around faster.

It was still in a state of three surrounded and one missing, as if deliberately leaving a glimmer of life for the human race in front of it.

A trace of haze flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and the merit furnace rotated above his head, using the power of merit as fuel to cast a series of flames to block the erosion of the cold air.

But the surrounding Silver Moon Wolf Clan had already emerged!


Feng Hao gave an order, and the human warriors released the arrows in their hands one after another.

"Roar, roar, roar~~~"

"Bang, bang, bang~~~"

The low roar of the Silver Moon Wolf and the vibration of the bowstring of the composite bow intertwined.

Then came the low muffled sound of the arrows entering the flesh, and the metal and iron sound of the claws colliding with the spears and lances.

On the rolling back.

Feng Hao remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the Silver Moon Demon Wolf that was walking step by step in the darkness, and the frost flowers gathered on the ground where it landed.

There was vigilance in his eyes.

The Silver Moon Demon Wolf didn't seem to be in a hurry. It approached slowly, as if it had no intention of taking action personally.

But Feng Hao keenly noticed that it was secretly accumulating strength, and when the opportunity it needed appeared, it would explode a fatal blow to him.

Passive beating has never been his character, taking the initiative to attack is!

Seeing the Silver Moon Demon Wolf approaching, Feng Hao, who had never really fought against this kind of demon beast, had many thoughts flashing through his mind at this moment, and he simply sacrificed his treasure at the bottom of the box.

Because of the special material, and after the infusion of merit, it turned into a dragon-patterned hammer of medium-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure!

Ten thousand merits were directly infused into the dragon-patterned hammer, and in an instant, the hammer emitted a strong golden light and turned into a small golden dragon flying towards the Silver Moon Demon Wolf.

At this moment.

Feng Hao clearly saw the horror and fear in its pair of green eyes.

The next moment.


The golden dragon that suddenly appeared easily pierced the head of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf.

A gust of wind blew in the dark night, and the green light in its eyes quickly dimmed, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

The dragon-patterned hammer driven by the power of merit continued to move forward, sweeping a golden arc in the night sky, piercing through the heads of all the remaining silver moon wolves one after another, and then flew back to Feng Hao's hand when there was no more target to attack.

Ten thousand merit points, but only 5,000 points were consumed.

The excess returned to Feng Hao's body.


Feng Hao exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and his heart finally settled down.

At the same time, he wanted to complain.

If I had known that the power of this spiritual treasure was so terrifying, why would I have such a great psychological pressure.

However, after this battle, he finally had some understanding of the power he could currently burst out.

Holding a medium-grade acquired merit treasure and a large amount of merit points, even if he did not practice any known practice system in this world, he could still burst out extremely terrifying power.

Five thousand merit points can kill a demon wolf that brings him great pressure, and even knows magic and can spit out frost power to freeze half of the tribe. How will you deal with it if you offer 30,000 merit points?

Feng Hao was in a good mood, and he cried excitedly, and the eyes of the human warriors accompanying him looked at him like a god.

[Global announcement: Congratulations to Feng Hao, a survivor from Xia country, for killing an elite monster! Activate the main profession panel, refresh the global survival main profession panel activation record, and reward the only hidden profession to choose! ]

[Xia national survivor Feng Hao has refreshed the record again, and rewarded all citizens of Xia country with professional buffs. As long as they work hard and comprehend, all skills of this profession will be directly upgraded by one level within three days! ]

The huge voice stirred on Blue Star.

The citizens of Xia country fell into ecstasy again.

"The merit system is so terrifying! I feel that Feng Dad's current combat power is almost catching up with the strength of other survivors after surviving for two years."

"Not only do you feel this way, I feel the same way."

"Who said that the human race is weak and has a low growth rate? This is simply infinitely possible."

"To be honest, Feng Dad's current combat power has nothing to do with the human race. The key is the merit he gained from his inventions.

. "

"Too strong, it's only been a few days since entering the prehistoric world, and it already has such combat power. What will happen in a few years?"

"I am more confident now. As long as I don't encounter those national survivors who have won many consecutive victories, the probability of winning the next national destiny arena is very high!"

"Fuck, the Xia people really deserve a beating!"

"Yeah, this reward makes us all upset, especially the automatic improvement of the professional skill level, which messes up my career plan."

"Oh, can the Xia people have some depth? Our Mr. Park can easily crush this kind of person with just a little finger. ”


Feng Hao won the first place one after another, and gained a lot of benefits, and even brought a lot of benefits to Xiaguo.

Especially this time, the collective professional skills of the Xiaguo people were upgraded by one level, which made the people of South Korea, India, Sakura and other countries who were already very afraid of Xiaguo's resurgence collectively break down.

After all, no matter how hard they talk, Feng Hao brought Xiaguo one after another rewards, which were real.

And the sense of oppression that Xiaguo once brought to them was too great, and none of them was not afraid that Xiaguo would rise again and crush them again.

After this major improvement in professional skills, it can be foreseen that Xiaguo will have more terrible

The Golden Crow rises in the east.

A ray of sunlight pierces the darkness.

Dozens of human warriors gather in twos and threes, their faces flushed, dragging the bodies of the Silver Moon Wolves over and gathering together.

Rolling was gnawing at the iron rod.

Feng Hao sat on the ground with his soft body and opened his main occupation panel.

[Main occupation (optional)]

1. Confucian: Literature carries the Tao, and Confucianism can communicate with the gods.

2. Warrior: Enter the Tao with martial arts, and the body becomes holy.

3. Immortal cultivator: The soul is immortal, and travels the universe.

4. Ancestral worship: Sacrifice is endless, and the soul is immortal.

5. Witch: Pray to heaven and earth, spy on the hidden Secret.

6. Merit Hunter (the only hidden one): Civilization development, infinite merit!

Looking at the descriptions of these different professions, Feng Hao clicked on them one by one in detail.

Basically, as he guessed, Confucianists, warriors, immortal cultivators and other professions have appeared in the history of the prehistoric human race.

They each have their own mysteries and were all very popular.

But really, no profession can compare to the Merit Hunter!

Occupation name: Merit Hunter

Special: The only hidden one

Occupational characteristics: Consume merit points to release all kinds of incredible magical powers or control spiritual treasures, killing is not affected by cause and effect, and the merit value recovery speed is increased according to the occupation level, with a maximum of Merit is the accumulated merit you have gained!

Simply put, the amount of mana of other professions depends on their own level or realm, but the merit hunter is completely different.

It has nothing to do with the level of cultivation, but only with the accumulated merit you have gained.

For example, Feng Hao has accumulated more than 100,000 merit points so far, so his mana bar limit is more than 100,000.

For other cultivators in the prehistoric world, even saints, merit is a one-time consumable. Once it is used up, you must find a way to earn it again.

But for Feng Hao, it is a recoverable item that can speed up the recovery speed as the realm is improved!

This is the strongest point of the merit hunter!

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