The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Global announcement: Congratulations to the survivor Feng Hao of Xia country for creating something that does not exist in this world in the prehistoric world, creating a new record option, and rewarding a high-level random draw! ]

[The survivor Feng Hao of Xia country has created a new record option, rewarding all citizens of Xia country with an increase of two years in life span, a reward of 5% increase in basic resources of Xia country, and a reward of 10% increase in inspiration of top talents of Xia country. ]

Another wave of global announcements!

And this time the reward is much better than the previous global announcements.

This makes the people of Xia country feel completely happy.

"It's not easy! It's been more than four years! The survivors of our Xia country have created a new record option. It's not easy."

"The life span that was deducted over the years has been gradually restored to me by nearly 20% in less than half a day. Finally, I don't have to worry about sudden death at any time."

"Feng Dad is my real father, just like my reborn parents."

"Pay attention, this time it's a high-level lottery, Feng Dad should be able to draw something good."


Since the high-level lottery has the two qualifiers of high-level, it means that the things you get will definitely not be too bad.

After experiencing eight consecutive defeats, the people of Xia country now urgently hope that Feng Hao can become stronger in a short time, the stronger the better.

So they are full of expectations.

And in the prehistoric world.

Feng Hao waved his hand and first collected the fishing net of the entry-level middle-grade acquired merit spirit treasure to feel its function first.

The function of this net is quite mysterious.

It is divided into tangible and intangible.

The visible net is both offensive and defensive, and its greatest effect is siege and division.

The effect of siege is very simple, that is, to wrap up and trap the enemy, but division is not so simple.

Its silk thread becomes very sharp and tough, and can divide the enemy into the size of a grid, and even can be cut into pieces while constantly interweaving and sweeping.

The invisible net can expand this spiritual treasure as much as possible, and can transmit information within the range of the grid, and can also transmit power to a very far place through the grid, and can even directly transmit some knowledge into the brain of the creature through this spiritual treasure.

Moreover, the movements of low-level creatures within the coverage of the grid will be exposed in the grid!

"This thing... is really mysterious!"

"It is even no worse than the firewood of Suirenshi."

Feng Hao looked at the fishing net that was reduced many times and swaying in his palm, and he liked it very much.

He even had a lot of ideas in his mind about what to do with this fishing net in the future.

After naming the fishing net Chengtian Net and putting it away, Suirenshi and Youchaoshi also came over.

"Feng Hao, this thing seems to have entered the ranks of mid-grade acquired merit spiritual treasures?"

Suirenshi couldn't help but asked this question.

You know, after he first drilled wood to make fire, the first acquired fire between heaven and earth was helped by merit, and it was only just entering the ranks of mid-grade acquired merit spiritual treasures.

This thing made by Feng Hao is actually comparable to firewood?

It's incredible.

Feng Hao smiled and nodded: "This thing is not yet formed, and it is quite useful for living things. After I created it, the Heavenly Dao has given it a lot of merits, but its growth rate is definitely not as good as the leader's immortal fire."

Youchao was curious: "What is the use of this thing?"

Feng Hao briefly explained a few sentences. When he mentioned that this net can be used to catch fish, Youchao frowned: "Fish? That kind of thing is not delicious. I feel very uncomfortable after eating it. I think it may be poisonous."

Suiren also nodded: "Yes, fish is indeed not delicious. We have tried it before."

Feng Hao shook his head: "That's just that you haven't found the right way to eat it. Fish is still very delicious."

Suiren and Youchao were a little surprised, but they didn't argue too much.

Feng Hao didn't explain much. After using the Chengtian net to directly teach the rope weaving skills and fishing net weaving skills to the selected net weaving craftsmen, these human craftsmen began to work.

And Suiren and Youchao also joined in and carefully studied the mystery of the net.

It was not until this time that Feng Hao opened the high-level lottery panel he had obtained this time.


[Congratulations on drawing the low-grade innate spiritual treasure Four Seasons Pearl (four restrictions)! ]


Feng Hao took a breath of cold air.

It turned out to be an innate spiritual treasure!

Although it is only low-grade, an innate spiritual treasure is an innate spiritual treasure.

With innate restrictions, it is easy to resonate with the laws of heaven.

Although both are of low quality, the power of innate spiritual treasures is much stronger than that of acquired merit spiritual treasures of the same level, and they have more magical uses.

For example, this Four Seasons Pearl.

Four of the restrictions correspond to the laws of the four seasons of heaven. As long as these four restrictions are refined, it is easy to resonate with heaven and control the changes of the four seasons in a small range.

In addition to controlling the changes of the four seasons, the ultimate power of activating a certain law is also lethal.

In addition, the Four Seasons Pearl itself also breeds a broken miniature world.

Feng Hao does not practice immortality, but he can also directly activate the innate spiritual treasure with the power of merit like activating the merit spiritual treasure.

The power that bursts out is even stronger than that activated by the power of immortality.

He was thinking that the seeds he obtained would need to wait until next spring to be sown, but now it seems that it is not so troublesome.

Although the microcosm in the Four Seasons Pearl is not big, it can also carry hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures.

However, to fully master the Four Seasons Pearl, it is necessary to refine the restrictions in it.

Feng Hao immediately turned around and returned to his tree house, using the acquired merit spirit treasure to set up a simple defense, and then let Gun Gun guard under the wooden house to prevent anyone from approaching.

Then he held up the Four Seasons Pearl with four innate restrictions, which was at the lower level of the lower grade innate spirit treasure.

(The level of innate spirit treasures is divided into 37-48 innate restrictions as the best, 25-36 innate restrictions as the best, 13-24 innate restrictions as the middle grade, and 1-12 innate restrictions as the lowest grade.)

Refining innate restrictions is a very difficult thing. After all, Feng Hao's use of merit to refine is very slow.

According to his guess, if there is not enough merit in the cultivation of immortality, it is necessary to become an immortal at least to refine the lowest grade innate spirit treasure.

Before becoming an immortal, he didn't even know what Tao was, let alone refine the innate restriction that carried a trace of the law of heaven.

After becoming an immortal, it is not so easy to refine the innate restriction. It is estimated that he needs to have a deep understanding of the Tao corresponding to the restriction.

However, Feng Hao is a bug. He can achieve his goal by slowly grinding and instilling the power of merit.

Time passed.

From the sun rising to the moon rising, Feng Hao consumed 30,000 merit points and barely refined the first spring restriction.

However, during the refining process, he also had a little understanding of the four heavenly laws of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Not much.

Only a little bit, but it was enough.

After eating, he continued to promote merit to refine this innate spiritual treasure.

When the sun rose the next day, the second restriction was finally successfully refined by him, but this time the merit points consumed reached as much as 60,000.

"So the consumption of refining restrictions is not constant, but gradually increases with the number of restrictions."

The third restriction.

Feng Hao spent more than a day and consumed 120,000 merit points!

As for the fourth restriction, he worked intermittently and spent more than three days to finally refine it.

This time, he consumed a full 240,000 merit points!

But it was all worth it!

This Four Seasons Pearl was finally completely refined by him and turned into a spiritual treasure that he could easily control at will.

With just a thought, he found that his consciousness appeared inside the Four Seasons Pearl.

Although it was only an incomplete microcosm, there were still mountains, water, sun and moon.

It's just that there were no stars in the sky.

With a thought, Feng Hao's seasons in the Four Seasons Pearl changed, and spring, summer, autumn and winter passed in turn.

It's just a pity that the time inside cannot be controlled, that is, even if he can control the four seasons, he can't control time and speed up the passage of time.

If the human race is sent in to farm, how long will it take for the crops to mature and how long will it take to harvest?

"It doesn't matter. At least we can develop agriculture a few months earlier. A few months is a more important time for the human race or for me."

Feng Hao murmured, and his consciousness withdrew from the Four Seasons Pearl.

Before starting to sow, he needed to make some farm tools, and then select a group of smarter human races to teach them some basic agricultural knowledge.

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