The boat was not small, but the boat was not small.

Youchaoshi didn't quite understand Feng Hao's popular science.

However, as a leader, he still forced himself to nod his head when he saw Suirenshi nodding beside him.

It seemed that he understood.

Although the other primitive people were afraid of the surging river, they saw their own little leaders, leaders and Youchaoshi all went up, and they all jumped up with courage.

This boat was not small to begin with, much larger than the fishing boat in Feng Hao's memory, and not much smaller than the boat that took passengers across the river at the small ferry.

There was no problem dealing with this small river.

Feng Hao first demonstrated to Youchaoshi and Suirenshi how to use the oars, and then selected eight people from the thirty people.

Directly borrowing the power of the invisible net of Chengtian Net, he instilled the relevant knowledge of rowing into the brains of these people.

However, knowledge indoctrination alone is not enough, rowing is more dependent on muscle memory.

After struggling for a long time, the eight people reluctantly cooperated and finally rowed the boat out.

Then he taught these fishermen selected by him how to cast the net and how to collect the net.

All knowledge was directly instilled by relying on Chengtian Net.

Compared with the previous time when he led a group of primitive people and taught them how to forge iron almost hand in hand, the efficiency was much higher.

After waiting for a while after casting the net, he began to collect the net.

The prehistoric world is really an extremely primitive world, and all kinds of resources are simply amazing.

The hand-woven fishing net was thrown down and soon pulled up again.

There were already countless huge fish of various sizes jumping wildly in the meshes.


The primitive people opened their mouths and let out strange howls, waving their hands and feet to express their excitement.

Suirenshi and Youchaoshi were also surprised.

They had eaten fish before, but the way to get fish was far less efficient and smaller than this. They used sharpened sticks to spear fish directly in shallow water.

Dozens of people may not be able to spear a fraction of the fish in this net in a day.


The fishing net was pulled up.

The three compartments of the boat were filled with fish, which probably weighed tens of thousands of pounds in total.

This scene made the eyes of a group of fishermen in the Blue Star Xia country red.


This resource is too good.

Why cast a net? Just go fishing!

I can stay by the river for three years!

After collecting one net, Feng Hao did not stop. He collected the fish into the merit bamboo barrel and called on the first generation of human fishermen to continue fishing.

Until the sun gradually set, the group returned with a full load.

The boat rowed to the shore, Feng Hao collected it, and took the fishermen back to the workshop.

After returning to the workshop, he quickly made some steel knives and called other human races in the workshop to come and deal with the fish together.

Chengtian Net is really a very useful spiritual treasure. He only needs to send the steps of processing fish to these human races through this spiritual treasure.

Scrape the scales of the fish.

Kill the fish.

Remove the gills.

These unwanted internal organs were collected in large bamboo barrels, and Feng Hao had other uses for them.

And so many fish naturally could not be eaten in one meal, and the salt of the human race was exchanged from the witch tribe through some spiritual objects, which was very precious.

In the case of extreme lack of salt and a large amount of seasoning, there are very few ways to cook fish.

And at this time, the extraordinary power of the prehistoric world played an important role.

Feng Hao washed them directly, cut them into pieces, put them into the merit pottery pot, and baked them with the low-temperature spiritual fire inside.

Although there is no salt and no seasoning, the fish baked with spiritual fire is still edible.

And it has a lot of nutrients.

That night

Except for the hunting team members who went out hunting, the remaining more than 200 people in the workshop held a grand bonfire party.

These low-level human races ate the charred fish for the first time, and they were so excited that they burst into tears, and even knelt down to Feng Hao while eating.

Suirenshi and Youchaoshi were also very moved.

"I didn't expect that the unpalatable fish meat could be so delicious after being processed like this."

"Yes, Feng Hao has a clever mind. I, the Inextinguishable Fire, never thought that the fish could be processed like this."

Feng Hao was being modest, but he was still thinking in his heart

About salt.

Salt is an extremely important material for the lower creatures of any race. Even the demons and witches still need salt to adjust the taste of food as long as their cultivation has not reached a good level.

However, for the middle and upper creatures, ordinary food is full of turbid air, and they are not interested in getting a little bit of it.

Therefore, without the attention of the upper class, the production of salt in the prehistoric world full of strong people is extremely low.

If we can find salt mines near the human race and make salt-making equipment, it will definitely greatly promote the development of the human race.

After all, salt is a hard currency harder than gold in ancient times. For many years, it has been a controlled item on par with iron.

"Chief, and Youchao Chief, do you know where there is a stone with the taste of salt?"

Suiren frowned, as if recalling something.

After a while, he shook his head gently: "No, I have never found such a thing."

Youchao, who was standing next to him, seemed to have thought of something. After hesitating for a moment, he responded: "Salty stones... Someone from our tribe has found them. They are located near the hunting grounds of your tribe.

At that time, I was very happy and brought back a lot of those stones to use as a substitute for salt.

But later, after eating them for a period of time, some tribesmen began to suffer from poisoning. I tried many ways but could not remove the toxins in them, so I gave up using that kind of stone."


It can replace salt.

It can be basically confirmed that the thing is a rock salt mine.

However, Feng Hao did not intend to go there in person. Compared with the issue of salt, it is most important to get a group of people into the Four Seasons Pearl and plant the two or three thousand kilograms of seeds first.

"Can Chief Youchao have someone collect more of that stone and send it here?"

Youchao wondered: "That thing is poisonous, what's the use of it."

Feng Hao said: "If it's poisonous, then detoxify it. Even if it fails, there will be no loss.

But once it succeeds, it will not be a trivial matter for the human race."

Youchao thought it made sense.

Immediately vibrated the power of merit, and established a slight connection with the merit spiritual treasure he left in the tribe, and told one of his subordinates about Feng Hao's request.

Then the mind conveyed: "I have passed the order, and someone will send the things here soon."

Feng Hao nodded, thanked him, and took out the Four Seasons Pearl.

As soon as this innate spiritual treasure appeared, there was an innate strange phenomenon flashing, and the four seasons rotated in the east.

Directly, the faces of Youchao and Suiren changed suddenly.

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