The map is as important to me as an innate spiritual treasure!" Feng Hao's consciousness has been out of the map for a while, but his mood is still excited. The significance of this map is far more than just perfecting his understanding of the prehistoric world. More importantly, it allows him to further plan a retreat for himself and the Huaxia tribe when necessary. It's a pity that there are only natural landscapes such as mountains and rivers on this map. It would be perfect if there were distribution of forces. He sighed and turned his attention to the second function of the map. This function is also very good. When the breath leaks out in some prehistoric terrain, it can absorb the leaked breath and engrave it in the map. In this way, a certain place in the map, whether it is a mountain or a river, can have the charm of the real corresponding place.

This effect made him think of the Buzhou Mountain that collapsed during the war between wizards and liches. If he could absorb the charm leaking from Buzhou Mountain, then this map would gain a trace of Buzhou power!

Feng Hao smacked his lips and secretly remembered this matter in his heart.

If there is a chance to absorb the charm of Buzhou Mountain, it should not be missed.

But if there is no chance, he will not force himself to participate in it.

After thinking for a while, he named this map of merit and spiritual treasure the map of mountains and seas.

He reprinted the basin map he had just mapped, and then called Youchao and Suiren over again.

"This map has a lot of supplies and information marked on it. See how to arrange for the tribesmen to collect these supplies."

"Don't think about the future. Anyway, we must collect these supplies as quickly as possible."

Youchao and Suiren opened the map together. As they watched, the image flew into the air.

It turned directly into a 3D stereoscopic form.

Various minerals, vines, crop punctuation, ferocious beast tribes, ordinary beast tribes...

Almost all the things that are useful to the human race are marked.

This made Suiren overjoyed.

"Great! With this map, we can stockpile a lot of supplies!"

Suiren's eyes flashed: "Yes! I understand!"

The actual manager of tribal affairs left his residence again, full of strength.

Now the Huaxia tribe has been on the right track. The craftsmen are constantly forging day and night, and the other tribal leaders are assisting with the power of merit.

Now all the hunters in the tribe have a compound bow, plus thunder arrows and other sharp weapons, which can completely reduce the dimensionality of ordinary beasts.

Even now that the hunting team has thunder arrows, they no longer need to run away when encountering a group of beasts, and can directly choose to confront them head-on.

And they can almost always win the battle.

After getting the map, Suirenshi and others copied a lot of them and handed them over to the hunting team and the gathering team of the tribe.

"The leader has an order."

"No matter what method you use, follow the principle of first near and then far."

"Before the winter ice and snow come, collect as many supplies as possible and hunt as many prey as possible!"

Suirenshi looked extremely solemn.

"In order to increase your efficiency, all hunting teams will be merged and divided into five teams."

"The captains are Mu Sheng, Fu Shou, Chao Fang... In addition to the regular hunting team members, each hunting team will also be accompanied by a Merit Spirit Treasure holder to take more prey and supplies."

"The same is true for the gathering team. It is divided into five teams to carry all the thunder arrows in the tribe's inventory, and a Merit Spirit Treasure holder will accompany them."

"According to the number, your route has been planned by me. If you encounter danger, you can make your own judgment."

"I have only one request, bring the collected supplies and come back alive!"

"The leader will watch you in the holy city, and the leader will naturally reward those who show bravery."

Suiren used his merits to directly affect everyone present.

When Feng Hao, the leader who rarely appears, was mentioned, the excitement of both the hunting team members and the human race of the gathering team was obviously soaring again.


For everyone in the Huaxia tribe, it is almost equivalent to the supreme god.

Seeing that these people were in high spirits, Youchao added fuel to the fire: "The one who performs best in this outing will be personally received by the leader!"

This sentence made everyone present, even Fushou and Musheng, breathe faster.

Although they had met Feng Hao, who could refuse to be personally received by the leader in a formal occasion?

Taking advantage of the rising golden crow, thousands of hunting teams and out-gathering teams of the Huaxia tribe all set out, following the route set by Suirenshi and Youchaoshi.

And Feng Hao himself was not idle.

He was studying his pet Gungun.

According to rumors, the demon Chiyou who fought against Huangdi rode a very powerful giant panda.

Who is Chiyou?

During the witch-lich catastrophe, the great witch fought side by side with the ancestor witch.

After the catastrophe, he was reincarnated into a human-witch hybrid tribe and became the leader of the human-witch hybrid tribe, competing with Huangdi for the throne of the human emperor.

Although he was eventually defeated by Huangdi in the battle of Zhulu and was torn into pieces by five horses and divided into five directions, he was still respected as the Lord of Soldiers and the God of War by the human race in later generations.

The existence that can fight with the emperor of man, but the mount is a giant panda.

It can be imagined that the potential of the giant panda family is very great.

However, the panda spirit pet that Feng Hao has collected so far seems to have nothing special except that it eats a lot and poops a lot.

Does it need to eat some different metal to awaken its bloodline?

Feng Hao frowned and looked at Gungun, who was sitting on the ground and chewing on the iron rod, thinking.

The most impressive metal he has at present is the copper of Shoushan, which has been forged into a dragon-patterned hammer. Feng Hao can feel that the dragon-patterned hammer, which has evolved into a mid-grade intermediate acquired merit spiritual treasure, is about to reach its limit.

This is not the limit of the copper of Shoushan, but the limit of his forging technique.

There are some strange impurities in the copper of Shoushan, which affect the flow of merit power in it, and also prevent the broken dragon bone from exerting its true power.

Gungun is amazing. After he pulls out the steel alloy he digests, it will become more powerful if he reforges it.

Before, because the dragon pattern hammer was the strongest attack method Feng Hao could use, he had never let Gungun chew on this magic treasure, but now it is not the case.

So the things on hand were almost done, and Feng Hao also set his eyes on the wonderful combination of the dragon pattern hammer and Gungun.

"Gungun, do you want to eat this?"

Gungun, who was chewing the iron rod, paused. Although he had no neck, he could turn his head instantly, and his round little eyes stared straight at the dragon pattern hammer.

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