The old man was very happy, and the old man was very happy.

[Congratulations, you have drawn a special dragon token, which can open the passage to the ancient dragon tomb! ]

A dragon-shaped bronze plate appeared in Feng Hao's hand.

An extremely vast breath seemed to permeate his soul.

At the same time.

The broken ancient dragon bone seemed to sense the breath of this token, and a dark green light bloomed from the cracks between the slight vibrations.

Ancient Dragon Tomb!

Feng Hao's face could not help but show a look of surprise and surprise.

Before the rise of the two tribes of witches and liches, the prehistoric world was controlled by the three tribes of dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, who divided the prehistoric world in a tripod.

At that time, the thirty-three heavens had not yet been conceived, and the three tribes spanned the earth and the sky, suppressing other primitive races and even the innate sacred beings.

And the dragon race still had the aura of being the leader of the three tribes.

Unfortunately, the catastrophe came, and the supreme glory that lasted for many Yuanhui turned into dust.

Even so, the Dragon Clan’s Tomb should not be accessible to everyone, and he could not be sure what kind of dangers existed inside.

Fortunately, some information was conveyed in this token.

The creatures holding the Dragon Clan’s token, no matter what race they came from, will be protected by the token.

The dragon clan heroes will not actively attack the creatures protected by the token, but the Dragon Clan’s Tomb not only has the dragon clan heroes, but also many dragon grudges born from resentment.

So it is also full of dangers.

However, as long as the holder of the token is not killed instantly, he can use the token to exit in time.

And each token can only enter the Dragon Clan’s Tomb once.

Feng Hao pondered for a moment and finally decided to put the token away first. When he was stronger and had taken all the merits, he would go to explore the ancient dragon tomb.

However, the current token seemed to resonate with the ancient dragon bone.

Feng Hao tentatively brought the two closer.


A little bit of dragon breath emerged from the dragon token and merged into the ancient dragon bone.

The dense cracks on it were quickly repaired, and even a hint of purple light appeared on the surface, with thunder faintly blooming.

The properties of this dragon bone were inexplicably consistent with the way of thunder evolved by Feng Hao's Kanli breathing method.


The whole dragon bone was repaired, purple thunder surged on its surface, and the breath emitted by the dragon token gradually converged.

Feng Hao picked up the dragon bone and waved it casually. The thunder and lightning intertwined and merged with the copper of Shoushan that penetrated deep into the earth veins.


The thunder exploded, and the dragon bone in Feng Hao's palm flew out directly, quickly melting into a ball of terrifying plasma.

It was completely intertwined with the copper of Shoushan.

However, the fusion of the two was not smooth. Although both the copper of Shoushan and the ancient dragon bone were intertwined in liquid, the two were clearly separated and difficult to completely merge.

Feng Hao immediately shook the power of merit in his body and turned it into a pure hammer of merit and struck it down.

At the same time, the skill of the weapon refiner who integrated the Yuqing Refining Treasure Method pushed the hammer of merit to fall at this moment, allowing the two spiritual objects to gradually merge into one.


A hammer that was completely fused, showing a turquoise color all over, and engraved with various purple patterns appeared in front of him.

He raised his hand lightly, and the turquoise hammer automatically flew in front of him.

For a moment.

The thunder pool in his middle dantian was aroused, and a life-long black thunder emerged from his chest and merged with the hammer.

As his mind changed, the spiritual treasure in front of him, which was made of ancient dragon bones smelted with copper from Shoushan, also changed its form at will.

Swords, spears, swords and halberds... whatever you want.


Feng Hao directly injected more than a million merits into this re-melted spiritual treasure, allowing it to break through the limit of the middle-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure in one fell swoop and step into the threshold of the upper-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure.

It became the strongest spiritual treasure he currently possessed.

The random change of form is only the basic function of this spiritual treasure. Its core magical power is completely matched with his Kanli breathing method. Using thunder to stimulate thunder can burst out extremely terrible lethality.

Using thunder to transform into all kinds of weapons, or using thunder to cover a void and turn it into a sea of ​​thunder.

In short, the lethality is very amazing, and it has even touched the application of the law of thunder!

The name of the Dragon Pattern Hammer no longer matches this new spiritual treasure, so he thought for a moment and named it Purple Thunder.


After the practice, the purple thunder turned into a ball of purple-gold plasma, rushed directly into his Dantian, and merged with the thunder pool evolved by the Kanli breathing method.

A trace of thunder power with the breath of the dragon clan rushed along the blood and gradually spread over his body.

His body, which was already strengthened by the power of water, fire and thunder, was once again slightly but continuously improved in this process.

Feeling the changes in his body after the purple thunder merged into the Dantian, Feng Hao exhaled a long breath of turbid air and put the dragon clan token into the innate spiritual treasure Four Seasons Pearl.

GunGun seemed to be a little tired because of a wave of crazy evolution and slept very soundly.

After Feng Hao checked its status, he did not move him.

Turned around and closed his eyes, and constructed a breath sealing formation based on various merit spiritual treasures.

Then he led the power of merit and thunder to rush to his lower Dantian.

After continuous exploration in recent times, he finally discovered the abnormality of his body. The purple palace can function normally without affecting his consciousness.

There is no abnormality in other parts of the body, only the lower dantian is sealed by a strange force.

Feng Hao guessed that it should be the fragment of the spiritual object that was fought over by the strong men of the witch and lich tribes when he just came to the prehistoric world.

But what shocked him was that even with the power he could mobilize now, plus the purple thunder of the upper-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure, and the impact of a large amount of merit power.

His sealed dantian did not move at all!

He could almost conclude that the fragment of the spiritual object that sealed his dantian was stronger than the four-season bead he had already mastered.

Just a fragment can have such a powerful effect. If it is in a complete state, wouldn’t it be at least the level of a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure?

And it should also be a top existence among the mid-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Feng Hao tried a few more waves, but still no progress, which made him frown.

Dantian is sealed.

This will become his most obvious shortcoming, but it is not all bad. At least the fragment of the spiritual object seals his Dantian, so that the breath does not leak out at all, so it is safer for him.

"Forget it, let's study this thing slowly."

Feng Hao temporarily gave up the exploration of Dantian, but for the sake of safety, he still activated the merit stored in his body and formed a circle of merit seal around Dantian.

In this way, even if the spiritual object in Dantian revives, it can immediately prevent the leakage of its breath and respond immediately.


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