The two sides of the river are still in a state of chaos.

When Feng Hao sent Youchao into the Four Seasons Pearl, he had said that Suirenshi and Youchao should exchange shifts every few days.

However, because the tribal affairs in the Four Seasons Pearl were indeed heavy, if Youchao was replaced just when he had a clue, the internal friction would be too serious, so Feng Hao decided to let him and Suirenshi switch shifts until this time.

When Suirenshi came with the merit spirit fire, he looked at the current situation of the Huaxia tribal branch in the Four Seasons Pearl and showed an expression of surprise and joy.

"The speed of time here is really different from that outside, and the development speed is really fast."

"Before, I didn't quite understand why the leader didn't move the entire tribe in."

"Now it seems that the leader's approach is really wise. It's only been a short time since the outside world, and it has already developed like this!"

Suirenshi was amazed, and his thoughts were full of excitement.

Youchao smiled proudly: "I personally took action, and the leader adjusted the speed of time here. Although only half a month has passed in the outside world, it has been almost a year inside.

If I don't even have this little achievement in such a long time, then I'm really useless."

Then he raised his hand, and a large number of thunder arrows appeared.

"Look, I haven't been idle during this period of time. In addition to the more than 10,000 thunder arrows that have been sent out with the Four Seasons Pearl, there are more than 10,000 here.

When I go out, I can replace your prestige with these thunder arrows. I just want to ask you if you are afraid?"

He is in a relaxed mood now, and he still has time to make fun of Suirenshi.

Suirenshi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. After you go out, the time flow here will belong to me. I can do a lot of things. Who can suppress whom among us wave after wave?"

Youchaoshi laughed and bowed to the void.

"Please send me out, leader."

On the sky.

A golden light column descended, enveloped him and took him straight to the sky.

In the tribe, countless people knelt down to him and made many inexplicable syllables.

After Youchaoshi left, Suirenshi quickly got into work.

After accepting Youchaoshi's legacy in full, he quickly got on the right track and pushed the tribe to continue to rush forward.

The short winter passed and spring plowing began.

Breeding and grazing.

Looking at the thriving scene, and comparing it with the state of the tribe in the prehistoric times before he left, he felt as if he were in another world.

The leader is really wise!

With the time flowing at twenty times the speed, the gap between here and the outside world will become larger and larger.

Previously, the development here was supported by the materials outside, but I believe that it will not be long before the outside world needs the support of the world inside.

Time passes.

More than half a month has passed again in the prehistoric world.

Suiren has spent almost a year in the Four Seasons Pearl World.

During this year, his progress is very obvious. Not only has he completely caught up with Youchao's progress, but all his achievements are even stronger.

Now the total population of the branch has exceeded 200,000, and the overall number is no worse than that of the Huaxia tribe in the prehistoric world. Except for the combat department, it is far inferior, and other aspects are completely beaten.

Prehistoric world.

Suiren and Youchao returned after changing shifts.

It just happened that the human race entered winter.

Accompanied by him, Feng Hao saw the first snow in the prehistoric world.

It seems that these snowflakes are not much different from the snow in his previous life memory.

But in fact, Feng Hao used his merit to focus his eyes, penetrated the limit of the human race's domain, and saw the situation outside the human race's domain.

The snow there was several times heavier than that in the human race's domain. Judging from the trend of snow there, the human race would most likely not survive the first winter.

So Nuwa was not ruthless. As for why she ignored the human race... Feng Hao didn't understand and had no interest in guessing.


With the first snowfall, the activities of the human tribe, including other tribes, almost stopped completely.

And this winter was the most relaxing winter for the human race in the Huaxia tribe.

There was relatively sufficient food and a warm stove.

There were also closed and warm rooms.

Everything was so beautiful that many human races had even spontaneously prayed to Feng Hao in their hearts.

The popularity of stoves, pottery, water wheels, stone mills and other tools also allowed Feng Hao to gradually gain nearly 900,000 merits.

Now his

The upper limit of merit has exceeded 9.5 million, and only the last 500,000 is needed to upgrade to the next level. The merit value he recovers every day is about 2.7 to 2.8 million.

During this period of time, all the main merit treasures in his hands have been upgraded to the upper grade level.

Among them, the purple thunder and Danqing pen after refining were gradually infused with merit power by him, making their grades cross the threshold of upper grade intermediate.

(After the upper grade merit treasures, low, medium and high are divided into 1 million to 10 million as low level, 100 billion to 100 million merits as intermediate level, and 100 million to 1 billion merits as high level.)

After the level of the merit treasure reaches the upper grade, the upgrade speed will become slower and slower.

At present, the only six spiritual treasures that he has actively upgraded are the purple thunder, Chengtian Net, Danqing Pen, Chedi Pickaxe, Human Holy City and the Gebu Robe he named Kui Niu Robe.

The other spiritual treasures were allowed to absorb the small amount of merit that was gradually condensed by the tools and spread.

Feng Hao stood on the top of the Holy City and finally opened the advanced lottery panel that he had forgotten for a long time.

Start the lottery!

[Congratulations on winning a piece of Kunlun Qilin Wall! It is said that after the first catastrophe of Longhan, Shi Qilin made a great wish to the Heavenly Dao: When Qilin appears, there must be auspicious signs.

The Heavenly Dao gave merit, and Shi Qilin saw a glimpse of the secret and found that the life of the clan was related to Sanqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

Shi Qilin wanted to save the life of his legitimate son Sibuxiang. In order to seek the protection of Yuanshi Tianzun, Shi Qilin ordered Sibuxiang to be Yuanshi Tianzun's mount.

After Yuanshi Tianzun accepted Sibuxiang, Shi Qilin's wish was fulfilled. After struggling for many years on the top of Kunlun, he fell and his body turned into Qilin Cliff.

After Yuanshi Tianzun attained enlightenment and became a saint in Kunlun Mountain, he refined the Qilin Cliff with supreme magic power to suppress the evil between heaven and earth. A small amount of poor quality Qilin Cliff rock walls, along with the resentment of the original Qilin, were abandoned by the saint and turned into several Qilin walls. 】

A stone wall flashing with the four innate elements of earth, water, wind and fire suddenly appeared in front of Feng Hao.

The surging earth, water, wind and fire evolved into the five elements, thunder, ice and frost, etc., which permeated and turned into a mysterious illusion.

Then a Qilin phantom appeared in the stone wall.


The Qilin phantom turned around.

The scarlet eyes met his eyes.

In an instant.

Feng Hao's consciousness was dragged into a terrifying illusion.

"Boom boom boom..."

Endless thunder shook between heaven and earth, and a seemingly aloof Qilin divine beast was bathed in thunder, still standing proudly under an extremely terrifying pressure.

And in the endless void where Qilin's eyes were, thunder and frost bloomed between the surging earth, water, wind and fire.

A slender dragon that covered the entire sky was looming in it!

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