The next day, the first batch of liquor was delivered from the Wasteland Tribe. The quality of these liquors was really average. Not only was the strength very poor, it was probably about the same as the sake from Sakura. The overall clarity was also average, and it looked a bit turbid. But there was one advantage, which was the large quantity. After getting the liquor, Feng Hao roughly calculated it and told the Wu tribe who delivered it: "Come and pick it up in three days." The other party nodded and turned away. Feng Hao then sent the liquor into the Four Seasons Pearl, and then asked Youchao to build a liquor workshop in it and let the craftsmen build multiple distillation devices. Start distilling the low-quality liquor from the wasteland tribe and turn it into super-strong liquor.

After arranging things, Feng Hao opened the wishing panel and started making wishes.

At present, the number of wishes has been stacked up four times, and he used it up directly.

[Consume eight million merits, wish to improve Shangqing Qigong and Kanli Breathing at the same time, and perfectly integrate the two powers. ]

[Successful wish! ]

As the prompt appeared, Feng Hao's breath began to rise rapidly.

In the middle dantian.

The thunder pool transformed by Kanli Breathing Method surged, and it had expanded more than ten thousand times compared to when it was first condensed.

Now it is still madly absorbing the water and fire spirits in the air from the Danzhong point to further expand the range of the thunder pool.

At the same time, the thunder pool began to vibrate, and with the rhythm of his heartbeat, it surged thousands of feet.

In the middle of the thunder pool.

One after another, the phantoms of Kui Niu appeared, rushed out of the thunder pool and merged into the heart, and the blood flowed through the whole body along the heart.

For a moment.

Feng Hao's body was shining with purple light, and the breath of the Kui Niu in his body was intertwined with the breath of the blood circulation, like a violent wind and waves.

With the birth of the innate rune, water, fire, wind and rain, and thunder.

His body was shining with colorful light, and a mysterious energy was gradually born in his flesh.

At the same time.

The true essence in the Dantian was boiling, causing the acupoints of the whole body to open, and madly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy was quickly refined and turned into the true essence.

The true essence rose purple gas again, rushed into the purple mansion along the big vertebra, and promoted the promotion of the soul.

The extremely strong light bloomed in the soul, and the breath of the law of time, the law of yin and yang, the law of life and death, the law of creation, the law of killing... all kinds of laws gradually bloomed in his purple mansion.

A little bit of immortal spirit began to form in the purple mansion and slowly merged into his soul.

Two different techniques, different systems, almost broke through a critical point at the same time.


The calamity clouds on the sky gathered quickly, and the purple thunder shuttled through the calamity clouds like dragons and snakes.

Feng Hao immediately stood up and rushed out of the human city.

Stepped into the boundless wilderness.

Boom boom boom~~~

Thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Feng Hao activated various spiritual treasures and arranged layer after layer of defense, easily blocking all the thunder outside.

Merit spiritual treasures!

One after another, the high-grade acquired merit spiritual treasures were sacrificed, and coupled with the merit spiritual light condensed all over his body, it seemed that the heavenly tribulation was embarrassed to really be ruthless to a cultivator like Feng Hao.

It was like a symbolic strike of nine thunder tribulations. An extremely bright immortal light descended from the calamity cloud.

The fairy light not only contained extremely strong fairy spirit, but also several powerful innate spirits corresponding to water, fire, wind, rain and thunder.

The fairy spirit rushed into the purple mansion and quickly merged into Feng Hao's soul.

For a moment, the soul burst into a mysterious and clear light, and quickly rushed out of the purple mansion and across the body.

Helped him condense the immortal body.

At the same time.

Those innate spirits of different attributes also quickly rushed into his middle dantian, stirring the thunder pool to evolve innate runes corresponding to these powers.

These tiny runes intertwined and collided with each other.

Finally, they slowly merged together to form an extremely complex new rune that integrated various attribute powers!

This rune rose from the thunder pool, penetrated the middle dantian and the heart, and turned into a bridge.

For a moment.

Thunder and blood completely blended, carrying the power of the innate rune, and penetrated the whole body through the blood vessels.

The power brought by the Kanli Breathing Method and the Shangqing Qi Training Method finally collided at this moment.


Thunder and the pure air of the immortal spirit intertwined.

The two sides quickly used Feng Hao's body as a battlefield and started a confrontation.

Soon his body

Horrible bloodstains appeared on his body, as if he was about to break apart in the next moment.

But Feng Hao was not panicked at all.

After all, he made a wish to perfectly integrate these two different power systems.


The power of merit blossomed in his body.

It was like a panacea, and also like a socialite.

As soon as it appeared, the atmosphere was eased. Then the power of merit kept cross-piercing between the two powers, successfully integrating the already extremely tolerant Shangqing Qi with the power of Kanli Breathing Method.


A light that I don't know how to describe rose from his body.

At first glance, this light looked like pure Qingqi, with substance but no form.

But if you look more closely, you can see that wind, rain, thunder, water and fire have evolved from the Qingqi.

At the same time.

This light is mainly based on the Shangqing fairy spirit, combined with the characteristics of Kanli Breathing Method, forming a power unique to Feng Hao.

Between breaths, the acupoints all over the body vibrate.

Then there was rolling spiritual energy drawn into the body through the mouth, nose and other acupoints, and then into the middle and lower dantian along the meridians and blood vessels around the body.

The power in the two dantians has also been integrated, and you have me and I have you. After refining into a unique immortal essence, the purple air rises.

Together, it promotes the advancement of the Yuanshen in the purple mansion!

As his Yuanshen crossed the barrier and stepped into the fairyland.

For the first time, Feng Hao really touched a trace of the power of the law.

The vastness and breadth he felt at the first time made him feel even more powerless than when he saw the math problems in the global math competition in his previous life.

You can see its shape, you can feel its greatness and vastness.

The terrifying psychological pressure is like a substance, which affects every cultivator who is promoted to the immortal way.

Therefore, if the immortal way wants to step into a high position, the heart, understanding, and roots are indispensable.

Feng Hao himself had a strong will, and with the support of the Merit Hunter, he did not feel much psychological pressure.

He calmly shook his soul power and tried his best to comprehend the mysteries of these laws.

He tried his best to digest the gifts from heaven and earth after his immortality.

Time passed.

More and more intense immortal light bloomed from his body.

The soul became immortal, and the body became holy!

After more than three months of descending to the prehistoric world, Feng Hao finally succeeded in crossing the gap between immortals and mortals, and his life was completely sublimated at this moment.

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