The old man was very angry, but the truth was revealed.

On the Shinhwa Survival forum.

A bunch of foreign netizens, especially South Koreans, started to take the opportunity to make fun of it again.

"Haven't the Xia people always emphasized the idea of ​​helping others in need? But your beta test players have such a quality? They hide when they see their own kind fighting monsters?"

"If we were South Koreans, we would definitely rush to help in this situation!"

"Yes, the Xia people are all cowards. They always brag the most."

"The Koreans are trying to show off their presence again, right? Don't think we don't know what's going on with your Park Bodong now. His brain is about to be pulled out by centrifugal force."

"Can the Indians pull up their pants when talking? Is your aesthetic specially trained for animals? Your beta test players chose the Tyrannosaurus race because they have a complete range of marine life and many tentacles, right?"


But no matter how they quarreled with each other, it would not have any impact on Feng Hao.

He was still firm in his choice, quietly watching the battle below, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Many humans were still slowly retreating, and slowly retreated to the tree where he was, and the kite-flying tactics were also used very well.

Although the bows and arrows they used were simple, they were very heavy, and the arrows they used were also very huge.

With their abundant physical strength and great power, they could also cause considerable damage to the beast.

Now the beast was already bleeding, and even its eyes became less sharp, although it was still roaring and snarling.

But it was obviously a little short of energy.

It even had a slight intention to retreat.

And this human hunting team should be experienced in many battles, and they also understood the intention of the beast. The team began to slowly disperse and prepare to cut off the beast's retreat.

On the tree.

Feng Hao, who was only six years old, but more than 1.6 meters tall, also slowed down his breathing further and slowly raised the hand holding the ivory sword.

He was gathering strength.

As long as the opportunity arises, he can clench the horizontal sword with both hands at the fastest speed and attack the beast!

Breathing... breathing...

After a while, the situation below suddenly changed, and the beast finally wanted to retreat.

After a roar, it turned and ran.

But the human warriors next to it had already prepared ropes at this time, as if they had predicted its turning movement, and threw them over.

Most of the ropes were wrapped around its neck.


After a vague roar and roar, the muscles of the human warriors bulged, gathered together and forcibly trapped the beast that was already seriously injured.

Other warriors attacked the beast one after another.

But the beast also realized the danger to its life at this moment, and completely fell into madness.

The battle entered a white-hot stage.

On the tree.

Feng Hao was still waiting.

Waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow!

"Roar, roar, roar~~~"

The roar of the beast shook the jungle, and the human warriors shouted at the top of their lungs, trying their best.


Both sides had almost exhausted their strength.

But the beast was in a slightly better condition. The human warriors holding the rope made of vines gradually became weak and could not control the frantically struggling beast.

The human archers, whose arrows were almost exhausted, rushed out and hugged the rope to control the beast.

It was at this moment that Feng Hao, who was basically free of the risk of backstab, took action!

However, this time he did not use the Shangqing sword talisman directly, but jumped down from the tree directly, holding the Danqing pen in both hands and fell straight to the back of the beast.


The sharp edge of the Danqing pen easily pierced the beast's spine.

He pulled hard, and the entire spine was directly cut off, and the blood rushed straight into the void!

Then he rolled off the beast's back, and rolled several times to quickly move away.


The beast roared shrilly, but its spine was cut off by a knife and its brain had lost control of its limbs, so it could not make an effective counterattack.

It could only let its limbs kick randomly on the ground. For a moment, the forest was filled with dust, and the leader of the hunting team roared in a low voice.


All the human warriors rushed forward, grabbed the vines and ropes, and tightly controlled the fiercely struggling beast.

Feng Hao slowly retreated to the back of the human hunting team to ensure that he

His absolute safety.

After struggling for a long time.

The beast finally slowed down and finally lay motionless on the ground.

For safety reasons.

The leader of the hunting team picked up the arrow on the ground and shot an arrow at the beast's eyeball.


The beast's eyeball burst, and the intense pain made it roar again. After struggling for a while, it completely lost its voice.


The leader of the hunting team expressed his meaning in a concise word, and then turned to look at Feng Hao, who also had only a piece of animal skin on his waist and was still holding the Danqing pen tightly.

The muscles on his face moved, revealing an ugly smile.

And waved to Feng Hao.


Feng Hao nodded, but the Danqing pen in his hand did not relax at all, and one hand even clasped on the Shangqing sword talisman.

However, the hunting team did not do anything to him, but just took him to the tribe.

Along the way.

All the members of the hunting team had smiles on their faces, and they looked at Feng Hao with surprise and curiosity, as well as a hint of happiness and friendliness.

However, due to the lack and ambiguity of the language system, there was very little communication between them.

After walking in the mountains and forests for an unknown period of time, the group finally came out and saw a wilderness in front of them.

There were still huge dry tree stumps in the wilderness, and the cross-section was not smooth and full of traces of human beings.


This wilderness was cut down by humans.

After crossing the wilderness, a large forest appeared in front of them, and a row of houses that looked like bird nests and seemed extremely rough were built on huge trees.

On the drooping vines, there were primitive humans wrapped in animal skins or leaves.

After seeing the returning hunting team, these human beings roared excitedly and rushed up to greet them. Their voices were a bit similar to those of apes, but their voices were very different.

The excitement was beyond words, and Feng Hao was also infected by this emotion and breathed a sigh of relief.


Found the human tribe, so he also won a stage victory.

[You arrived at the human tribe safely and completed the novice survival task! ]

At the same time.

Global announcements swept the blue planet again.

[Global Announcement: Congratulations to the Xia survivor Feng Hao for breaking the novice survival task completion speed record, and rewarded with a random lottery! ]

[Xia survivors broke the record and completed the initial survival, and rewarded the life expectancy of all citizens of Xia by one year, and the basic resources of Xia increased by 2%. ]


Why is it a random lottery again? Can't there be a more direct reward?

For example, a technique or something.

Feng Hao complained in his heart, and was still a little dissatisfied with this lottery mechanism.

After all, cultivation is the only theme of the prehistoric world, but the lack of a technique is a flaw for him.

Broken game, too inhumane.

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