The more he tried, the more he wasted.


Too careless.

Feng Hao was shocked and did not dare to hesitate. He immediately offered up all the spiritual treasures of merit and virtue, and lowered a series of merit and virtue auras to form a defensive barrier.

He formed an all-round defense to block himself from the chaotic and fierce aura.

The demonic energy shook with a paranoid and crazy momentum, and rushed forward.

Even in the face of the golden light of merit and virtue, he did not retreat at all.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

The demonic energy rolled and continuously attacked the merit and virtue defense.

However, the power of merit and virtue is ultimately a very mysterious and powerful force bestowed by the way of heaven. It has a strong restraining effect on the demonic energy, which carries negative emotions.

No matter how the demonic energy that erupted from the branches of the Bodhi tree rolled and vibrated, it could not break through the defense of the power of merit.

On the contrary.

It was slowly enveloped and surrounded by the power of merit pushed by Feng Hao, and was finally trapped in a golden light ball formed by the golden light of merit.

This demonic energy seemed to have some immortal properties. Although the power emitted by the golden light of merit could erase its power, it could quickly recover and almost reach balance.

Feng Hao did not take it lightly, and directly used the merit spiritual treasure of the upper level as a container to force it into it.

After being forcibly sealed in the merit spiritual treasure, this immortal demonic energy first frantically shook its power to break the merit spiritual treasure, and then slowly calmed down after finding that it could not leave.

Finally, it was entrenched in a ball and turned into a giant egg with complex magic patterns, which ordinary people would escape into the magic path at a glance.

Feng Hao frowned, and the golden light of merit gathered on his eyes, trying to peek into the inside of the magic egg.


His sight penetrated the skin of the demon egg and saw the situation inside it.

Chaos, evil, killing, death...

At this moment, multiple laws directly hit Feng Hao's eyes, and the horrible negative emotions bloomed directly in his heart through his sight.


Feng Hao took a breath, decisively retracted his sight with the power of gathering merit, and quickly used the power of merit as a knife to cut the negative power born in his purple mansion, as well as a trace of the true rhyme of the devil.


A wisp of the devil power was eliminated by him, and was completely burned in the flames transformed by the power of merit.

Feng Hao breathed a sigh of relief and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Luohou is worthy of being the ancestor of the devil.

Even though he has fallen, the immortal demonic energy remaining on the bodhi tree branch that he cut off in the past actually has such a terrifying devil power.

If it were an ordinary immortal, even a celestial immortal or a true immortal, they would definitely be invaded by the devil's energy after that glance, and gradually fall into the devil's way.

Of course.

Feng Hao was not very opposed to the devil's way, as long as it could help him gain powerful power and live well in the prehistoric world.

Even if it was the devil's way, he could accept it.

But now is the era when the Taoist ancestors control everything and saints come to the mortal world.

If he fell into the devil's way at this time, he might really be finished.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Feng Hao picked up the merit spirit treasure that sealed the devil's energy again.

This time he was more careful, and with the power of merit and the power of Shangqing, he laid multiple defenses before observing the devil's giant egg again.

Blocking all the power of the devil's way that corrodes people's hearts outside the purple mansion, Feng Hao's eyes carefully observed.

Gradually, he had a superficial understanding of the power of the devil.

The magic path and the immortal path can be seen as the two sides of yin and yang, and the laws they practice are almost all in opposition.

But it does not mean that the immortal path does not practice the laws that the magic path practices. In fact, the two are like the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram, which means you are in me and I am in you.

It just depends on what kind of law power is the main body.

The practice of the two is different and the same, but there are many shortcuts in the early stage of the magic path, and the progress is much faster than the immortal path.

But after the middle and late stages, the immortal path will gradually catch up after accumulating strength.

For a long time.

Feng Hao slowly closed his eyes.

The self-conceit of the immortal path, the willfulness of the magic path, the struggle of the human path...

Various emotional tones surged in his heart, and the prototype of the concept of martial arts gradually took shape in his heart.

At the same time, some fantasies about martial arts in his previous life through novels and other carriers were also stirring in his heart.

But he was not a person with a supernatural understanding after all. Although he had various theories and ideas that floated on the surface, he had to combine these theories and ideas with reality.

The most

Finally, a cultivation system with a high enough upper limit, and a perfect realm division and promotion method will be produced. Under normal circumstances, even if he is given a hundred or a thousand years, he will not have too many clues.

After all, in the entire prehistoric world, the only one who can open up a whole cultivation system is the Tao Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor.

Feng Hao's realm and vision are nothing now.

But he has a cheat!

Feng Hao calmed down and slowly opened his eyes. He counted with his fingers and found that he was immersed in the process of opening up the martial arts. More than ten days have passed in the prehistoric world.

Almost a year has passed in the Four Seasons Pearl.

During this period of time.

The language and writing he created for the human race have taken root in the Four Seasons Pearl.

By consuming the power of merit and directly initiating the Chengtian Net, whether it is the tribal members in the prehistoric world or the tribal members in the Four Seasons Pearl.

Except for the children who are too young, all other human races have mastered the use of writing and language.

In the prehistoric world.

The weather is getting better, the ice and snow are slowly melting, and spring is coming.

Feng Hao opened the window, stared at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and turned around to activate the merit wishing panel.

Now his personal merit limit is close to 70 million, and the merit power he recovers every day has exceeded 20 million.

Although his main occupation merit hunter level is still LV5, he is much stronger now than when he first entered LV5.

When he first entered LV5, the merit power he could recover in a day was only 70 to 80 million, but now it has reached 20 million.

The increase in the merit limit also allows him to safely accumulate more merit wishing days at one time.

For example, now.

He has accumulated 22 days of skills, and can consume 44 million merit points in one go to make a wish!

[Consume 44 million merit points to make a wish, help me combine the way of immortals and demons, and deduce the foundation of the martial arts practice system that is most suitable for human practice! 】

Why is it the foundation?

Of course it can only be the foundation!

44 million merit points sounds like a lot, but it is simply a pipe dream to open up a new and complete practice system.

If a practice system is so easy to open up, then the upper limit of this practice system cannot be high.

[The wish is successful, and the deduction begins. ]

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