The huge stone containing spiritual energy was directly transported to the Holy City of the Human Race. It was placed in the middle of the Holy City, which had been expanded ten times. It was tall and majestic and reached the sky. Then, the Holy City became busy. Various tools were also invented by Feng Hao. [You used ordinary wood and steel to create the first wheelbarrow in the prehistoric world and gained merit...] [You used ordinary wood and steel to create the first pulley tower in the prehistoric world and gained merit...] [You used tools such as hammers and chisels to create carving skills and gained merit...] [...] In order to carve a statue of Nuwa. Feng Hao once again wholesaled technology and tools, and also passed on knowledge through Chengtian Network, creating some new professions for the human race.

He used the power of merit to form the sculpture boundary to ensure that the final statue of Nuwa would be exactly the same as the Holy Mother in the memory of Suirenshi and others.

The selected craftsmen of different trades worked hard to build it day and night.

In addition, Feng Hao, the leader, and Suirenshi and other human elites also joined in.

Various magical powers accelerated the progress.

Without considering the shape, each human cultivator worked hard to open up.

After a month of prehistoric time, the statue of Nuwa was finally completely formed!

Under the sun.

The huge statue stood in the middle of the holy city of the human race and rushed straight into the sky. The bright sunlight against the light sprinkled all over the statue. It looked magnificent, and a compassionate and gentle temperament emerged.

"Have you finished the edges of the ribbons woven for the Holy Mother?"

Feng Hao asked Youchao beside him.

Youchao nodded repeatedly and said, "Reporting to the leader, it has been rushed to finish last night.

But that is just the color of ordinary ramie cloth, not a ribbon."

Feng Hao raised his chin slightly and said, "Of course I have a way to dye it into color.

Go, have someone send the ribbons to the laundry shop. I want to use a new method to color the ribbons."

Cloth dyeing is not a rare technology.

But there is no such technology in the prehistoric world. When the monks refine magic tools and magic weapons, they will directly use spiritual energy to give color.

So this time Feng Hao will most likely gain merit from dyeing.

The laundry shop is next to the textile shop. It is a newly built market for washing ramie cloth after weaving.

According to Feng Hao's requirements, a dyeing pool was also built inside.

By the time he arrived with Suirenshi and his group, a piece of ramie cloth with a length of more than 10,000 meters had been delivered here.

This ramie cloth was woven by him using a large amount of vines, hemp plants, and livestock hair, and was woven by himself using a merit loom.

However, the work of finishing the edges was handed over to ordinary humans.

Now the whole ramie cloth is a very common white-gray color, and it doesn't look special.

Feng Hao used his divine sense to check it carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he waved his hand and many colored berries collected by humans during this period flew out.

These berries exploded in the air and turned into various colors.

They were mixed together in different proportions, and finally Feng Hao injected a ray of merit power into it, so that these colors blended with each other but were partially isolated.

The color of the dyed cloth took shape.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, the wind rune bloomed, and the whole ramie cloth flew out directly.

Passing through the fuel pool, the ramie cloth was quickly dyed with various brilliant colors.


A beautiful, rainbow-like ribbon has taken shape, waving gracefully in the wind.

The power of merit also gathered.

[You dyed ordinary cloth with beautiful colors using wild fruits that can be found everywhere in the prehistoric world, creating the first non-supernatural dyeing technique in the prehistoric world.

You have gained 100,000 merits, and the first cloth in the prehistoric world that was dyed with ordinary items has gained 30,000 merits, evolving into a mid-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure (low)]

Feng Hao raised his hand, and the golden light of merit bloomed in his palm.

Tens of millions of merits were directly integrated into it, allowing it to be promoted to the level of a high-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure in one step!

"Tell all the tribesmen."

"Prepare three animals and offer five grains."

"Tomorrow, sacrifice to the Holy Mother!"

"Let's not worry about the Four Seasons Pearl for now, Uncle Suiren and Uncle Youchao, you will sacrifice with me at that time!"

Suiren and Youchao nodded repeatedly.


The next day.

An endless stream of people

The human race entered the city from outside the city and stepped into the huge square in the middle of the human race's holy city.

Millions of people gathered, and the scene was extremely grand.

The auspicious time chosen by Feng Hao was approaching.

Pigs, cows, sheep and other animals were brought in one by one, and then the grains he found were also sent over.

He had some understanding of the sacrificial process, but not much.

He didn't even care whether he could get a response from Nuwa. As long as he did it, it would be fine. It would be best if there was a response, but it didn't matter if there was no response.

"Offer three animals!"

"Thank heaven and earth for giving us human beings food, thank the Holy Mother for creating the human race!"

"Offer five grains!"

"Sacrifice to the Holy Mother, the leader of the human race Feng Hao searched for five grains, started farming, created agricultural tools, and opened up a self-sufficient farming method for the human race!"


"I am Feng Hao of the human race, the leader of China."

"On behalf of the human race, thank the Holy Mother for creating the human race."

"All human beings offer ribbons to the statue, please bless our human race, bless our China!"

Feng Hao, wearing a hemp robe, bowed to the statue of Nuwa.

The ribbon in front of him turned into a spiritual treasure of acquired merit and virtue, and floated directly from his hand.

It rose against the sky and meandered upwards.

Finally, it was hung on the neck of the statue of Nuwa, swaying slightly in the air, sprinkling a little golden light.


Wuhuang Palace.

Nuwa Niangniang felt something in her heart, and a ray of divine consciousness suddenly broke through the sky and instantly descended into her statue.

Through the statue, she saw the scene in the holy city of the human race.

Looking at the sincere admiration in the eyes of each human race.

She also saw the ribbons of the upper-grade acquired merit and spiritual treasure level hanging on her body, which moved automatically without wind.

At this moment.

She had to admit that her calm heart was surging.

"Human race..."


"The beauty of clothing is called Hua, and the great etiquette is called Xia."

"What a Huaxia."

"What a Feng Hao!"

As Nuwa Niangniang hummed softly, a little spiritual light bloomed at her fingertips.


It seemed that nine dragon roars sounded one after another.


The spiritual light dissipated and turned into a seal at her fingertips.

"Kongtong Seal..."

"It was nurtured by the nine ancient quasi-saint dragon souls, dragon blood, and the human destiny that was born when I created humans. It should be the treasure of human destiny."

"Now, I will give it to you!"

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