The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Consume 100 million merit points! Make a wish to enhance the foundation and potential of the purple thunder of the top-grade acquired merit spirit treasure! ]

[Successful wish. ]

As Feng Hao made a successful wish.

The purple thunder melted instantly.

It turned into a ball of purple thunder, and the electric light seemed to fluctuate like breathing.

Then a golden light of merit bloomed, turning into a golden silk thread that shuttled and intertwined in the thunder.

After a long time, the golden light dissipated, and the purple thunder turned into a purple-gold color.

Feng Hao clearly felt that the defects of this spirit treasure were really made up, and when he raised his hand, this acquired merit spirit treasure turned into various forms in front of him.

War hammer, giant axe, long sword, long spear, nunchaku...

As long as he wants, he can turn it into anything he likes.

And at this moment, this spiritual treasure has finally become one, no longer as before, with the copper of Shoushan and the ancient dragon bone clearly separated.

Zi Lei, who turned into a long sword, waved it lightly, and the purple-gold electric light flashed, and then slashed a sharp sword light towards the ground.

It went deep into the ground for an unknown distance.

But at this moment, Zi Lei still does not have the foundation and potential to be promoted to the acquired merit treasure!

To make it have such potential, there is still one crucial thing missing.

That is something to make up for the last spiritual shortcoming.

This thing can be some kind of innate spiritual object, or it can be a strong soul.

Just right.

Feng Hao still has two powerful residual souls that have not been collected.

One is the residual soul of the dragon clan at the Daluo level, and the other is the residual soul of the Kui Niu at the Daluo level.

In terms of attributes, the residual soul of the Kui Niu is undoubtedly more suitable.

From the material point of view, the dragon remnant soul is more suitable.

Before, Feng Hao didn't even dare to extract these two remnant souls, but now he is not afraid.

He has the Kongtong Seal, and nine complete souls of the quasi-saint dragon clan are intertwined. Not to mention two Daluo remnant souls, even the complete souls of the quasi-saint level can be easily suppressed!

Open the half plane in the Qilin tooth.

Feng Hao descended into it with the Kongtong Seal and the purple thunder, and finally extracted these two waves of rewards from the game interface.



The Daluo-level dragon remnant soul and the Kuiniu remnant soul just appeared, and they burst into a thunderous roar.

The body size quickly expanded to an incredibly huge form.

The illusory soul was arrogant and arrogant.

But in just a moment, they felt the pressure from a wisp of the Qilin's breath, and instinctively showed a vigilant look.

As for Feng Hao, they selectively ignored him.


The Kongtong Seal was raised by him, and the terrifying aura of the nine complete quasi-saint souls bloomed, and even the auspicious aura of the Qilin in this vast area, which was larger than a galaxy, was directly and forcibly expelled.

The expressions of the two residual souls also changed suddenly, and they curled up and trembled as much as possible.

Even their bodies shrank thousands of times and became extremely small.

Feng Hao could even sense their mental changes, as if they were shocked why such a terrifying aura suddenly appeared, and they must not let those terrifying creatures notice their existence.

It formed a strong contrast with the arrogant and wanton aura just now.


"This is the difference in status."

Feng Hao also wanted to arrange a complete soul of the quasi-saint level for Zi Lei to give birth to spirituality.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have it at present.

Besides, the souls of the quasi-saint level are rare, and there are even fewer strong people who can enter the ranks of quasi-saints in the prehistoric world.


Daluo can only make do with it.

Feng Hao raised his hand.

The power of merit poured down instantly and was injected into the Kongtong Seal.


This top-grade innate spiritual treasure has a very weak power that has revived.

A dragon roar that seemed to come from the ancient vastness sounded, and a terrifying breath instantly enveloped the two Daluo-level residual souls.


In the dragon roar.

A faint light bloomed, like a breeze blowing.

The two Daluo-level residual souls solidified instantly, and then they broke like gravel and were blown away by the wind.

In the end, only two spiritual lights were left.

Feng Hao threw the purple thunder over casually, and swallowed the two spiritual lights with the Yuqing refining treasure method.

Then his hands quickly disturbed the void, combined with the power of merit to cast a series of seals, forming a series of patterns that merged into the purple thunder.

Inducing the fusion of the two points of pure spirituality, and completely merging with the purple thunder.



With the complete fusion of spirituality, the purple thunder that was originally emitting spiritual light instantly gathered all its power and turned into a ball of lightning that looked like solidified lightning.

Feng Hao's mind moved.

It turned into a purple-gold long sword.

The long sword was engraved with various Taoist patterns, flashing with strange light, and the hilt had a dragon on one side and a Kui Niu on the other.

A breathtaking aura bloomed from it, but no power was released.

People who don't know will only think it is mediocre.

From extroversion to restraint, it is enough to show that this spiritual treasure has undergone a revolutionary transformation.

[Your spiritual treasure purple thunder has undergone many Supplement and upgrade, it has the initial potential to be promoted to the acquired merit treasure! 】

Although it is only the initial possession, Feng Hao is very happy.

After all, this spiritual treasure is considered to be refined by him personally, and he has participated in the entire process from nothing to something and from weak to strong.

This sense of accomplishment makes him feel more refreshed than the potential to be promoted to the merit treasure by the human spirit book.

In addition.

After integrating a large amount of Shoushan copper and two spiritual powers from Daluo strongmen, although the grade of purple thunder has not changed, in fact, its power has long been incomparable.

He raised his hand and swung the sword.

"Hiss! "

The sword chant like a dragon's roar rose, and a terrible majesty swept through, with the effect of shocking the soul.

All the strong men below the level of Daluo will be greatly suppressed, even those who are also Daluo will be affected.

At the same time.

The sword light like thunder spanned the void and disappeared in an instant.

It was extremely fast.

Even Feng Hao did not dare to really explode the power of this sword, let alone use this sword to perform the sword of cutting the sky from Tongtian Sect Master's method of enlightenment.

Otherwise, even if he was just an ordinary celestial being, he would directly chop this Qilin half plane into pieces with one sword!

"Good sword! It's really a good sword! "

Feng Hao stroked the purple-gold long sword with a domineering shape and a dragon-patterned cow, and the joy on his face could not be concealed at all.


Wasteland Tribe.

At this moment, Huang Du's face turned red, and he was on the verge of a red-hot rampage.

Standing opposite him were strong men from several tribes under Gonggong, and they were all staring at Huang Du covetously.

"Huang Du, hand over all the things you got from selling wine now, and we can forgive you for the past."

"Otherwise... none of the tribal warriors under the bloodline of Gonggong the ancestor witch have a good temper."

"If you touch our things, you will really die!"

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