Let You Take Care Of The Contents, You Scared The Whole World To Tears

Chapter 23 Congratulations—Draw A New Ability—Crying Doll! [Seek Data! 】


Inside the Hangzhou site, in a very dark containment area.

Su Xiaojiu shook her hands and looked at the very small Dr. A69.


"This time we captured the mutated Weeping Angel of Containment 173, and the Foundation didn't lose any members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Mobile Task Force!"

"In this operation, your Containment 682 performed very well, and you have made great contributions!"

"It resisted almost 80% of the damage!"

Dr. A69.

With shining eyes, she was writing quickly on the small whiteboard she was holding!


There is an inexplicable contrast.


Containment 682, who was lying quietly at Su Xiaojiu's feet, was shaking his head at this moment!


It is the 682 uncle from birth to the present.

When was it praised so much! ?

Those people spoke the first sentence when they saw the chaotic man whose divinity hadn't been stripped in half.

Most of them are monsters, or mutant lizards!

To put it mildly, it was all started by the Foundation.

for example.

Tarasques, Summer Exiles, Reptilian Supergods, and more!

And now!

Being recognized by others gave the contained object 682 a very novel feeling!

this feeling.

Uncle 682 said it was great!

It is recommended to come to 100 million points!

"Okay, don't be shy, go out and find Wells, let him take you to have a good meal!"

"It is estimated that a new round of work will start tomorrow morning!"

Su Xiaojiu smiled and kicked Mr. 682, the object next to her feet.

Helplessly shook his head.


Why didn't I find out that the big lizard has such a shy side before.

"Xiao Shuai understands, go find him now!"

Containment 682 spoke the tone of an out-and-out movie marketing account.

Swaggering is walking towards the lobby of the Foundation site!

"Doctor, I have a question, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

Su Xiaojiu listened to the iconic tone and voice of the contained object 682.

It means that it is slightly painful!

Dr. A69 opened his big eyes and looked up at Su Xiaojiu suspiciously.

As if to ask what is the question again!

"The voice package of the translator worn on 682's neck was made by that genius?"

Su Xiaojiu covered her face with one hand.


You don't think that if this thing is placed in public.

A majestic and terrifying monster.

Suddenly speak in the tone of the movie commentary of the marketing account that you usually hear when watching the small videos!

——There is a man named Xiaoshuai!


Just thinking about it, Su Xiaojiu felt that she could embarrassingly deduct a big villa with three bedrooms and one living room!

Scalp numb!


After Dr. A69 heard Su Xiaojiu's words.


His big eyes lit up.

Take a deep breath!

In those eyes, there was a feeling of looking at a confidant!

The corners of Su Xiaojiu's eyes twitched wildly!

Got it!

It seems that this broken voice package was created by Dr. A69 in front of me!

"Okay, let's put the voice pack aside for now."

"The most urgent task now is to understand the state of consciousness of this containment 173."

"See if it can be extracted directly!"

Su Xiaojiu looked aside with excitement.

It is necessary to explain the excited Dr. A69 explaining the situation of the voice package.

She made a very sensible choice—to change the subject!

Dr. A69 was a little disappointed.


Still immediately returned to work.


Debug on the computer on the side for a while.

next moment.

There was a gap in the window of the containment room that was tightly sealed in front of Su Xiaojiu.


It is neatly placed 30 strange humanoid statues standing opposite each other and covered up.

If nothing else.

This is Mutated Containment 173 - Weeping Angel.

"President, these mutated containment objects 173 have been revealed through our series of investigations."

"Weeping angels only have subjective consciousness when they are watched by others."


"They seem to be ordinary, featureless statues."


"The president can try to extract its abilities directly!"

A69 blinked his big eyes.

I took a few steps back.

And found a place that looked safe, poked out a small head, and looked at Su Xiaojiu's hand curiously.

Su Xiaojiu: "..."

Is there any need to be so afraid? !


You are so cute, are you serious? !

Su Xiaojiu shook her little head.

Take a deep breath.


Closing his eyes, he stretched out his right hand towards the fifteen pairs of weeping angels in front of him!


next moment!

The divinity in her began to riot!

Make a terrifying roar!

The fifteen teams of weeping angels inside also somehow put down their hands covering their faces.


Looking at his companion who was crying with a slumped face in front of him.

The crowd is crying!

The scene is very grand.

In the dark.

There is even a little symphony atmosphere in it.


Su Xiaojiu, at this time, did not hear any sound from the outside world.

Her consciousness is at this moment.

It was as if he had come to an extremely dark room.

This room is infinite!

The inside is even more like a library, the walls are full of small dark holes.

"There is light!" Su Xiaojiu quickly discovered the dark room.

There were actually two glimmers of light.

Her hand uncontrollably picked up one of the shimmering lights!


It is also at this moment!

Back to reality!

"The ability acquired this time is... a crying doll!?"

Su Xiaojiu rubbed her drowsy head.

first timing.

Check out the newly acquired abilities.

【Crying Doll】

[You will be able to summon a palm-sized weeping angel anytime, anywhere, anytime]

[throw it out]

[The crying puppet will directly evolve into a crying angel]

[You can give an order to the Weeping Angel once per summon]

[After completing the command, the Weeping Angel will disappear]

【And wait for the next call to accumulate energy】


Pull the wool directly!

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