The scarlet containment is very smart, and can judge through conversations and learn the truth of the matter.

"Bastard, don't talk nonsense!" Su Xiaojiu's face darkened, and she sternly reprimanded.

The scarlet containment ignored Su Xiaojiu, and continued: "You dirty and despicable humans are not worthy of our containment!"

"When I find a chance, I will kill you all!"

"Come on, yeah

The scarlet containment became more and more angry, the eyes almost dripped with blood, and the entire ugly face was distorted and deformed.

Su Xiaojiu shook her head with a bitter expression on her face.

"Since you are so obsessed with obsession, then go to hell!" Su Xiaojiu shouted, turned her wrist, and swung the knife suddenly.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the scarlet container suddenly froze, and a smear of Yin Hong's blood appeared on the neck.

"Come on

Mimi Mimi...

The scarlet containment screamed, its throat rolled, and it wanted to say something, but it couldn't speak after all.

The next moment, the body of the scarlet container twitched violently, and finally fell limply to the ground.

"Is this... dead?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified and looked like a ghost.

This is a containment item!

Possessing extremely high intelligence, even being able to transform into a human form, an existence on an equal footing with others!

Moreover, the strength of these contained objects is terrifying!

Even if there is only one contained object, it is enough to withstand thousands of troops!

But now, in the hands of this man, he is as vulnerable as a chicken and a dog!

Just one face-to-face, is it completely dead?

The beginning and end of all this seems to be only in the blink of an eye.

When Su Xiaojiu and the others came back to their senses, the scarlet container had already lost its breath and lay quietly on the ground.

"Is this what you call the 'Foundation'?"

Looking at Su Xiaojiu and the others, the man's face was expressionless, and a cold light shone in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, are you..." Su Xiaojiu narrowed her eyes slightly and asked tentatively.

However, as soon as Su Xiaojiu finished speaking, the man made a move in an instant, and his right fist, with the force of a storm, hit Su Xiaojiu!

A deep and ear-splitting 800 roaring sound suddenly spread throughout the field!

The powerful and unparalleled power poured out, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, making people feel suffocated!


In an instant, everyone present took a deep breath, only feeling a buzzing in their minds!

This power is terrifying!

"Not good!" Su Xiaojiu's complexion changed drastically, and she waved her war blade without hesitation, and went straight to meet her.


A clear sound of gold and iron clanging exploded in an instant, lingering in the air for a long time!

Su Xiaojiu and the man flew backwards at the same time, hitting the ground heavily, and the two of them fell into a brief silence.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a while, Su Xiaojiu covered her chest and couldn't help coughing dryly.


The man let out a mouthful of turbid air, staring at Su Xiaojiu with cold eyes.

"You humans are really a bunch of trash!"

"How can an ordinary Orion be so powerful?" Su Xiaojiu frowned, her face gloomy and uncertain.

The man's strength has completely surpassed Orion's realm and reached an even more terrifying level!

"Damn it!"

Su Xiaojiu gritted her teeth, gave the man a hard look, and was about to leave immediately.

After all, in Su Xiaojiu's heart, no matter how Orion is, he is still a member of the foundation.

If the foundation finds out about his unusual behavior, it will inevitably cause trouble.

However, just when Su Xiaojiu was about to run away, the corner of the man's mouth twitched contemptuously, he suddenly raised his finger to Su Xiaojiu, and shouted coldly: "Kill me!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the man's voice fell, many contained objects around them shot out in unison.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of containment objects wrapped Su Xiaojiu in it, and strangled Su Xiaojiu brutally!

"You guys, are you crazy?!"

Su Xiaojiu was furious, and struggled to get rid of the shackles of the contained objects.

Unfortunately, it's all in vain!

The fighting power of the contained objects is far stronger than outsiders (ceed) imagined!

These contained objects have been domesticated and formed from the very beginning, with a hint of wisdom.

Therefore, in their cognition, the foundation is their home.

Now that their homeland is lost, they harbor resentment and wish to destroy the entire foundation!

Therefore, under the order of the man, all the contained objects went mad and began to torture Su Xiaojiu!


Looking at the densely packed objects around her, Su Xiaojiu's pupils contracted fiercely, with a strong evil spirit in her eyes.

These contained objects are all monsters!

But now, they shot at themselves, like wild beasts attacking the enemy, leaving no room at all!

A face-to-face, the containment stretched out its sharp long claws, and instantly scratched Su Xiaojiu's arm, leaving five shocking bloodstains.

A series of ferocious roars came out from the mouth of the contained object, shrill and ear-piercing like wild beasts.

Hearing the frenzied roar of the surrounding objects, Su Xiaojiu's eyes gradually rose with monstrous murderous intent.

The contained object is a sinful person!

According to human law, every containment should be punished!

However, the current containment not only acts recklessly, but even dares to openly attack the Foundation!

Such an act completely violates the basic laws and must be severely punished!

Thinking of this, Xiao Jiu's eyes became colder and colder!


All of a sudden, a contained object spotted Su Xiaojiu's gaze, and rushed over immediately.

The speed is extremely fast, and it will arrive in an instant.

Seeing this, Su Xiaojiu gave a cold snort, then suddenly swung out her palm, and slapped the contained object hard on the head.


He only heard the crisp sound of bones breaking, and then saw a headless corpse falling to the ground.

Kill in one move!

Seeing this scene, everyone around took a breath.

This young man actually killed a contained object in one move, it's simply unbelievable!


In an instant, the remaining hundreds of contained objects all burst out violent roars, and rushed towards Su Xiaojiu again.


Glancing around indifferently, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Su Xiaojiu's mouth, and her eyes were full of contempt.

"court death!"

With a sneer, Su Xiaojiu immediately clenched her saber, jumped up, and went straight to a containment in the shape of a giant python!


Su Xiaojiu's legs were bent, and with the help of the strength of her waist and abdomen, she instantly raised herself a few inches, and the war blade slashed out horizontally.

A bright arc pierced through the void, and with a murderous intent, it slashed straight at the containment in the shape of a giant python.

The giant python contained seemed to sense the danger, and immediately opened its stinky fangs, biting towards Su Xiaojiu.


In the blink of an eye, the giant python opened its mouth wide and bit the blade fiercely, sending out countless sparks!

At the same time, the war blade also slashed at the python's neck, tearing it apart in an instant!


The scarlet blood shot out and scattered all over the ground.

A huge and ferocious snake head slowly rolled down to the ground, extinction of life!

Without any stagnation, Su Xiaojiu turned around instantly and swung the war blade again.

The sharp war blade flashed a gloomy and cold light [Instantly cut down the other storage object.

For a moment, blood flowed profusely, and the scene was extremely bloody!

"Ho ho ho!"

The remaining hundreds of animals were all in a state of madness.

At this moment, they completely lost their rationality, and only knew that Jiu would launch an attack.

Moreover, their attacks are very organized, with tacit cooperation, obviously well-trained.

All of a sudden, the whole venue was in chaos!

Countless figures of contained objects flickered, entangled with each other and killed each other.


Finally, a giant ape covered in scales suddenly jumped up and punched Su Xiaojiu on the head.

"not good!"

Su Xiaojiu frowned slightly, and immediately leaned forward, trying to avoid the giant ape's attack.

However, because the distance was too close, Su Xiaojiu could only barely move her body sideways, but she still couldn't dodge completely.

The giant ape's attack slid past Su Xiaojiu's shoulder, smashing his clothes, almost hurting his flesh!

All of a sudden, Su Xiaojiu gasped, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

If Su Xiaojiu hadn't been able to dodge fast enough just now, he might have been punched through the head long ago!

One punch is enough to kill!

Kicking a wolf into the air, Su Xiaojiu didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took two steps back, looking solemnly at the many contained objects around her.


All of a sudden, the surrounding contents screamed and rushed towards Su Xiaojiu.

"Since you are looking for death... then I will give you a ride!"

Su Xiaojiu narrowed her eyes, her body disappeared in a flash, and turned into a blurred afterimage, facing countless contained objects, she rushed forward brazenly.

Accompanied by one after another blood light blooming, one after another, the contained objects were seen tragically dying under Su Xiaojiu's battle blade!

In just a short moment, the originally crowded and narrow space became much more spacious!

On the ground, there were hundreds of hideous and terrifying corpses, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Seeing Su Xiaojiu slaughtering his own kind, the contained objects immediately fell into madness, and rushed towards Su Xiaojiu without hesitation.

In an instant, Su Xiaojiu seemed to become an isolated island, surrounded by all the contained objects.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Su Xiaojiu panted heavily, her face was a little pale, her breath was weak to the limit.

Although just now, relying on her strong physique and superb fighting skills, Su Xiaojiu killed countless contained objects.

However, this kind of fierce fighting is not suitable for Su Xiaojiu.

In particular, just now Su Xiaojiu spent a lot of physical strength in order to avoid the attack of the giant lizard.

At this moment, under the joint attack of so many contained objects, Xiao Qiu quickly felt tired.


At this moment, a violent trembling sound came from not far away, and it was rapidly approaching.

Looking at the reputation, it is the black rhinoceros monster from before!

And beside the rhinoceros monster, there are still a group of containment objects!

"Ho ho ho!"

In an instant, the rhinoceros monster roared and roared, and immediately led many contained objects, rushing towards this direction!

The speed of these contained objects is very fast, and they come to the front in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, the rhinoceros monster let out a low growl, and immediately turned around, preparing to bypass the people of the Jinzheng Foundation.

After all, the intelligence of the rhinoceros monster is not high, only the most basic instinct.

It only knows how to attack the enemy, it can't tell friend from foe at all!

It's over!

Seeing the attack of the rhinoceros monster, Qiu looked shocked.

The speed of the rhinoceros monster is obviously faster than other containment objects, and it can even bounce and move!

If the rhinoceros monster is allowed to escape, then these foundation employees will definitely die!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaojiu didn't hesitate, her figure suddenly accelerated, and immediately blocked the path of the rhinoceros monster.


The rhinoceros monster raised its head to the sky and screamed, hot white smoke spewed out from its nostrils, instantly locked onto Su Xiaojiu's position, aimed at him and rushed towards him.


The next moment, the iron hoof of the rhinoceros monster stepped heavily on the floor, causing a deafening sound.

The huge body of the rhinoceros monster trampled down on Su Xiaochou fiercely, carrying a mighty momentum!

"Well done!"

Seeing the ferocious attack of the rhinoceros monster, Su Xiaojiu's eyes shone brightly, and her heart surged with pride.

Su Xiaojiu did not retreat but advanced, suddenly raised the steel war blade, and slashed at the head of the rhinoceros monster fiercely at an extremely fast speed!

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