Let You Take Care Of The Contents, You Scared The Whole World To Tears

Chapter 68 The World Is Shocked! Dragon Kingdom Is Ecstatic! The Destruction Of The Evil God Kills T

The evil god Turzcha appeared with the power of a true god.

The originally bustling and noisy kingdom of beasts turned into a purgatory of death in the blink of an eye.

This scene was broadcast live, and everyone was shocked.

This is the insurmountable moat that man and God see.

In addition to being horrified, they all worried about the safety of the boss.

At this time, the boss retreated, and no one thought it was a cowardly move.

Hitting a stone with an egg will surely lead to death, and it is pedantic not to run away.

And the boss has become the fighting spirit in the hearts of countless Xuan Kingdom people.

Nothing will happen to her.

But on the live broadcast screen in front of him, there was nothing but the beast king Ling Li who was swallowed by the evil god.

Boss, gone!

"The boss was killed by the evil god! The evil god of the son of a bitch! I will fight you!"

"The Cthulhu's next target must be Blue Star. We are all going to die anyway, why don't we kill them and live and die with the boss!"

"I agree! We act now! Meet at the cellar entrance!"

This is not empty talk. According to statistics, tens of thousands of people are spontaneously gathering.

Director Wang didn't know how the higher-ups felt about the Bureau of Demon Suppression, but he was already in tears after watching this scene.

A truth left by the ancestors of Xuan Kingdom emerged in my mind: those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

"Should we stop it?"

The girl in red, who was always icy, couldn't help but feel a little moved at this moment.


"This is the pride of my Xuan Kingdom, the pride of the Xuan Kingdom people!"

"If it wasn't for my vocation, I would definitely join it!"

"I believe that the little girl is not so easily dismissed.

Director Wang is very sure that even if the technology cannot detect Su Xiaojiu's energy wave, even if the other party is a god, his heart is full of inexplicable trust in Su Xiaojiu.


"Come to the meeting!"

The old voice echoed in Director Wang's ears.

Director Wang immediately left the Demon Suppressing Bureau and headed towards the secret place of Xuan Kingdom.

Facts, just like his beliefs.

Just when he had just left, a figure that was extremely familiar to everyone suddenly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

"It's the boss! She's not dead!"

"Thank you, I implore the gods and gods of the heavens who bless my Xuan Kingdom, and bless you with everything. I will exchange my humble life~`!"

"Look! Boss, my mother!"

"Grandma Huozu! Is my dog's eyes hallucinating!"

I saw that Su Xiaojiu appeared out of thin air.

With lightning speed, he kicked the evil god several times.

The evil god stood up in embarrassment, staring at the reptile in front of him.

"The Blasphemer!"


The evil god didn't finish his cruel words, and got a big mouth.

"God? Just you?"

"It's not that you can be called a god with a little brute force. In our mysterious country, gods are just beliefs.

"And you, obviously don't deserve it!"

Under the watchful eyes of the live broadcast, Su Xiaohong punched and kicked the evil god again.

The evil god regained his human form, even his underpants were smashed.

But even so, the evil god didn't do anything to Su Xiaohong.

I was stunned by all the people watching the live broadcast.

Could it be that the evil god of the son of a bitch was overwhelmed by the boss' arrogance?

This is too nonsense!

In fact, of course not.

Su Xiaojiu knew it very well.

"You are indeed smart. Once you completely integrate the Beastmaster's Rule Ball, your power in this world will be greatly enhanced."

"But you are too impatient, you idiot! You just merged with 096 and then merged with Beastmaster. You can't attack at all until you are completely integrated.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, even the true god is no exception."


The evil god's face was extremely gloomy, but the reptile was right.

These magma flames are his innate companions, transformed from the origin of the world, but they did not destroy the reptile.

It's not just this that makes it incomprehensible.

"Are you waiting to die?"

Neither attack nor run for life, this reptile's head is broken?

"Damn your grandma's legs!"

"Hit me! The strongest attack!"

Su Xiaohong gave an order.

Wells, who had just returned from his mission, rushed forward with the Nine-Tailed Fox Mobile Task Force.

I saw that the body of the evil god was flying and torn to pieces.

But in a blink of an eye, the body of the evil god returned to its original state.

To the surprise of the evil god, this kind of destruction and reorganization of the body can actually speed up his breakthrough in the fusion of the rule ball.

Then, a dramatic scene appeared that stunned everyone.

One side fought in full swing, while the other side was hacked with great joy.

For a while, various posts were flying all over the sky.

"It turns out that the evil god is mad!"

"Isn't the evil god here to destroy? It's to satisfy a small hobby. "

"Raising an Evil God and I Are a Perfect Match!"

Gradually, everyone realized something was wrong.

The evil god seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and the entire space of the Ten Thousand Beasts was trembling faintly.

The coercion of terror can be felt even outside the cellar.

"This scheming bitch is secretly breaking through! Boss, run!"

"Bastard! Damn it! I paid by mistake!"

"This cellar is about to collapse!"

Facing everyone's urging, Su Xiaojiu didn't move at all.

There was inconceivability in the eyes of the evil god.

"It seems that you know that you must die, no matter where you go, you will be destroyed by this god."

"However, this god is not planning to destroy you, there is an aura about you that interests me.

When the evil god spoke, the tiger's body shook, and the entire space of the kingdom of beasts shook violently.

The ball of rules is about to break through!

In front of the live broadcast, everyone mourned for the boss from the bottom of their hearts.

In the face of the power of the evil god, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving, but the boss did not give in until the last moment and retreated. This will has penetrated into the souls of everyone.

Under everyone's gaze, Su Xiaohong moved.

~Must die is undoubtedly good.

"However, you are the one who died!"


When the order was issued, the task force cooperated and delivered the strongest blow.

The evil god's body was instantly destroyed.

But the evil god did not reorganize the body again, the ball of rules was about to break through, and the soul and will were poured into it, and the body was useless.


"Here will be the starting point of my descent! I will devour all directions and reach that realm"


The voice of the evil god Sovereign came to an abrupt end.

Immediately became terrified.

In the originally flawless regular ball, several figures unexpectedly appeared. What (De Wang Hao) frightened him the most was that a cage-like thing appeared out of thin air directly above.

Its material is not even known to him, as if it was tailor-made for the rule ball.

"Very surprised?"

"I'm sorry, my aunt just wants to let you die with regret.

【Mechanical descendant, contain!】

[Containment is complete, the object is not a containment category, execute destruction! It may have been absorbed by the existing containment. 】

Su Xiaohong nodded in satisfaction, all of this was within her expectations.

The evil god has the talent of fusion, so at the last moment before the arrival of the evil god, she integrated the chessboard with the contents into the Beastmaster's rule ball.

In this way, the evil god who has fused some of the contained objects can naturally use the mechanical descendant to attack it.

Although the evil god does not belong to the category of contained objects, it itself is pure source energy, which can make the contained objects absorb and strengthen, and even evolve.

After some operations, kill two birds with one stone.

At this time, people watching.

There was a long silence. .

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