"Hold on."

Jiang Feng glanced at it, then said something to the staff next to him, then turned his head and followed the crowd to the open space next to him.

"What should I do, President?" Yan Qianqian looked nervous, holding the phone and not knowing what to do.

"This call from the Law Enforcement Bureau, it seems that the school has already reported the crime."

Li Zhengwen stroked his chin and said solemnly.

"If you don't hang up, forget it. We've already come out anyway, so why bother?" Shen Wen looked at it, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"My parents must be very worried about me now, huh, after all, we didn't leave any news when we left." Yan Qianqian's nose soured and two tears fell down.

These words made everyone present feel a little sour.

Although they were determined to become a mercenary, after all, it was a temporary decision, and they did not discuss it with their family members at all.

Moreover, I grew up under the care of my family since I was a child. Even if I went to college and left home, everyone lived with their parents' money. No matter what, they still haven't left their parents' care.

Now that I suddenly come to a foreign country thousands of miles away, I still think of home to some extent.

And in the past two days, their mobile phones left the service area after going abroad, lost the signal and lost the network.

It can be expected that the family members must have called many times and contacted them anxiously.

Thinking of their anxiety when they couldn't find themselves, everyone felt a little sad and couldn't bear it.

"President, do you have an idea?"

The phone rang heavily in everyone's ears, and everyone didn't know what to do for a while, and all turned their attention to Jiang Feng.

As the president of the student union and the core of the organization, Jiang Feng is the decision maker that everyone agrees with.

Jiang Feng glanced around the crowd, and said decisively: "No matter what, if we can alert the Law Enforcement Bureau to call, then our parents must be very worried, and this call must be answered."

"In the future, we will have to train and carry out missions, so we will basically have no contact with them."

"So today, let's reveal the truth to them through this phone call, so that they don't worry about us anymore, how about it?"

"Okay! Then take it!"

Jiang Feng's words made sense, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Having made up his mind, Jiang Feng didn't hesitate anymore, took the phone from Yan Qianqian, and pressed the answer button.

................................................... ..........

On the other side, law enforcement officers are anxiously waiting for the other party to answer.

This is a call they made by using special equipment to break through the signal barrier. The price of this call is still very high.

But in order to get these students back, it's worth it anyway.

After they waited anxiously for more than half a minute, the phone was suddenly connected.

The law enforcement police who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly asked.

"Hi, is this Yan Qianqian?"

"I'm Jiang Feng, we're safe!"

Jiang Feng opened his mouth to ask a question, which immediately relieved the law enforcement officer, and hurriedly continued to ask.

"Jiang Feng, where are you now?"

"We are working as mercenaries abroad, everyone is together, we are safe, please rest assured."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he asked all the students to leave a voice message on the phone, so as not to worry them.

"Dad, don't be angry, we will come back when we are the biggest and stronger."

"I'm safe, don't worry."

"Mom, pickle some miso for me, and celebrate when I come back."


Hearing what everyone said, the law enforcement officers were a little dumbfounded.

"Stop joking, are you capable of being mercenaries? Where are you now? Come back quickly."

How can there be students who are mercenaries? It's just nonsense.

After the law enforcement police were sure that they were safe, they asked them to come back quickly.

"I'm not joking, we are really mercenaries, and we will definitely win glory for the country in the future and promote the national prestige of our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Also, please report Miss Chen Xinyi's kidnapping case to the country. The police in Palang Kingdom don't care, we will take care of it. We will rescue the compatriots in Long Kingdom. Please rest assured, it is not a big deal."

"We will register mercenaries soon, and we will rise up in the world soon, and we will win the reputation of our Dragon Kingdom!"

What Jiang Feng said made the law enforcement police a little dumbfounded.

There is no doubt that they are now safe.

It's just that Jiang Feng's constant talk about being a mercenary is pure nonsense in his opinion, and he must be joking.

He knew very well how difficult it was to be a mercenary, and these young children simply didn't have that ability.

Moreover, the mercenary review was also very strict, so he didn't take Jiang Feng's words seriously at all.

A few children can make a big deal, but they feel that they are just messing around, and it is purely delaying their law enforcement and police work.

"Then where are you now? When are you going to come back? Your family is worried to death."

The law enforcement officer spoke again, continuing to ask Jiang Feng their location.

"It won't be long, when we have established the reputation of the Dragon Kingdom in the world, it will be time to return to China. Don't worry everyone, we are really safe."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, the law enforcement officer reluctantly put down the receiver.

Now that they have confirmed that they were not captured by militants as originally expected, and that there is no problem with their safety, they feel more at ease.

Subsequently, the law enforcement police took the phone recording and walked out.

A group of parents watched the law enforcement police come out, and surrounded them one after another, asking about the situation.

The law enforcement police directly released the recording of the phone call just now, and informed these parents that the children's safety is no problem.

Listening to the recording of the phone call, all the parents became emotional.

"Well, you little bastard, you have learned how to be a mercenary now, if you have the guts, don't come back, I'm so mad!"

Jiang Feng's father almost died of anger, and immediately started yelling.

"Shen Wen, I'll pickle an iron rod for you and celebrate your achievements. When I come back, I'll beat your ass to pieces!"

Shen Wen's father spoke the Northeast dialect and cursed violently.

"You really have grown wings, see if I don't kill you bastard when I come back!"

Zhang Hao's father also came up with a violent temper, slapping his thigh and cursing.

"It's really a waste of raising you, why are you a girl joining in the fun, alas!"

Lin Miaoxue's father shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Although the parents scolded angrily, they finally heard their children's voice after a few days, and they felt relieved a lot.

As long as they're all safe, that's a lot better.

................................................... ...................................

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