Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0005 Collectively Disappeared, Panicked School

After packing up all the things, a group of eighteen people, each carrying a suitcase and a backpack, rushed towards the airport.

Jiang Feng also carried a hiking backpack, which contained the things he needed, and was dressed in casual clothes.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Luo Peng, who was chubby like a meatball, arrived at the airport last.

Seeing that everyone was here, someone finally asked his own question first.

"President, what shall we do next? Which country are we going to?"

"Yes, President, where is our destination, have you figured it out?"

All seventeen people around the scene looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng is the senior of the student union and their backbone.

He also brought up the matter this time, and his strength is extraordinary, so it is taken for granted that everyone believes that he is the leader.

At this moment, everyone is waiting for his answer.

Hearing this question, Jiang Feng glanced at the crowd and said, "The goal is very clear, Palan Kingdom!"

"If we want to do something, we must do something big, and give priority to helping us Longguo people."

"Rescue Miss Chen one day earlier, and the risk of her being harmed will be less."

"And Paland is a war-torn country, suitable for our mercenary activities, so our destination is Paland!"

Listening to Jiang Feng's words, everyone present nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, rescuing Miss Chen is the top priority. Those foreigners, I have long wanted to kill them."

"The chairman is right. If we want to do something, we must do something big. One hundred million US dollars is our first pot of gold!"

"Okay, let's buy tickets now!"

With a destination and a goal, everyone has a bottom line in their hearts.

After quickly processing passports and purchasing air tickets, the group boarded an international passenger plane to Paland.

................................................... ...................

On the other hand, the teachers who went to the hospital to visit the former president returned to school.

As usual, they all want to see how the meeting arrangements here are going.

Xu Yunfei, Director of the Youth League Branch, pushed open the door of the meeting room, and his smiling face froze instantly.

"Where are people?"

The entire conference room was empty, and the conference table was smashed into pieces by Jiang Feng on the ground.

The messy scene made Xu Yunfei's face look ugly.

"What kind of tricks are these little bastards doing? They even tore down the conference table. This is lawless!"

The air is shaking and cold.

Xu Yunfei turned on the phone angrily, and clicked into the student union group.

"@Jiang Feng@Jiang Feng@Jiang Feng, where are people? Are you lawless?"

However, no one responded to his message for a long time, which made him even more angry.

"Okay, don't take me seriously now, this Jiang Feng is really audacious."

Xu Yunfei angrily opened the address book and dialed Jiang Feng's number.

beep beep beep~~~

"The user you dialed is currently out of service area, please try again later."

A series of busy sounds made Xu Yunfei calm down slowly.

He was a little puzzled.

As usual, although Jiang Feng may not reply to his messages, it is impossible for him to even hang up the phone.

With a look of doubts on his face, Xu Yunfei quickly called Yang Juanjuan, Jiang Feng's counselor, and asked her to help him find it.

Yang Juanjuan also looked puzzled, but she still asked in the class.

"@allmembers has anyone seen Jiang Feng? Where is he now?"

Liu Xing, dormitory 407: "Didn't Jiang Feng go to the student union meeting? We didn't even know about it during our self-study last night!"

Han Hai in Dormitory 407: "This is just after self-study, just arrived at the dormitory, and I didn't see Jiang Feng, he should still be in a meeting!"

Immediately, Jiang Feng's roommates responded in the group, and they really didn't know why Jiang Feng was there.

This made Yang Juanjuan a little puzzled, so why couldn't the older person be found all of a sudden?

Just as she was thinking, Xu Yunfei called.

After his inquiry, none of the dozen or so people had any news, as if they had suddenly evaporated without a trace.

But they still think these guys are ganging up on a prank.

A group of students, what big tricks can they do.

But now the person is indeed missing, and everyone can't be contacted, and they can't get through on the phone.

They serve as the teachers of the school and the leaders of the students.

Even though they guessed they were playing pranks, they were still worried about their safety.

So I quickly contacted the counselors of each class and asked them to call the parents to inquire and see if they knew something.

But all the answers I got were: "I don't know."

Moreover, their parents sent them messages and called them with no response.

This also made all the parents nervous, why did their children suddenly disappear, and there was no news about them who were doing well in school.

Some parents have already bought tickets overnight and are going to Linhai University to find out.

On the school side, some people speculated that they went to the hospital to see the former president together.

Xu Yunfei also thought it was possible, so he quickly called the hospital.

But according to the news, they still haven't seen this group of people.

After studying for more than an hour, I didn't get a clue, and it's already nine o'clock in the evening.

The teachers became more and more worried, and had no choice but to report it to the leader immediately.

Eighteen students disappeared at once, this matter is too serious.

Even if the students were playing a prank, the headmaster would still be worried if he couldn't contact anyone now.

At nine o'clock in the evening, all the senior officials of Linhai University were alarmed by Xu Yunfei's phone call.

The dean, the principal and others rushed back to school overnight.

At 9:30 in the evening, more than a dozen teachers were sitting in the conference room, having a meeting to discuss this matter.

As time went on and they couldn't contact anyone, their mood gradually began to get heavy.

"Xu Yunfei, this is the student union you lead. You know the situation of these students best, so tell me first."

Principal Mao Taihe looked at Xu Yunfei with a gloomy face and said.

"At first, I felt that they were united to play a prank. These guys have a more jumpy personality, and they might do this kind of thing."

"Our monitoring finally observed that they all left the school, and they didn't know where they went. This is a big doubt."

"But they also know how to measure. Even if they are playing a prank, they will not come back after ten o'clock in the evening. So I feel that they may have encountered something."

Xu Yunfei looked up at the gloomy Mao Taihe, and replied with an ugly expression.

"Yeah, although these students are naughty, they are not so careless. I also think that something may have happened."

Yang Juanjuan added from the side, and several other counselors also echoed.

"Then what do you guys think will happen to these brats? Haven't come back yet?"

Mao Taihe always felt that these students were deliberately teasing them, so he didn't take it too seriously.

Facing this question, Xu Yunfei hesitated for a moment, but still chose to express his thoughts.

"If one or two people are missing, it may be understandable if they can't be contacted, but a total of 18 people disappeared collectively, there must be something tricky in it. Lin Miaoxue is a very good girl. She is gone, and it is impossible to come to this If it’s too late, there’s no information at all.”

"So I suspect that they probably met some bad guys outside and were kidnapped by those people, or they were fooled into the pyramid scheme as a group, otherwise they wouldn't have come back now!"

"But they are all smart kids. I have taken anti-fraud classes a lot. I can't be fooled by pyramid schemes! Then this is probably because I met a bad guy!"

"Principal, I'm just guessing. As for whether it's true, I don't know!"

Xu Yunfei trembled and said his thoughts, which were his reasonable speculation.

These words made everyone present feel as if they had been scolded, and they suddenly came to their senses.

They didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at first, thinking it was the students playing a prank.

But now it seems that such a possibility is very high!

The headmaster Mao Taihe's bald head was covered with cold sweat. When Xu Yunfei said this, his heart suddenly became heavy.

After calming down for a while, Mao Taihe quickly directed the teachers to start the investigation.

................................................... ...................

Black State, Paran State.

After a night's flight, Jiang Feng and others finally successfully landed in Paland.

Feeling the scorching breath here, everyone's hearts are full of curiosity and excitement.

At this time, the voice of the system came again from the mind of Jiang Feng who took the lead...

................................................... ................................................

Ask for flowers, ask for collection

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