All the blacks were furious, and rushed towards the courtyard of the medical room like crazy.

"Come on, grab that fat man for me, I'm going to tear his mouth off myself!!!"

The black leader in the red hat roared loudly from behind.

In his eyes, there are only six people, no matter how fierce they are, how can they beat these dozens of guns.

At this moment, all the gangsters rushed over from the aisle of the medical room with anger.

They were simple-minded and well-developed limbs, and they never expected an ambush at all. They only wanted to kill Jiang Feng and the others in their minds.

"I'm coming!"

Lying on the roof, Shen Wen whispered excitedly.

"Get ready, throw them when they all come in!"

Jiang Feng gestured to the crowd behind him, telling them to get ready.

Everyone took out the soil explosives they had prepared in advance from their pockets, each of which was the size of a fist and as big as a grenade.

They hold the lead with one hand and are ready to throw with the other.

Just when everyone was getting ready, the first black man rushed into the yard first.

He glanced at the absence of anyone in the yard, and immediately raised his feet and ran towards the medical room.

Behind him came more black gangsters, their purpose was very clear, some of them were medical rooms, some were warehouses.

Because there are only two places where people can hide.

Their purpose is very clear, that is to rush in and kill Jiang Feng and the others.

They have dozens of guns, and they can kill these people with a casual sweep.

And Jiang Feng, who was lying on the roof, closely watched the situation on both sides.

Except for a black man with a red hat who didn't go in at the end, all the other black bandits rushed into the yard.

Seeing them all rushing inside, Jiang was shocked.


With a roar, Jiang Feng gave the final order.

His voice instantly carried through the entire battlefield, and everyone present heard it.

The next moment, Han Xiaoheng, who was standing next to Curry, yanked the lead wire in his hand violently.

All the land mines buried in the yard were sounded and exploded!




A series of mine explosions sounded, and the entire yard was instantly blown away.

The impact and debris from the mine explosion directly blew up all the black gangsters in the yard.

The legs that were the first to come into contact with the landmine were blown apart, blood and flesh were flying everywhere, and there were broken limbs everywhere.


"Ah, there is an ambush!!!"

There was a lot of screams at the scene, one after another, like a scene where dozens of pigs were slaughtered at the same time in a slaughterhouse.

As for the people on the roof, at the moment Jiang Feng gave the order, they threw down the explosives in their hands.

These high explosives exploded within a second or two after they hit the ground.

Do a second damage to these black gangsters in the yard.

Many black ghosts who had their legs broken and screamed were completely killed on the spot under the bombardment of soil explosives.




Dozens of soil explosives exploded in the yard, and the sound became louder and louder, earth-shattering.

The huge fire made everyone on the roof fall to the ground, unable to look up.

Three of the black gangsters who rushed in at the beginning rushed into the medical room to escape the fatal explosion.

The other three were pushed directly to the curry of the warehouse by the huge shock wave, and fell down at the gate of the warehouse like toads.

Zhang Hao and others who had been waiting inside for a long time immediately pulled the trigger on them without mercy.

"Da da da da da da!"

With a series of gunshots, these people were immediately beaten into sieves, and they couldn't die any more.

And the three black gangsters who rushed into the medical room ran out like crazy within a few seconds.

But before he ran a few steps, he choked his neck, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the ground with a black face.

Because the room in the medical room has long been filled with the smoke of the "Mandosa" poison.

Just one breath can knock them out of their wits.

The few people who rushed in had already sucked in the poisonous gas before they could react.

When they rushed out again, it was time for them to die.

................................................... .........

At this moment, the yard was in a mess, with limbs and arms everywhere, and not even a completed corpse could be found at the site that had been bombed by landmines and explosives.

The smell of gunpowder is mixed with a strong smell of blood and internal organs, like falling into purgatory.

And standing at the aisle, the black leader who saw the moment the mine exploded turned his head and ran away.

In his heart, he was crazily glad that he didn't go in just now, otherwise he must be one of the people who were blown to pieces.

Dozens of people died instantly, and this scene scared his soul out.

Now there is only one thing in his head, and that is to escape!

While running desperately towards the outside of the aisle, he also looked back at the roof of the warehouse.

Just now he heard clearly that the order was issued from there, that is to say, countless grenades were dropped there to wipe out all his subordinates.

at the same time.

Jiang Feng, who had killed all the niggers in the yard, also set his sights on the only remaining gangster in the passage below.

The black leader turned his head and looked up, Jiang Feng looked down and looked at each other!


The moment their eyes made contact, the expressions of the two were different.

One fear, one surprise!

The black leader was terrified because Jiang Feng was holding an AK with the muzzle pointed at his head.

Jiang Feng was surprised because he found out that this black man was an important person he had seen before!

................................................... ...................................

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