Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0068 Live And Die Together, Share Honor And Disgrace

Jiang Feng watched from the bottom as they climbed up to the top of the tree one by one, and climbed up together.

We sat on different tree branches, together in this forest, overlooking everything around us.

Everyone had smiles on their faces and their heads were sweating with joy!

After so many days and having experienced so many things, everyone's hearts are tightly connected together.

But everyone didn't sit on the top of the tree all the time - coveting the scenery.

Instead, after browsing the surrounding terrain for a few minutes and recovering their strength, they all looked at Jiang Feng.

"President, what project shall we study next!"

Tired and dripping with sweat, Lin Miaoxue brushed her hair on her forehead and asked Jiang Feng.

Seeing the same curious people, Jiang Feng took the bow and arrow from Han Xiaoheng's hand and said:

"Next we train how to attack the enemy on the tree!"

As Jiang Feng said, he picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and shot at a palm tree below.

The sharp arrow pierced into the trunk of the palm tree with a swipe.

"emmm, why do I feel like eating a chicken and holding a crossbow to block a bridge.

Luo Peng's sudden words made everyone laugh.

"Hahaha, it's really you. Now that you say it like this, I feel like I'm playing a real person eating chicken!"

Zhang Hao patted Luo Peng and laughed.

"That's right, it's blocking the bridge! But we are more concealed, so it's hard for the enemy to find out!"

Jiang Feng raised the bow and arrow in his hand, nodded and said.

"Here we can see the whole environment of the place below through the gaps between the leaves, and we can immediately find the enemy passing by."

"With this God's perspective, our sneak attack on the enemy will naturally be more accurate!"

"Of course, if you shoot, you will be discovered by the opponent, so bows and crossbows are the best weapons!"

"Even in the absence of wind, the sound it makes is so small that it is almost undetectable. It will be more useful if there is wind."

As Jiang Feng spoke, he drew another arrow and shot it at the palm tree, and the arrow stabbed firmly into the tree trunk.

"If it was the head of the enemy, then he would have died instantly.

And when other enemies find out, they will be very at a loss.

With so many trees and plants around, they have no idea where you are!"

Jiang Feng explained to everyone in detail.

Those who have played the game naturally understood it, and nodded in agreement.

"Come on, let's have a try with one arrow!"

Jiang Feng called the bow and arrow in Han Xiaoheng's hand and said.

"Look at me piercing Yang with a hundred steps!" Han Xiaoheng said confidently after taking the bow and arrow.

He stood on the tree trunk, drew his bow fully, aimed carefully, and shot an arrow next to Jiang Feng's arrow, and also stuck into the palm tree trunk.

Before he had time to be happy, his body immediately lost its center of gravity after the arrow was shot, and he fell backward involuntarily.


Han Xiaoheng screamed out in fright, but Jiang Feng, who had been prepared for a second, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

"The second point of ambush on the tree, you must pay attention to your body's center of gravity, and your feet must be steady, otherwise this will be the result.

Jiang Feng's expression was very calm, and he continued to speak.

Everyone also nodded solemnly, having learned the lesson from Han Xiaoheng just now.

"Come on, next!"

Han Xiaoheng handed the bow and arrow to Li Zhengwen next to him.

Li Zhengwen also learned to stand up, leaning tightly against the tree trunk, and also drew his bow to shoot.

However, the arrow shot off the wrong side and missed the target.

Li Zhengwen shook his head, and handed the bow and arrow to the next person.

In this way, in the remaining two hours of the afternoon, everyone practiced shooting on the tree.

The arrows were almost empty, so Jiang Feng went down and went back and forth to help them pick up all the arrows.

Everyone's archery skills are becoming more and more accurate under Jiang Feng's step-by-step guidance.

However, they were not surprised by their improved archery ability, but by Jiang Feng's physical strength.

He was like a perpetual motion machine, he didn't know how to get tired, he climbed up and down the tree five or six times.

The look of not being flushed or panting made everyone almost doubt life.

"President, I doubt that you are a professional mercenary, you know everything, and your physical fitness is so good, this is too outrageous!"

Luo Peng was so hungry that he chewed a mouthful of the fruit in his backpack and said in shock.

"That's right, we're exhausted from climbing all the way, why do you seem so relaxed!"

Zhang Hao next to him also said, with a look of disbelief.

"Haha, it's a matter of skill. Physical strength is important, but skill when climbing trees is also very important. Practice makes perfect. You need to practice more!"

Jiang Feng listened to their words and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go down and find something to eat, and get to the camp before dark!"

Then Jiang Feng was the first to climb down the trunk, glanced at his watch, and said to the crowd.

The people who had been hungry for a long time climbed down from the tree immediately, and one by one got into the jungle to fill their stomachs.

Taking food and nutrition in the jungle every day, everyone has basically mastered most of the things that can be eaten in the jungle.

Jiang Feng went back to the camp first, lit a fire, and then went out to check the surroundings of the camp.

It was already late when we came back, and everyone returned to the camp with food.

Everyone searched for different things, such as fruits, plant roots, and small bugs. Everyone sat around and shared with each other and ate happily.

Only Luo Peng disappeared for a long time, just when everyone was a little worried and wanted to go out to find him.

He finally came back, just like the last time he fought wild boars, this time Luo Peng walked out with a face of difficulty, and shouted desperately at everyone:

"Help me quickly, this rambunctious snake almost strangled my legs!"

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes moved to his lower body.

He saw a three-meter-long boa constrictor wrapped around his leg, pulling him tightly.

Seeing this scene, everyone rushed forward immediately, trying to tear it apart.

But no matter how hard he tried, Jiang Feng took an ax and split the snake into two pieces, and then he let go.

"Master Tiger hurts me to death, grandma, you're the one with a leg, tonight's dinner is you, watch me roast you!"

Luo Peng touched his calf in pain [He picked up an ax and chopped off the snake's head.

Then peel off the skin and remove the internal organs. After cleaning, they are skewered on sticks and roasted.

Everyone gathered around the fire, smelling the smell of snake meat, all of them drooled three feet long.

I haven't eaten a good meal in the past few days. Facing the delicious snake meat, I am not afraid to pick it up and put it in my mouth without being afraid of being hot.

"Huchihuchi~, it's still Brother Hu Niubi, last time he beat a wild boar, this time he killed a boa constrictor.

"Haha, this taste is simply delicious, delicious in the world!"

“This was probably the best meal I've ever had!”

Everyone gnawed on the snake meat, and all of them gave their thumbs up and praised again and again.

Luo Peng, who was praised by them, also forgot the pain just now, and the look on his face began to look smug.

After a full meal, everyone climbed into the wooden house early and fell asleep.

On the third day, six o'clock in the morning.

Everyone opened their eyes as usual and got up.

But this time, what greeted them was not a delicious breakfast, but the bucket in front of Jiang Feng's eyes.

"Today's training is jungle trekking and off-roading. This is a crucial lesson. It is related to your life and death in the next battle, so take it seriously!"

"We just ran out of water, so everyone took their buckets, went to the original stream to fetch water, and then returned to the camp.

"The faster the better, but let me remind you again, pay attention to the crisis under your feet! This time I won't open the way for you, so be careful yourself!"

Standing in the middle of the camp, Jiang Feng said to everyone word by word with a serious face.


Without any hesitation, everyone immediately put on their backpacks, picked up the buckets and ran towards the original place.

They didn't even ask why or complain.

Just after hearing Jiang Feng's order, he immediately went to execute it and started training.

At this moment, Jiang Feng understood that his authority and power had been completely established in their hearts!

Everyone knows that as long as you do what you say, there will be nothing wrong!

But what is more important is the belief in their hearts that makes them all want to become stronger.

They don't want to be choked by others to dominate life and death anymore, they want to become stronger, stronger enough to take revenge, to be invincible!

It is this belief that makes them work so hard, so desperately.

You know, the creek is at least 150 miles away from the camp, according to Jiang Feng's estimate.

Even if you march lightly and quickly, it takes 8 hours to run back and forth.

This time they also need to bring a bucket of ten liters of water and a military backpack, and at the same time they have to solve their own food and convenience issues on the road.

More importantly, this is a jungle, and they need to keep an eye out for all kinds of natural traps under their feet.

So the speed will definitely be very slow, and it must be more than twice as long as 8 hours.

According to Jiang Feng's estimate, even at Shen Wen's speed, it would take 12 hours, and it should arrive at eight o'clock in the evening.

But he is not in a hurry, this is their training, a challenge to their physical limits!

At this moment, Jiang Feng has become a person and has a whole day free.

However, he was not idle, but with tools, he began to set up some traps in the jungle on the other side for them to use in the final training exercises.

At the same time, he also needs to make a batch of powerful bows and arrows, as well as poisons and hidden weapons that can be carried with him.

These are to be used in the next training and battle.

The whole day flies by in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Feng set up many traps in the jungle behind, and at the same time only prepared a lot of equipment.

The sky finally got dark, and soon it became pitch black.

Jiang Feng built a fire as usual, sat on the ground and waited for everyone to arrive.

He pinched his watch and counted the time.

At 7:30, according to the situation, there should be less than an hour, and Shen Wen should be the first to arrive.

For him, a track and field champion, his speed must be much faster than others.

Jiang Feng waited for them while polishing the arrow head.

0...seeking flowers

An hour is fleeting.

Looking at the watch, it's half past eight.

It stands to reason that Shen Wen should be worse

It's not much to come, but why hasn't it appeared yet.

Jiang Feng felt a little puzzled, did he make a wrong estimate?

Pressing the doubt in his heart, Jiang Feng continued to wait, and another hour passed.

But still no one appeared.

"It shouldn't be. Could it be that Shen Wen encountered difficulties on the road?"

Jiang Feng murmured to himself with some doubts.

Now that he decided to let them challenge his limits, Jiang Feng gave up the idea of ​​meeting them and continued to wait calmly.

ten o'clock!

eleven o'clock!!

twelve o'clock!!!

Hour after hour passed.

Jiang Feng also became more and more puzzled, and at the same time became a little uneasy.

A full 16 hours have passed.

It's understandable that other people can't come back at this time, Jiang Feng, but Shen Wen definitely shouldn't still show up!

Jiang Feng's heart became more and more uneasy, gradually becoming anxious like losing his own child.

"Forget it, let's go out and have a look!"

The more Jiang Feng thought about it, the more anxious he became. He turned around, picked up a bow and arrow, carried a quiver on his back, and immediately prepared to set off in the direction of the creek.

But at this moment, a sudden rustling sound came.

That's the sound the creature makes when it walks and rubs against the grass.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Feng was overjoyed, it seemed that someone had come.

Just about to go forward to greet him, but in the next second, the porcupine who noticed Jiang Feng's figure in the sun slid past him.

"Depend on!"

Seeing this situation, Jiang Feng cursed angrily, and became even more disturbed in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Feng immediately stood up and prepared to walk in the direction they left.

But at this time, there was another rustling sound.

And it sounded like they were in groups.

Jiang Feng took a burning stick and pointed it forward.

In the next second, several figures emerged from the bushes in the distance.

Jiang Feng took a closer look and saw that it was Zhang Hao and Luo Peng.

This made him feel at ease.

Immediately afterwards, more people emerged from behind, all cross-country players who went out to fetch water in the morning.

They were carrying a bucket full of water in their hands, each of them looked tired, and their faces and bodies were covered with mud!

"President, we are back!"

Seventeen people walked into the camp neatly, put down the water in their hands, and said happily, showing two rows of big white teeth.

Looking at their appearance, Jiang Feng unconsciously felt a little moisture in his eye sockets.

He had thought that everyone would be in a race to get to the camp first.

But what he didn't expect was that they didn't choose to disperse and order, but decided to come in groups.

This kind of unity allows them to face together even when they encounter danger, and will not fall into a state of isolation and helplessness.

Compared with the brightness of seventeen flashlights, the brightness of one flashlight is really far behind.

Don't give up on any teammate, live and die together, share weal and woe!

No one has taught them, but they have learned it themselves.

How could Jiang Feng not be moved by this kind of spirit?!

"Sixteen hours, not bad!"

Jiang Feng turned his back, quietly wiped away a trace of tears from his eyes, and said calmly.

"Come on, add some biscuits!"

Jiang Feng took out a box of biscuits from the military vehicle, his expression returned to normal, and he walked to the side of the fire and said to the tired people sitting on the ground.

"Haha, there are biscuits, but I'm so hungry, they drag me away before I'm full!"

When Luo Peng saw the biscuit in Jiang Feng's hand, his eyes lit up immediately, and he exclaimed excitedly.

"It's all your fault that you are so fucking edible. If it weren't for you picking that fruit, everyone would fall into the pit and waste so much time!"

Hearing Luo Peng's complaints, Shen Wen who was at the side cursed directly.

"Haha, what's going on? Tell me about your off-road trip!"

Jiang Feng took off his bow and arrows, sat cross-legged in front of the fire as well, looked at the panic-stricken people, and asked with a smile.

"Actually, it's okay during the day. Everyone is walking normally. We all remember what you taught us and avoided it very well."

"But at night, the field of vision is limited, and everyone's speed naturally slows down!"

"This Luo Peng, it was so dark that he could still see a fruit tree with sharp eyes. He stepped forward to pick it up, and directly took six or seven of us down [it took a long time to come out]


"Others are fine, but I encountered some snakes, spiders and other animals, but it was not a big impact, and I walked back smoothly."

Liu Zhanpeng briefly told Jiang Feng about the off-road process.

Seeing that they didn't look abnormal except tired, Jiang Feng recognized it very much in his heart.

Although it is simple to say, the various situations encountered on the road are definitely not simple.

Shen Wen and the others can sacrifice their speed and solve difficulties with everyone along the way. This is the best exercise!

"Very good, eat something if you are not full, wash your face, and get ready for bed! There are more serious challenges tomorrow!"

Jiang Feng didn't ask any more questions, it was already very late, and they had to rest quickly.

Afterwards, everyone went to wash up separately, and after a while, they all got into the wooden house.

Everyone was exhausted and fell asleep heavily. .

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